[2006年] scream




積分: 794

發表於 07-10-14 18:49 |顯示全部帖子
My B loves to scream recently.. Always pointing at things and scream. Some people said he wants to talk but no vocab.. Ar.. to me, he seems to be cranky..

Any idea ??


積分: 3222

發表於 07-10-14 23:51 |顯示全部帖子
如果唔係太過份, 我會由佢!
因為太過抑壓小朋友的表達係唔好, 久而久之佢地會怕左表達自己, 以為咁樣做係唔o岩~

原文章由 hokonepooh 於 07-10-14 18:49 發表
My B loves to scream recently.. Always pointing at things and scream. Some people said he wants to talk but no vocab.. Ar.. to me, he seems to be cranky..

Any idea ??


積分: 2435

認識瑞士牛牛第二回 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 好媽媽勳章

發表於 07-10-15 12:07 |顯示全部帖子
如果我個囡指著一d野(如有杯),跟著大叫,我就會問佢"係唔係要杯杯?? 如果佢點頭,我就比佢,跟著指著杯同佢講 "杯杯, 媽媽比"



積分: 11434

發表於 07-10-15 12:48 |顯示全部帖子
我個仔都有大叫gar, 不過我知佢大叫既時候唔係要某樣野, 咁我就會話佢"唔準大叫呀", 我都試過因為佢唔聽我講仲不停咁叫, 我就會打佢個咀仔一下.

不過有時佢會指住d野叫我(不同大叫既聲音), 我就會問佢想要d咩呀, 係咪呢個呀, 跟住教佢講, 之後訓練佢舉手話要.


積分: 794

發表於 07-10-15 17:20 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks all for the feedback.

Ar.. I know sometimes when he 大叫, it is not because he wants something. He just wants to "lau-gai" (hope you know what I mean) or get my attention...

I don't want to put too much limits so that he can explore/experiment and develop his own creativity, imagination, whatever .... etc. But sometimes I am worried that he will be spoiled.. Still don't know how to balance between the 2.. :cry:


積分: 11434

發表於 07-10-15 17:40 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hokonepooh 於 07-10-15 17:20 發表
Thanks all for the feedback.

Ar.. I know sometimes when he 大叫, it is not because he wants something. He just wants to "lau-gai" (hope you know what I mean) or get my attention...

I don't want to ...

係呀, 係我個case多數都係扭計先大叫, 仲係尖叫, 所以我會即時俾個動作(係打咀)話俾佢地知我唔鐘意, 因為我發覺講幾多次都冇用, 我大女同細佬都係同樣方法, 係我對仔女既身上係ok既, 不過我會做/話俾佢地知咁樣只係我唔鐘意佢地尖叫only


積分: 6847

醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-16 00:57 |顯示全部帖子

我個女呢輪又係手指指..呀呀呀, 不過唔係尖叫, 我咪問佢要乜野囉, 係咪呢樣呀? 呢樣牙? 攞完比佢有時教佢講唔該媽咪啦!

佢最扭計就係放佢o係床仔無人陪, 無得玩, 咁佢就會大叫/喊架喇, 好多時幫佢換完片放低佢, 我要執野洗手加嘛, 咪猛同佢講媽咪洗手、洗手呀! (有時又要放低佢去開奶...etc.,)

放佢o係床仔, 有時會比d玩具佢, 或者同佢玩下, 有時我企o係門邊伸頭入去突然出現又匿埋又出現, 再重覆, 佢就笑番架喇, 分散佢注意, 等佢唔喊/唔叫先包番佢呀!

有時佢扭抱企o係床仔, 我會府身攬住佢, 佢就即係收聲, 停左2秒我先會抱佢架!

原文章由 hokonepooh 於 07-10-14 18:49 發表
My B loves to scream recently.. Always pointing at things and scream. Some people said he wants to talk but no vocab.. Ar.. to me, he seems to be cranky..

Any idea ??


積分: 794

發表於 07-10-16 09:14 |顯示全部帖子
SmallSmall, myapple,

Thanks for sharing. I will try different method to see which one works.

We took him to Seiyu dept last week. Thought to do some shopping but ended up going home straight away since he was crying and wanted me to hold him all the way :cry: My husband and mum said he seems to be normal if I am not around (ie. he can't see me)....

原文章由 myapple 於 07-10-16 00:57 發表

我個女呢輪又係手指指..呀呀呀, 不過唔係尖叫, 我咪問佢要乜野囉, 係咪呢樣呀? 呢樣牙? 攞完比佢有時教佢講唔該媽咪啦!

佢最扭計就係放佢o係床仔無人陪, 無得玩, 咁佢就會大叫/喊架喇, 好多時幫佢換完 ...


積分: 2374

發表於 07-10-16 09:19 |顯示全部帖子
我個仔時不時大叫, 不過5係扭計係玩lor, 最近仲衰, 成日發出d咳痰聲, 好似d叔父咁, 仲覺得好得意


積分: 975

發表於 07-10-16 10:57 |顯示全部帖子
我個囡都係成日大叫, 仲要係尖叫, 因為佢係同堂大佬一齊揍, 佢都好受阿大佬既影響,大佬一叫, 佢又叫, 煩到死.
佢而家每次叫, 我就會望實佢好唔高興o甘同佢講唔可以大叫, 做一個"sh.."既手勢比佢睇, 佢而家反而學返我做"sh.."個手勢, 好攪笑, 不過就少o左大叫就真既.


