




積分: 6817

發表於 06-4-27 23:54 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

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積分: 1394

發表於 06-4-28 10:13 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hello che, not air con, 係護髮素.

Hello Michelle326, I went Outlet by taxi, there is no shuttle bus in Disneyland World, it will takes about 15-20 minutes, about US$22, it named Orlando Premium Outlet, which is the one nearby Disney World, of sure there are many outlets nearby International Drive, but I think is a bit far away from Disney World.

My flight from Orlando to New York was delayed, so I cannot catched my original flgiht to HK, have to change the routing from New York to L.A., than L.A. to HK, and no extra charge needs to pay.


積分: 1394

發表於 06-4-28 13:32 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hello Rachethew

<<I just want to ask you about the weather especially the temperature>>It was hot in April, so I believe it will be very hot in summer holiday, when I was there last week,7點太陽都未落山,仲晒到成各個黑炭咁,早知就搽定太陽油.

<<Also the hotel you felt disappointed was the one in Disney or in Universal Studio?>>I felt disappointed was the one in Disney Resort, but I learned from my friend that hotel in American are not provide slipper, this is their usual practice, but I also felt disappointed with their management, for example, no indication in the pier, no time table, you don’t know the time to take the boat to the theme park, to which theme park, you also don’t know the last boat to the theme park, also no shuttle bus schedule, the hotel staff inform us that the bus will come to the bus stop every 15 minutes, but we don’t know the time of the first and the last bus, but most of the time I have to wait about 15 to 20 minutes, how come I am so bad luck, just missed the bus upon arrival the bus stop?

<<we are very concern about the temperature and the waiting time at that period!>>if you target to go to Magic Kingdom, it would be a lot of people, because this park suit the kid more. As I mentioned before, I would suggested you go to the park in the early morning, during the morning “magic hour”, there is not much people, I also recommend you to hire the baby trolley, US$10 for one kid and US$16 for two kids, if you are late to the park, you will not able to hire the baby trolley caused it is 先到先得.

<< Sorry for so many questions. I'm planning to go there during summer holidays with my 2 kids>>that is fine, feel free to let me know if you would like to ask anything. I found the peak season charges in Disney Resort’s hotel are x’mas, New Year and Easter Holiday only.


積分: 1394

發表於 06-4-28 16:05 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Just for sharing my experience in Disney World:

Photopass – 當你進入Disney World之後,會發現有d著住製服的工作人員幫遊客同d卡通人物影相,影完之後會比返張“photo pass” 你,以後都可以用e張咭同d卡通人物影相後,save落張咭,你可以係Disney World 睇返d相,即刻買或者返香港上網睇,再on-line買亦得,亦可以send 個link share 俾d朋友睇.(30日內)

睇巡遊 -唔知點解,美國DisneyWorld唔會叫第一行或前排d人坐低,企後排的觀眾, wish you good luck.

Shopping – 記得保留收據,如果買o左5合心水,可以係Disney World換返任何o野.

MGM Studio
- Journey Into Narnia: Creating The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, 不看也罷, 係場景入面睇影片預告

-"Honey, I Shrunk The Audience" 同日本Disneyland 的一樣(except 係英語對白)

- Soarin'™ , 入場後即刻去取 fast pass, 因為好多人玩,同埋好好玩,Height Requirement: 40" (102 cm) or taller.

- Test Track,都值得一玩,要取 fast pass, 因為都好多人玩,Requirement:40" (102 cm) or taller

Animal Kingdom

- Expedition Everest - Legend of the Forbidden Mountain,最新的ride, “arm”哂喜歡刺激的人,入場後即刻去取 fast pass, 因為好多人玩,magic hour 我都要等40分鐘,Height Requirement:44" (113 cm) or taller.

- It's Tough to be a Bug!&reg;,“arm”哂小朋友.

Magic Kingdom

- Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, 跟香港和日本的不一樣,記得去玩.

- The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,比起日本,會有d失望.



積分: 2521

發表於 06-4-29 00:10 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi, evelyn317,

Thanks you very much for your information! d 資料對我非常有用!我相信你住嘅 Disney resort 正是我今次考慮嘅 resort 之一,如果情況係咁,我可能改住一 d 平d 嘅 resort ,因好似唔多值喎!
請問 Disney World 嘅冷氣足夠嗎?如果係正午時須要排隊,會唔會太辛苦呢?因為怕小朋友捱唔住呀!有無室內嘅遊戲呀?
你推介Epcot 嘅 Soarin 係咪就係模擬穿梭機起飛個 game 呀?聽講十個人玩完,十個都嘔住落黎,而每個位隔離都有個嘔吐袋 provided,係咪真


積分: 2606

發表於 06-5-2 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi, Evelyn, 我想問吓:
1)Magic your way with dining 係唔係包晒早,午,晚三餐,仲使唔使俾其他費用呀?
2)Shuttle bus 係唔係經晒所有resort 才去park?
3)你個package係唔係上網訂架?(我試咗2日都話error 6159,都唔知咩事)
4)如果打電話去訂,佢哋會唔會charge 我idd費架?
6)最後,如果訂5day package 係唔係可以去晒4 theme park+1 water park?

唔好意思咁多question, 因第一次去想問清楚啲。Tks



積分: 1394

發表於 06-5-2 14:22 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hello Rachethew and zita不用客氣,當日我都有同樣的問題,I am glad to share:


<<Magic your way with dining 係唔係包晒早,午,晚三餐,仲使唔使俾其他費用呀?>>

“dining package”係每人每日(以住房的日數為準)一張snack, quick meal and table dinner 的 coupon, snack可以選擇bottle drink(non-alcohol), pop corn, ice cream等,quick meal 即係快餐 + drink + desert, table dinner即係頭盤+主菜+甜品+drink(non-alcohol,可以refill)

以我一家三口為例,通常quick meal 一人一份,但table dinner 只order 兩份大人餐便足夠(小朋友只可以order child meal, 分量同大人相差很多,不化算).我在Disney Resort 住六晚,但第一日去到已經係夜晚,故在Disney Resort都不用再自費食o野.

<<Shuttle bus 係唔係經晒所有resort 才去park?>>我住個間hotel就唔係,第二間酒店我唔知,不過由酒店出發到到達目的地都要30-45分鐘,況且入得去住除非自己開車或搭的士,否則都無得揀.

<<你個package係唔係上網訂架?(我試咗2日都話error 6159,都唔知咩事)
如果打電話去訂,佢哋會唔會charge 我idd費架?>>兩個月前我都試過on-line訂唔到房,結果要本夜碌起身打電話,對方個電腦又話有固障,結果講o左成半個鐘,係要自費,不過你可以send email去,通常兩至三日後回答覆你.

<<Hopper有冇用,係唔係有時間一日玩到幾個park?>>我覺得有用, it depends on your schedule how to visit different parks.

<<最後,如果訂5day package 係唔係可以去晒4 theme park+1 water park?>>5 days package, 計唔計第一日到達, 你係乜o野時間入到Disney Resort? 如果係afternoon 或之後, 我覺得5 days package比較tight.


<<請問 Disney World 嘅冷氣足夠嗎?>>足夠,我覺得有d凍tim

<<如果係正午時須要排隊,會唔會太辛苦呢?>>我四月去都已經覺得好熱,我如果summer holiday 我估都幾辛苦.


<<你推介Epcot 嘅 Soarin 係咪就係模擬穿梭機起飛個 game 呀?聽講十個人玩完,十個都嘔住落黎,而每個位隔離都有個嘔吐袋 provided,係咪真


積分: 2606

發表於 06-5-2 15:25 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Evelyn, Thank you.

1)dining package”係每人每日(以住房的日數為準)一張snack, quick meal and table dinner 的 coupon,咁我哋2大1小(9歲)住6晚,咁係唔係每日有3套coupon,6晚即18套呢?
2)通常早餐有乜嘢食?(bread, milk, donunt等)有冇得買?係唔係入咗park先有?
3)table dinner係唔係一定要食西餐?我見有日本sushi,鐵板燒嗰啲得唔得?你有冇邊啲restaraunt介紹呀?



積分: 34

發表於 06-5-2 22:17 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi Evelyn,

Sorry I have questions too as I want to go to disney world & unverial studio this summer.
1) did you stay in all star .. hotel??
2) how you go to airport from uinversal studio
3) is hard rock hotel ok
4) do you mind telling me how much the whole
trip cost
5) did you book the universal studio package from
6) I plan to stay in disney world for 10 days - for
4 theme parks & 1 water park & 1 days for
outlet shopping, 3 days in universal studio, is it

Thank you


積分: 2521

發表於 06-5-2 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi. Evelyn317,

真係衷心多謝你嘅 reply,俾到好多有用資料我!
Waiting for your further information :wink:


積分: 12662

發表於 06-5-4 11:34 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

請問小朋友咩年紀去會比較好會開心d同玩得多d野?因為universal 好多game好似有高度限制。


積分: 1394

發表於 06-5-4 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hello Zita
<<dining package”係每人每日(以住房的日數為準)一張snack, quick meal and table dinner 的 oupon,咁我哋2大1小(9歲)住6晚,咁係唔係每日有3套coupon,6晚即18套呢?>>
yes, you are right.

<<通常早餐有乜嘢食?(bread, milk, donunt等)有冇得買?係唔係入咗park先有?>>我住個間酒店有fast food shop,早餐有bacon and egg, muffin, pan cake, milk, 小朋友唔鐘意食以上的食物,可以揀corn flake, cookie, 令外souvenir shop 有bread, 罐頭 及小食買.

係 Magic Kingdom 入面有間叫 “Main Street Bakery”有早餐食,都幾好味同新鮮,不過好多人,因為得一間.

<<Table dinner 係唔係一定要食西餐?我見有日本sushi,鐵板燒嗰啲得唔得?你有冇邊啲restaraunt介紹呀?>>

請click 以下網址,
MAGIC YOUR WAY Package Plus Dining

再係paragraph one click “selected restaurants”,就搵到 “dining plan”包括d乜restaurant, 你講個間叫 “Mitsukoshi Teppanyaki”, dining plan 有包括在內,but你要早d訂 table, otherwise,到時先至book可能會等好耐.

我試過Epcot’s “Nine Dragon Rest” (fast food and table dinner)因好想食中餐,味道都OK, 另外 MGM’s Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater Rest, 係模擬汽車電院,一面食一面睇卡通影片,幾得意ka.

Hello 110
<<1) did you stay in all star .. hotel?? >>no, I stayed at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
小Bmun, 可唔可以分享一下你d 經驗?

<<2) how you go to airport from uinversal studio >>you can take taxi only, around US$35, no other choice.

<<3) is hard rock hotel ok>>I was stayed in this hotel as well, I think this hotel is fine.

<<4) do you mind telling me how much the whole trip cost>>actually, my trip was fall in peak season, it is easy to calculate how much you need to spend, caused you have to pay hotel and park ticket before you departure (caused you need to settle the hotel accommodation and park ticket in Disney World and Universal Studio 45 days in advance) for my trip, not inclusive of other expensive, hotel + air ticket + Park ticket + dining package in Disney World is around HK$60,000.00

<<5) did you book the universal studio package from internet>>yes, I booked via internet,

<<6) I plan to stay in disney world for 10 days - for 4 theme parks & 1 water park & 1 days for outlet shopping, 3 days in universal studio, is it enough>>
4 theme parks = 4 days
1 water park = 1 day
Universal studio = 3 days
Outlet = 1 day
Total is 9 days only, did you calculate the travel time, it needs to take 2 days.

Hello Rachethew
<<Waiting for your further information >>forgot to ask did you go to Universal Studio in Japan before, if yes, I can omit some of my experience.

Hello jenniferkwok
<<請問小朋友咩年紀去會比較好會開心d同玩得多d野?因為universal 好多game好似有高度限制。>>I think at least 6 years old, the kid can enjoy most of the ride.


積分: 16977

發表於 06-5-4 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

evelyn317 寫道:
Hello 110
<<1) did you stay in all star .. hotel?? >>no, I stayed at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
小Bmun, 可唔可以分享一下你d 經驗?


我上次住all star music(當時我1st choice is movie, then music, then sport),環境當然5可以同貴價果d比較,不過都ok架,又有另一種feelings,好熱鬧好開心果隻,因為好多family同school band住,比較dixie landings(我住


積分: 2606

發表於 06-5-4 16:00 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi, Evelyn,

Thank you very much for your useful information.



積分: 2521

發表於 06-5-4 17:20 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hi, evelyn 317,

如果universal studio 係同日本果個差不多,咁看大概都知道有 d 乜嘢 games,but how about Island of Adventure? 呢個 theme park 好似淨係 Orlando 先有喎!好玩嗎?


積分: 1394

發表於 06-5-4 17:22 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World


of sure I remember you, not much BK member share their experience in Orlando Disney Resort, 妳都share咗好多宝貴嘅经驗俾我,至於我住個間酒店,不提乜罷! :evil: 下次再去的話都5會再揀.


積分: 1394

發表於 06-5-4 17:33 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

Hello Rachethew

Acutually, 日本嘅Universial Studio 的 rides 有d係 Universial Studio, 有d係Island of Adventure, but Island of Adventure 就有蘇絲博士,年纪比較细d嘅小朋友(I mean below 5 years old)都適合,而Universial整體上適合大d的小朋友。But佢哋有Barney show同有兩個公園又幾適合小朋友(一個會濕身的,所以最好帶定泳衣), 真係好难取捨,一場去到,我会建議妳兩個park都去。


積分: 6817

發表於 06-5-4 22:46 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

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積分: 1394

發表於 06-5-8 09:30 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

do you mean Disney's Wilderness Lodge?

Hello che, yes, personally, I think it is not worth to spend US$400 to stay at this hotel, compare with the hotel in HK and Tokyo Disneyland, the similar $ I spent, but the services and amentities were much better.

In terms the outlook of the hotel, that hotel is not bad, qutie big in the hotel lobby, the swimming pool is nice, and the restaurants are good, however, for myself, the hotel room is more important than that.


積分: 16977

發表於 06-5-8 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 自由行--美國東岸Florida Walt Disney World

if you talk about the room inside, i think both dixie landings and all star are also so so 我都同意,酒店外圍&設施都好好,不過酒店房其實都係一般ja,我覺得仲冇香港gold coast hotel咁靚tim,真係5好咁大期望,不過我就5係咁care呢方面,所以當時又5會好失望law~我諗可能要最貴果3-4間酒店先會正d呱~


