




積分: 60417

發表於 04-3-30 22:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

before i got pregnant, my mother already refused to take care of my children. she said that she had had enough for us and it's time she enjoy life. so i hire a maid to take care of my baby.

for my mother-in-law, she will sometimes help us look after the bb. however, she used her own old methods which really not very good to the baby. e.g. she always holds the bb in hands that the bb always want me to do this also or he will cry. she seldom change the bb's diaper that makes the bb has rash on his patpat. she likes baby powder more than vaseliine for his patpat. she gives bb too much clothes always fearing that he'll get cold. i once tell my mother-in-law not to do this and that but my hubby complained me being too harsh for her mother since she sacrifice her own time to take care of the baby. so, it is better to rely on maid while mothers or mother-in-law serve as a supervisor of the maid for you.


積分: 29293

發表於 04-3-31 12:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

原本我亞媽話想陪月, 我都有打算俾返錢佢同由佢, 話晒佢都會辛苦, 但佢講的價錢實在有點過太. 同埋真係要跟佢的那套, 實會多爭辯, 現在我唔理佢, 照每月俾家用, 但亞B就由陪月湊. 雖然唔知好唔好, 但起碼我可以輕鬆, 唔駛受氣.

見到你們的message, 先知原來唔只我亞媽係極品. 因為之前攪結婚已經令敎了, 怕怕. 亞媽佢成日話我乜都聽老公話, 唔識自己揸主意, 但其實我自己本身都唔係咁想亞媽湊. 所以先推落我老公到.


積分: 242

發表於 04-4-1 14:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

我媽媽都係極品, 我大肚咁耐, 一啖湯都唔會煲俾我.
唔好怪佢囉, 哂gas!


積分: 1109

發表於 04-4-2 09:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

I had the same situation when I had my son 3 years ago.Mine did not ask for money, and she offered herself to come over and take care of us. Unforunately, my son was a very tough one to take care of. He cried thru the night for two and a half month. Every one in the house did not have any sleep. We had a helper who did not get up and help in the middle of the night. My mom did not get up either...............just to make a very long short, we ended up with a even worse relationship, we did not have a good one in the beginning anyway.

Now I was being accused of asking her to come over and take care of my baby and I, and I have no appreciation of what she did. She was the most hard working one durng the period.
I had a serious depression; and I know a very large part of it was from her.

Anyway, if your mom is NOT offering you to take care of the baby in a sincere way, please forget it. I know it is going to drive you crazy especialy when you are going to be so vulnerable later.

Everything has to be her way, she think she know everything, but do not forget everything she know was from 30 years ago, and she has not been taken care of one since then. You know they were not asked to pat the baby's back after drinking milk to get the air out. And if they are not updated, then she is not going to listen to you. Getting outside help is a lot better idea since you have to pay anyway.


積分: 417

發表於 04-4-3 05:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

我想問吓妳媽媽係唔係無點讀過書? 因為我覺得上一代無受過教育的通常都係錢行頭. 佢哋由細到大都要擔心生活費, 所以咩事都只會諗到錢先, 相信係細細個培養出嚟嘅性格, 有錢先會有安全. 呢d想法妳都唔可以怪佢哋, 呢d係舊時社會嘅錯, 做仔女要盡量體量吓.


積分: 5238


發表於 04-4-3 06:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

The bad situation of you and your mother was building up for a long time, since a certain problem has happened which you might not know too.

Every body's situation is not the same, some families are suffering economic trouble, but some are rich with nothing worry about.

I think you should make sure on what kind of problem in your mother side? (Are your parents still on jobs or retired?) It is very important to know or worry their jobs at the first place. Your mother might need more income, if your parents have lost jobs or retired.

Me and my wife retired from the American factories a few years ago. Of course, our incomes are not quite enough at nowaday. We need to come back to HongKong every 6 months, taking care our children-in-law for our daughter and daughter-in-law, and bring back many children clothes every time. We can keep very good relationship with our daughter's families.

Your mother is bringing too much for you, certainly it is not necessary if she is not suffering bad economy. You should ask her about her economic situation, and parents' jobs etc..

I think she is not meaning care to get how much from on the duty with you. She might be showing you a hint of her economy of some tight. Since you said that both you and mother have seldom talking, so your mother expresses promptly and shortly, that is showing her economic problem. How many families in Hong Kong are suffering this same problem now? Do you know? I want you try to hear more detail from your mom, that can help you improve the relationship become better than before. Don't just only seeing on money! Keep better relationship is more important.



積分: 12983

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 04-4-4 12:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.



積分: 29293

發表於 04-4-7 17:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

見到你的經歷, 都好替你開心, 因為你同父母的關係轉好了.
我無唔見我亞媽, 只係唔會俾佢主力湊BB同陪月, 原因係, 我想有多點自主權. 當然, BB出世後, 都會帶返佢俾佢見下.

其實我都知佢係關心我的, 我之前俾了3D的相佢睇, 佢都好開心咁, 只係有時佢的表達方式, 有時令我接受唔到.


積分: 29293

發表於 04-4-7 18:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 你們會怎樣做? 教教我.

My parents are retired, they have their saving and penalty. I have to pay them monthly, I don't think they didn't have enough money, of course I can't say they rich. I think it is the character of my mother, she's a bit 守財奴. She want a lot of money in her saving account. She is not satisfy herself (my father also comments like that).

Although I don't want my mum to take care my baby, I will let them play and talk together.


