



積分: 202

發表於 07-12-19 00:03 |只看該作者
Do you know what kind of skates is suitable for Chloe at 3yr? There are some with double blades. I still need to go to the store to check it out since most not come with small size 10.


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-19 01:30 |只看該作者
i would not go for the double blades nor. i think she is old enough to learn the single blade la. we went skiing the past weekend and i am surprised they have skiing equip for a 3 yr old ;p so u shouldnt have no problem find the right skates for chloe la. may be not the adjustable size ones nor.

原文章由 SHAMOM 於 07-12-19 00:03 發表
Do you know what kind of skates is suitable for Chloe at 3yr? There are some with double blades. I still need to go to the store to check it out since most not come with small size 10.


積分: 768

發表於 07-12-19 01:58 |只看該作者
Alisonli, my daughter is 2 year and 4 months old. She is going thru the trouble 2 period, very stubbord and tries to test our limits all the time. Hope it will be over soon. I also feed her the soup from time to time, just to prevent her from getting asthma like her brother.

My son coughs a lot since he was 1 year old when we put him into day care. I think regular cough medicine doesn't work on him any more. He has to be on inhaler or even oral steroid (happened a few times) to recover. He coughs more during mid-night/early morning. The cough will keep him AND me awake all night. Sometimes he just sits up in his bed in the dark because he coughs too much or he'll throw up. He doesn't have the "serious" asthma attack that he has difficulty breathing. He may wheeze a tiny bit, but just persistant cough is enough for us. Thankfully he's much better this winter so far. Besides the soup, another reason probably because he's a little older too. If taken care properly, kids can out-grown asthma.

I also let him take swimming class since he was 2.5 year old. Of course he can't really swim yet, but at least he's not scared of water and can learn how to swim easily later.

Hang in there!!

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-18 22:52 發表
nice picture of your daughter. how old is she ?
coughing has been an ongoing problem since my son was 2 yr old, and i dont want him to be on drugs too often.
i am sure my 99 and c6 would fi ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-19 11:04 |只看該作者
Alisonli, Sharmom,
We bought the roller blades for Amanda as well.. the one from Toysrus is pretty cool.. it is going from assist blades to independent single blades, so Amanda will never fall since the beginning..
Shamom.. when you come over.. I will show you.. ^O^

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-18 12:30 PM 發表
i would not go for the double blades nor. i think she is old enough to learn the single blade la. we went skiing the past weekend and i am surprised they have skiing equip for a 3 yr old ;p so ...


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-19 23:22 |只看該作者
haha. i would think gal is easier to handle than boys. my 2 yr old son is also very stubborn and he would grab his 2 older brothers' toys and books and hit them on the head and made them cry..i guess i would have a problem finding a day care for him haha.

anyway, i already told my c6 and 99 and they cant wait to try the soup cuz they have really bad hay fever too. my 8 yr old, the one who has really bad cough since 2 has been taking kungfu and swimming class but i dont see much of an improvement :((

原文章由 mrschao 於 07-12-19 01:58 發表
Alisonli, my daughter is 2 year and 4 months old. She is going thru the trouble 2 period, very stubbord and tries to test our limits all the time. Hope it will be over soon. I also feed her the soup ...


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-19 23:24 |只看該作者
Nillie, Shamom,
oh. they have double to single blades? that might be the way to go then. it's almost like a 4 wheel bike, when they r ready you can take the 2 assisted wheels off. too bad my kids still cant ride a 2 wheel one..haha

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-12-19 11:04 發表
Alisonli, Sharmom,
We bought the roller blades for Amanda as well.. the one from Toysrus is pretty cool.. it is going from assist blades to independent single blades, so Amanda will never fall since t ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-20 06:47 |只看該作者
yup.. we found it from toyrus and amanda loves it.. what a tidy that my front yard and back yard are not flat... so we can only let her to play indoor..
now, they are doing renovation on the backyard.. so, by spring, Amanda will have a flat back yard to play safety.
原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-19 10:24 AM 發表
Nillie, Shamom,
oh. they have double to single blades? that might be the way to go then. it's almost like a 4 wheel bike, when they r ready you can take the 2 assisted wheels off. too bad my kids stil ...


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-20 23:10 |只看該作者
oh you meant roller skates. my kids dunno how to roller skate but they know ice skating and skiing. i think gabriel and amanda would be happy to play in the new backyard next year la. hey btw. u want me to bring the baby walker and playpen ?

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-12-20 06:47 發表
yup.. we found it from toyrus and amanda loves it.. what a tidy that my front yard and back yard are not flat... so we can only let her to play indoor..
now, they are doing renovation on the ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-21 06:15 |只看該作者
That will be good idea.. I can clean it and keep it for other mom.. ^O^
Yup.. Roller shates..
Ice Shating.. I bet.. I don't have the strength to keep Amanda's balance.
原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-20 10:10 AM 發表
oh you meant roller skates. my kids dunno how to roller skate but they know ice skating and skiing. i think gabriel and amanda would be happy to play in the new backyard next year la. hey btw. ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-12-21 06:23 |只看該作者
孩子們身體健康, 聽教聽話..
媽咪們青春常駐, 明豔照人


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-22 00:13 |只看該作者
Happy Holidays to you all & Best of luck with the kids.


積分: 202

發表於 07-12-22 03:35 |只看該作者
Yah need to be on very flat surface otherwise can fall easily. That's why I think ice skating is easier since ice has to be smooth
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-12-21 06:15 發表
That will be good idea.. I can clean it and keep it for other mom.. ^O^
Yup.. Roller shates..
Ice Shating.. I bet.. I don't have the strength to keep Amanda's balance.


積分: 202

發表於 07-12-22 03:36 |只看該作者
Merry Christmas to all!!!!

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-22 00:13 發表
Happy Holidays to you all & Best of luck with the kids.

http://images2.cafemom.com/images/toolbar/icons/reindeer_a.gifhttp://images2.cafemom. ...


積分: 285

發表於 07-12-22 05:51 |只看該作者

Hello All mom

Hello, how are you to all. I'm long time no online BK... busy evey day .

Chirstmas time come soon, how can celebate ?

Anyway, Wish Merry chirstmas and Happy New year !

I hope wish evey family have sweet and lovely celebate. Good Luck :D


積分: 1760

發表於 07-12-22 14:51 |只看該作者
sigh ... but my husband always like our son to ride on the rough and steep surface lei! that's why they don't want me to be with them when they go to the park. when they come back, my son's clothes are always dirty.

原文章由 SHAMOM 於 07-12-22 03:35 發表
Yah need to be on very flat surface otherwise can fall easily. That's why I think ice skating is easier since ice has to be smooth

[ 本文章最後由 SY_Mom 於 07-12-22 15:06 編輯 ]


積分: 1760

發表於 07-12-22 15:05 |只看該作者

actually my son has the same problem when he's in the Sat. chinese class. he always likes to play with the kids next to him or even behind him. and now the teacher kinda gives up on him too. i guess maybe he doesn't care too much to learn chinese.
however, sometimes he likes to ask how to say something in mandarin and cantonese. once he asked us how to say "pizza" in cantonese and said "don't tell me it's called pizza". my husband didn't know how to answer, and it took me abt 5 secs to tell him it's called "意大利薄餅".

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-12-18 22:48 發表
i certainly hope so. in 2nd grade, he would tell the teacher that he had no pencil when everyone already finished writing...and would make all kids in his table playing with him instead of lis ...


積分: 1760

發表於 07-12-22 15:07 |只看該作者
Merry Christmas, Everyone!

原文章由 SHAMOM 於 07-12-22 03:36 發表
Merry Christmas to all!!!!


積分: 616

發表於 07-12-23 01:55 |只看該作者
Sy mom
your son is not interested in chinese that's why he is not paying attention naw. that's normal. too bad my son is not listening in school ma.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 07-12-22 15:05 發表

actually my son has the same problem when he's in the Sat. chinese class. he always likes to play with the kids next to him or even behind him. and now the teacher kinda gives up on him t ...


積分: 172307

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發表於 07-12-23 08:52 |只看該作者

Spencer & Amanda 最新相相分享


積分: 233

發表於 07-12-23 13:06 |只看該作者
祝大家聖誕快樂+新年快樂:mrgreen: :mrgreen: 個個bb都可以快高長大 聽教聽話:-P


