



積分: 278

發表於 05-2-20 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

My daughter is 5 yr. & 2 mos old and my bb son is 11 1/2 mos. old. They are 4 yr & 3 mos. apart. Hope you feel better SOON!


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-20 11:16 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Dear Everyone in Califonia,
are all of you ok? Just saw from the news from CNN... it shows that Califonia .. becomes another Venice... water every where...
Now.. I understand.. why house here, they don't have basement...
because it rains crazy...
take care, everyone!...
new york.. a bit cold this 2 days..


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-20 11:25 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

wish that you will get rib of morning sickness sooner..
no more sick day and be a beautiful mom!
My friends and I do believe that pregnant ladies are the most beautiful..
Get some cutie dress.. and go to have some facial done.. make yourself happy!!!..
All moms to be.. hiphip hooray hiphip hooray hiphip hooray!

hee hee.. nurses.. mostly know how to knit.. as when we were in nursing school..(they don't have nursing school in public hospital anymore since 2000).. we have to on night for 7 nights in a roll.. I had 13 times night shift.. so what to do to spend the time.. ask the (ah-ma)--> the health care assistants to teach us how to knit at night.. after long period of learning.. so most of us learnt how to knit lor.. all my nurse friends in hk, they knew how to knit.. and one of my nurse friend will come over end of this year.. she got married with my husby's friend.. she will quit job middle of the year. she is good at knitting as well.


積分: 951

發表於 05-2-20 11:48 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III


Thank you for having this forum number III, it's faster to load!


You think having a girl is so much better? I don't think so. I am having battle with her every meal too. She ate dirt, I told you that before, luckily she didn't continue to do that. She played with my plants, she touched my fire place and made herself all dirty. She opened my bathroom cabinet, she picked up trash from the floor, she also liked to stick her tongue on the storm door! She tried to keep my storm door that way! haahaa!


有老公陪就好, 唔好咁操勞呀, 多D休息, 咁先會青春常駐丫!


積分: 709

發表於 05-2-20 15:48 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III


My ob/gyn was in pasadena so that's why I always went shopping before my doctor's visit. I live in Walnut, about 30 mins. from pasadena. Hope you feel better soon. :lol: :lol:


My daughter loves to put everything in her mouth too. I think she is very very "wai sak" How is your new job at home? It must be nice to make extra $$$ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Just did our taxes...almost no refund

Dear Moms,

I tried moving my bb back to her own room tonite but not successful. She woke up after 20 mins. and started crying. She wouldn't fall back asleep until I brought her back to my room. I think becuz the temperature is cooler in that room and the smell is different. My husband and I have decided to keep her in our room until she is a little older. I think both of us miss her too Can anyone share their experience in this Thanks :exclaim: :exclaim:


If it's raining on Tuesday, do you just want to go to Applebees. I can pick you up from home


積分: 709

發表於 05-2-20 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III


The storm was pretty bad last night in Southern California. I'm not sure how bad it was up North. I just heard couple loud thunder noises in the middle of the night. For some reason, it didn't bother Natalie at all and she slept for an extra hour until 8:30am...maybe becuz it was still dark outside I live on a hill so we don't have flooding problems...but I think the people in Malibu (by the beach) might have problems with mudd slides/flooding


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-20 22:35 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

it was pretty scary when I saw it from TV last night, so before bed time, I came in here and left the message.. I saw the mudd sliding.. very scary.. like the disaster in hk... every time, that reminds me.. when I saw from TV.
Same as ClaraB, and you,
Amanda loves to put things into her month.. ha ha
she is really "wai sac" too.. She chew papers, cards, credit cards, pen, marker, crayon, shoes, slippers,also she loves to wear our clothes, underwear from laundry baskets, slippers..
climb on chair and press keyboard in computer room, play with remote control and broken 3 of them.. open all waldrobe and take all clothes, socks, underwears from it.. put all her favourite toys into the toilet trash ... throw all her training mud into the kitchen rubbish bin (before she can walk in, now she is forbidden)... finally, she throw 7 cups away, as most cups disappeared.. and one day.. I saw her, she brought her training cup to toilet, and search around.. make sure no one sees her.. then she push the trash cover, and throw the mud in... then she walked out... GOD.... she saw us put rubbish in the trash and she put things in.... she thinks that it is the treasury place... now, we need to make sure.. no toys and cups there before we throw away the trash into the black rubbish big bag. :evil: :evil:
Amanda is so so so.........*sigh* anyway, she is my baby...


積分: 1760

發表於 05-2-21 07:47 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Nillie mami,

thanks for the potty-training tips. very detailed! i'm too lazy to start it now as he's so rebellient (I think I’m not ready yet. He … he . maybe i'll wait until he's 2 and will ask u if i hv any questions.
u're really nice ... u made u think of my best friend who's also a nurse in HK. i think she told me she's also an NO. hope that we can become friends later. or we can exchange phone numbers if u don't mind. (same for the other moms although we might not live in the same area).

i was gonna say my 99 also good at knitting too. u're right ... she told us the same story that she knitted during her night-shifts when she's young.
she knitted several clothes for bb but he seldom wear them, cos we're afraid that he's allergic to that and they need to be hand-washed.

Btw, we also kept writing bb’s diary every day (for his meals, naps, pee/poop, etc) per my 99’s instructions. However, I’m too lazy and I just stopped it at the 16m or so. Wow! Seems like u’ve met most of her requirements. However, she doesn’t like us to do anything for the Chinese traditionals (she said superstitious and won’t really help bb wor). I saw Amanda wore the jade bracelets when she’s younger. My mom also wanted to give our bb one but I told her my 99 won’t like it.
sounds like amanda is also kinda active as a girl! sigh ... i haven't told u all the naughty/bad things that my boys did. i didn't remember when exactly he started to jump but it's been quite a while, so i thought he might stop doing that soon. sometimes he even tried to jump from top of the stairs as he thought we'll catch him. also, when he tried to do something bad and if i was following him, he'll say "don't need mommy ... ".
a lot of times he does smart-mouth to us although i'm happy that he can speak in sentences now.
and sometimes he asked for water to drink, but actually he'll pour it out and play w/ it.
today he's so rude at the store where there's a Lego table. he didn't go over there until he saw another older kid playing there. he ran to that kid, using one hand to grab his hand and another hand to take away all his lego blocks. again, when i asked him, he said that's not right and dare not do it again. he drives my nuts almost every day! that's why i said the good nannies won't stay with us too. our previous part-time nanny said he's ok (cos he's more behaved when he's w/ her) except for the meal time.

anyway, in general, girls usually are being nicer to parents (esp. moms) than boys. i can tell that from my own family too. so, still, i think having girls are still luckier than having boys! like my boy, now he already said "don't want mommy, ignore mommy, etc ..."


積分: 1760

發表於 05-2-21 08:01 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

I’ve gone thru the same experience when we started to let him sleep by himself (turn off all the lights and let him fall asleep by himself) when he’s approx. 6-7m. by that time he’s still sleeping in his own crib in the same room as us. However, we left him alone after we fed him milk before bed. We just let him cry for several nights and then he played a little while in his crib but will fall asleep soon after we turned off the lights.

However, when we switched him to his own bedroom with the new twin-sized mattress (when he’s 1), we still hv to stay w/ him until he falls asleep. Otherwise, he’ll be running in the room, banging the door and keeps yelling “wanna go out”. Eventually we hv to go back and stay w/ him until he falls asleep; otherwise, it’ll delay his sleeping schedule.

So, per my experience, I still think that it’s easier to switch bb to his own room earlier (before he can resist).


積分: 278

發表於 05-2-21 08:50 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Dear Nillie_Mami,
I did it! I did it!!!! Thank you soooo much for teaching me on posting photos!


積分: 1760

發表於 05-2-21 15:12 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

I just saw yr kids’ pictures. Yr boy is so cute, and yr girl seems to be very mature and caring at her age. She seems to be a very good big sister. I’m sure she can help u more or less taking care of her little brother.

yes, i live in SJ. if i remember correctly, u're in pleasanton or fremont? yr older girl goes to fremont christian?

our pediatrician was also male caucasian in sunnyvale. but i think he's not too caring, so i switch to a taiwanese who grew up here. he's a little closer to us compared to previous one (abt 10 mins driving). our boy only saw him twice (one for consultantion but actually more like an interview to him, another for 18m check up), so can't really tell if he's really good or not but at least better than the previous one. also, he has lots of patients.
how abt u? who's yr pediatrician?

before bb was born, i also thought girls are better to female pediatrician (i didn't know the sex of bb until my 33th/34th week check up), but might be ok for boys to hv male/female pediatrician. it might be a little embrassed for boys to see female pediatrician when he's older though. but i think it should be ok too see regular family doctor after they turn 12-yr-old, right? my friend said even ok after 3 - 6 yr old?


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Oo.. meeemeee,
睇到o刺,BB好得意,女女好靚女,著新年衫好靚!仔仔對眼好圓啊!amanda 有我同佢爸爸遺傳,所以, 佢係蒙豬眼!


積分: 278

發表於 05-2-22 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Hi SY_Mom,
Thanks for the compliment! Yes, my daughter is a very caring person and she is quite mature at her age. Her b-day is 2 weeks after the cut off day but the school let her skipped the last year of pre-school and sent her straight to Kindergarten. (saved us lots of $$ on tutition ). She is a very good big sister and she helps us a lot when her little brother.

I asked her if she wants another baby brother or baby sisiter back in Oct. last year (she was not quite 5 yet) and I thought her answer would be yes or no. Guess what, she looked at me and said, "I only got two hands, Mom!" Oh! I can't believe my daughter will be in 1st grade after this summer! Time flies super fast!!

We live in Castro Valley and my daughter goes to Fremont Christian School. My kids' ped is in Fremont. Her name is Sarrah Dobbs with South Easy Bay Pediatrics Group. Oh! our family doctor is also a female caucasian. Don't know if she will retire when my kids are over 12!

Oh! You are in San Jose, have you tried "Wong Chiu" for dim sum? They have 1 by Tully Road and 1 in Vallco Mall in Cupertino. I never tried because my friend said it's no good. If we head that way, we only go to Joy Luck Place in Cupertino.


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

我唔用羊毛冷織BB衫o架!因為BB会敏感,而且BB們大多數唔鍾意有毛嘅衫.我多數用100%純綿線鈎衫仔,因為可以机洗和BB唔会敏感又有彈性.所以今次我个知己(佢係姑娘,会年尾來US和我老公個friend結婚o個个)來US, last X'mas..佢帶咗Italy 和Japan 的BB綿線和冷給我..在婦女節後我便有時間織織復織織lor! 鈎衫仔...我好鍾意o架!因為好快可以起貨..最crazy試過一星期鈎起一件3yrs old的晨褸俾amanda 3 yrs old 時着. :mrgreen: ?-(


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 01:04 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

小玉鈪係我媽咪買的,雖然佢唔鍾意我(因為上一代的婆媳argue,我成為咗犧牲品)...但老人家都過"晒"身...媽咪就好少揾我出氣.. 99年嫲嫲過身之後,媽咪都冇再打我..結婚時,老公買咗隻古董錶俾佢,佢好開心..所以amanda出世,佢便買幾隻玉鈪俾Amanda.我信玉会保平安,在以前医院工作,有太多怪事,所以我哋做姑娘嘅都有帶玉...但求安心唓!
因為之前有個媽咪住upstate話大肚買唔到餸,佢都肯幫o果個媽咪買餸上去,如果o果個媽咪有需要,佢而家要四圍去做工程,所以可以幫o果个媽咪....但o果個媽咪冇再contact 我哋,我又冇辦法找到佢,老公話..可能佢老公家人唔想佢識生"保"人...算啦..


積分: 278

發表於 05-2-22 01:15 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Dear Nillie_Mami,
Thank you thank you! My 99 claimed that my bbs' big round eyes are from her!!! I just don't want them to get her height too. She is very short!

Hey, I noticed that you're writing in Chinese now. What type of thing "touchpad or software" did u buy? Do u like it??


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 01:20 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

Nillie_媽咪嘅肥bear bear老公昨日買手寫板俾Nillie媽咪做礼物,好開心,今日寫一餐飽先!!!
New York又下雪..凍凍!
1.教去厠所,介片 For-->介便便和介小便(日和晚間)


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 01:26 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

昨日老公和我去買小蒙恬手寫板Penpower Jr5.0
都好好用,是最細size的板所以我可以收埋, Amanda 便唔可以攪破壞..嘻嘻! :mrgreen:


積分: 1013

發表於 05-2-22 02:13 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

我上個禮拜CALL過RYAN既PED﹐問佢如我傷風可否畏人奶﹐佢話得﹐因人奶有抗體。噤其實係咪即係BB不會被傳染?(NOT FROM BREASTMILK﹐FROM AIR/SALIVER)我一直唔敢同BB太CLOSE :-|


積分: 7794

發表於 05-2-22 03:25 |只看該作者

Re: Any mom living in USA now - Part III

你BB Ryan的兒科医生說得對,傷風是可以餵人奶的..因為你病,BB就更加易病,便又因為你病,有抗体,BB食有抗体嘅人奶就是所謂的passive immune (被動免疫).如果BB喺你傷風時唔食人奶就更加易病..
你可以去以下人奶教育website,佢哋有一list抗生素,適合為餵人奶的媽媽而design嘅! 如果發現抗生素成份有害BB,可以轉另一隻葯,但見意..不要停餵人奶, 因為....
babygigi,辛苦小小,病時繼續餵人奶,對你對BB 都好
--------------------------------------------------------Babycenter.com 葯物與人奶..click here!

母乳教育! ^o^
母乳教育組職..click here


