



積分: 1557

發表於 07-8-31 23:57 |只看該作者
Vivi _ma,

恭喜妳呀!! 妳feel到胎動啦!! 感覺係咪好得意又感動呢?
我嗰時有咗軒軒(我哋等咗3年至成功有佢), 個心都唔係好實在, 直至我feel到佢郁, 我終於覺得我哋連埋一齊(可能有互動啩), 嗰種感覺好正, 我相信妳以後都會記得, 不過好似 Nillie 講, 遲d佢可能會踢得好勁, 好似我細妹依家就成日投訴兒嬲女成日半夜踢到佢醒!! 我會提意佢聽古典瞓, 佢可能會乖d, 出咗世後佢或者可以聽住古典自己瞓, 好似軒軒咁!!

原文章由 vivi_ma 於 07-8-31 04:36 發表
呢幾日都好似feel 到BB"踢踢", 不過都唔sure係唔係 , 好似有o個波係到彈o下彈o下o甘, 都係得一至兩o下, 同埋都集中下腹靠左邊, 我成日都同BB講叫佢踢多o的, 等我feel到佢o既存在mar


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 00:14 |只看該作者
socloudy & Shamom:

i do like working as a service coordinator before, as i had some chances to meet with kids (most of the times work with parents actually) ... i like kids ar mar ... and you are also right that service coordinators have to deal with lots of different people ... some people are so 難頂, hehe ... and it's very rewarding when hearing parents saying that their kids have improved and benefitted from the service ... since last year, due to budget cut, it's getting more and more difficult to get service(s) approved for a longer period, now the longest period approved is like 6-month and parents/families have to participate in the training as well ... all these increase the workload of service coordinator and parents as well, so many paperwork ... and i don't like my previous company, so better quit when knowin i am pregnant and take care of my own bb ... hehe

原文章由 SHAMOM 於 07-8-31 10:10 發表
Jstn & socloudy,
Being a service coordinator sounds very challenging but lots of headache as need to deal with many people. My job sometimes don't need to speak a word in the whole day. Can be quite b ...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 00:21 |只看該作者
Glad you feel better now. We are always here to listen or you can express more when we see on Sunday. But I guess your husband will here there to so hard to speak. Every family have a "hard to read bible"..sigh... Relationship with in-laws can be very difficult especially you live together. You said your bro-in-law and 老公夾份供 the house. Since your relationship with them not that great, better to be clear with them finanially. My family has similar situation too and once talk about money it makes thing complicated and not happy easily.

原文章由 netjayne 於 07-8-31 10:53 發表
babygigi, vivi_ma, patvicbb, jstn, nillie, nic977, carrie, socloudy,
好多謝好多謝你地聽我 up﹐多謝呢度可以俾我寫野。
我已經轉左 blog 個 address﹐brother in law 唔會再睇到。
我都知如果有人話我屋企人﹐我都會 ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 00:22 |只看該作者

Happy Labor Day Weekend

祝大家有個又 relax 又 happy 嘅 Labor Day Weekend ... 天氣會好 nice 呀

Have a great BBQ gathering 呀 ... send d 相俾我睇呀

Everybody enjoy 呀, 我就會繼續 WALK!!! :loveliness:


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 00:25 |只看該作者
Yah you have a very rewarding job as you can see kids improving. I am very thankful to my service coordinator too since she helped me a lot and always express her concern with my case. I am not as lucky as you. I don't think I can afford to not work and be a sill-lie-lie. I have a mole on my back that means I always have to work :-( . Sun-Foo-Man

原文章由 jstn 於 07-9-1 00:14 發表
socloudy & Shamom:

i do like working as a service coordinator before, as i had some chances to meet with kids (most of the times work with parents actually) ... i like kids ar mar ... and you are ...


積分: 84

發表於 07-9-1 01:13 |只看該作者
I have a set of 3.5 years old twins. They are going to be evaluated by the school district in 2 weeks, and I see moms here are discussing about the early intervention program, and some moms suggested that do not join the service after 3 years old. I am wondering what kind of effect would impact their future opportunities if they qualify for service after 3. What would happens if there is a school record after 3? What if we still have concern on the kids development after 3? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.


積分: 3787


發表於 07-9-1 03:07 |只看該作者

原文章由 3cats 於 07-8-31 11:36 發表


我條揹帶係可以打平揹, 係前面面對面咁揹, 同背後揹. 咁係咪即係可以用. 仲有佢背後有塊板可以support度bb back & head.

我會同媽咪商量吓可唔可以帶ZOEY 黎. ...


積分: 3787


發表於 07-9-1 03:10 |只看該作者
咁都想聽下你地意見係..我要而家同叻叻申請定, 定係等多一個月, 叻叻18m checkup時再同醫生決定呢?叻叻既問題係講野..其他就暫時我都覺ok.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-31 14:01 發表
Just afraid that they will file the record that the child needs special help.. which will effect the opportunity on their futher studies.


積分: 3787


發表於 07-9-1 03:12 |只看該作者

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-31 14:09 發表
did you check your email.. I sent the gathering picture to you.. 4 babies in play pan.. that is a cool one.. ^o^


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 03:12 |只看該作者
what i can tell you is that if your twins would be eligible for services for 3-5 years old (that's called CPSE in short), the service will be provided by your school district, that means it's provided by the Board of Education ... early intervention program is provided by Department of Health and the service record stays within Department of Health, so that's a major difference

also, the CPSE services received is classified as special education and the Board of Education will have the record of the CPSE services that a student has received ... together with the previous reason, most parents worried that such special education record would hinder their children's future schooling, very worry that the principal would find out that their kids have received special education before, so look down on their abilities ... is this true? i honestly don't know, that's why most parents will not take this path

when i was a service coordinator, i would say to parents that if their kids demonstrated learning difficulties at this stage, it's better to solve the problem as soon as possible ... if such learning difficulties aren't resolved, the kids will have to struggle hard in the education system (unless parents have other alternatives to help their kids)

原文章由 junw 於 07-9-1 01:13 發表
I have a set of 3.5 years old twins. They are going to be evaluated by the school district in 2 weeks, and I see moms here are discussing about the early intervention program, and some moms sugg ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 03:22 |只看該作者
if Nat Nat would have her 18-month checkup next month, you can consider to wait until then and discuss with the pedi (if you think his/her advice is necessary) ...

most Chinese kids talk late because of the bilingual and even trilingual reason ...

also, just to let you know once the referral procedure starts, it will likely take about 3 months before the service starts (i mean if Nat Nat would be eligible)

for the evaluation, the evaluator will conduct a core evaluation to explore all developmental domains of the child and also listen to parents' concern ... in your case, they will also conduct a supplemental evaluation in speech to see if Nat Nat would be eligible for speech therapy ... remember, everything is done based on parents' consent, if you don't want, you can say NO at anytime

原文章由 Carrie210 於 07-9-1 03:10 發表
咁都想聽下你地意見係..我要而家同叻叻申請定, 定係等多一個月, 叻叻18m checkup時再同醫生決定呢?叻叻既問題係講野..其他就暫時我都覺ok.



積分: 84

發表於 07-9-1 03:27 |只看該作者

Thank you for your explaination. I didn't know that the principle of the future school will look at the kids record to determine the school enrollment. I thought the kids will be authomatically eligible to be enrolled into the neighbourhood elementary school at age 5 for kindergardner. Is that right? Thanks.


積分: 3787


發表於 07-9-1 03:28 |只看該作者
我兩點幾打過去你office, 不過冇人pick up, 可能你已走了, 真係唔好意思咁遲先打呀..因一起身好多野做..做到兩點幾先有時間打..嘿嘿...


積分: 1557

發表於 07-9-1 03:43 |只看該作者

, 我都好似咁耐都冇同妳自我介紹, SORRY 呀!
因為我hubby要由 HK 過嚟 NJ 受訓三個月, 所以我同個仔軒軒就跟埋嚟, 依家啱啱夠一個月, 不過我同呢度D靚媽咪喺我未過嚟之前, 巳經喺BK呢度識, 我嗰時都幾徬徨, NJ呢邊冇親人, 冇朋友, 未嚟過, 又要帯埋個8個月嘅BB, 好彩呢度個個靚媽咪都好好人, 教我好多嘢, 又可以時時同佢哋傾計, 連軒軒都可以識多D朋友仔(尢其女朋友仔)添!!!
呀! 講講吓, 都唔記得要 THANK YOU 妳接埋我哋去 Nillie 屋企, 唔該哂呀!! 我會pm我個電話no.俾妳. 到時可以聯絡嘛!!

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 07-8-31 21:58 發表
i will leave my kids home first so i think i could pick up all 6 of them. my suv third row seat is quite small hopefully they could fit in ;p

carrie & patvicbb
ok. give me a call when you r ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 05:00 |只看該作者
you are welcomed!

in fact, what i have explained before is the worries of most parents, especially Chinese parents ... as i said, i don't know if the school principal would really look through the education record of the student since age 3 and how much the principal would care about that ... sure every child will have a school placement ... parents worries a lot that their children could not get into a good school because of receiving CPSE program ... is that true? i don't know ... back then, a lot of parents told me that they won't join CPSE program because they firmly believe that this will be a "black mark" to their children's future ... so it's up to the parents' perception and decision

原文章由 junw 於 07-9-1 03:27 發表

Thank you for your explaination. I didn't know that the principle of the future school will look at the kids record to determine the school enrollment. I thought the kids will be authomatical ...


積分: 597

發表於 07-9-1 05:02 |只看該作者
feel free to call me for the early intervention program as well ... let me pm you my cell number

原文章由 Carrie210 於 07-9-1 03:28 發表
我兩點幾打過去你office, 不過冇人pick up, 可能你已走了, 真係唔好意思咁遲先打呀..因一起身好多野做..做到兩點幾先有時間打..嘿嘿...


積分: 202

發表於 07-9-1 08:54 |只看該作者
Chloe joined the program at 18 months as recommended by the the ped. Then after the waiting and interview and evaluation etc Chloe started at 21 months. At 18m she spoke about 5 words. But after one class I could see improvement. I think each child develop differently at their own pace, just that as a parent I want to make sure if my child need help I will provide it. The program worked very well for Chloe. Although compare to some kids at her age she doesn't talk that much, but I can see that the gap is not as big as before. She can now communicate with me easier and get less frustrated.

章由 Carrie210 於 07-9-1 03:10 發表
咁都想聽下你地意見係..我要而家同叻叻申請定, 定係等多一個月, 叻叻18m checkup時再同醫生決定呢?叻叻既問題係講野..其他就暫時我都覺ok.



積分: 4981

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 07-9-1 10:52 |只看該作者
!今日比預期中早走. Sorry ah.
Call me on Tuesday anytime.

你可以等多個月叫erefer.咁咪唔駛自己直接聯絡early intervention個边囉.不過eservice越嚟越難approve, Nat Nat去被人evaluate前你一定要call.正如jstn咁講父母嘅意見都好緊要.我覺得Corey joineservice (4 months only)之後真係進步好多.18個月大時唔講多個5個字(重要not consistent).佢又冇反應.e家佢已經識哂26個英文字母(發音仲要improve)学緊1-10 numbers.build up咗好多字喇!不過佢language skill仲係behind his age group.所以我会request more service for him law.


積分: 4981

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 07-9-1 11:07 |只看該作者
之前有個社工同我講,如果小朋友有需要接受special education嘅話就應該俾佢去搵professional教.d改善問題.等小朋友可以早d追得上進度.不過社エ亦同我講過,d学校會好concern学生接受依方面嘅special education,佢哋跟唔上regular class而排d低班課程比小朋友.到時要轉返去regular class又有排搞.所以我就会响個仔3歲前cut個service囉.你對twins有边方面要play catch up ga? Language方面可以俾佢哋去補習.行為問題就麻煩d.

原文章由 junw 於 07-9-1 01:13 發表
I have a set of 3.5 years old twins. They are going to be evaluated by the school district in 2 weeks, and I see moms here are discussing about the early intervention program, and some moms sugg ...


積分: 2122

發表於 07-9-1 11:11 |只看該作者

我有個bad news 話比大家知, 就係我黎唔到bbq啦. 因我d親戚話下星期一得閒個zoey食滿月飯, 但剛剛打電話黎話下星期一唔得閒, 改星期日. 所以我唔可以黎bbq啦.



