




積分: 5671

發表於 04-5-4 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

HI Zoey,
你好呀...很高興再次有機會同你chat 呀...冇喇..我而家仲未有第三個..hahaha...你女女好嗎? 她是不是 6 or 7 years old 喇? 我個仔3.5 years old and 個女1.5 years old ...time flies 呀! 個仔幾星期前做左偏桃線手術, 已經康復了, 仲食多左野, 因為而家佢食野個throat 唔會痛, 速度也快了很多! 個女上個星期有ear infection, 但都好了, 昨天同佢去打15 month 針, 佢好似有點兒不舒服, 希望好快全面恢復過來吧!

係呢, 你返教會習慣嗎? 喜歡去教會嗎? 女女有冇去主日學?


積分: 6686

發表於 04-5-4 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom


同妳傾計, 就會諗番起以前 chatroom 既日子, 時間飛逝, 阿女都上埋小學喇, 真係唔想話自己老左喇都唔得 :-( :-( :-P !

妳囡囡的 ear infection 沒大礙嗎? 是否都根治了?! 打針的反應我相信好快會 recover, 不用擔心呀!~ 妳仔仔是不是 "Zac" , 人老左冇記性 tim :-P , 咁阿細呢?

依家我跟我哥哥番教會, 幾遠下, 但有自己熟悉既人沒那般陌生既感覺, 那裡也有人帶領兒童主日崇拜, Maggie 有得玩, 要佢早早起身都話 no problem wor :-P ! 今個星期日懇親聚會, 阿爸阿媽阿哥阿嫂會上台做分享見證, 期望快 d 來臨, 但我最怕到時又聽到 :cry: .
(希伯來書 12 章 1-3 節)


積分: 221

發表於 04-5-5 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your care about my BB. I am back to BK lar. ha ha.

How's Vienna and Zac today?

ooops. got to take care of my BB. He is just waking up. Bye Bye
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。


積分: 5671

發表於 04-5-5 11:54 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi zoey,
係呀...我同你傾計時又係諗超以前 My baby chat room 既日子呀...個時真係日日都傾得好開心, 我上年返HK , 以前既 chatroom friends 都有聚會, 大家度過一個難忙既晚上, 下次有機會我好想同你見下面, 想聽下你的得救見証呀! 你有冇打算生多個小朋友呢? 我諗Maggie會喜歡有多個sibling 同佢玩的! oh...係呀, 你冇記錯, 我仔係叫Zac , 女係叫 Vienna ...

係呢, 你有冇同Maggie 去下playgroups 呢?

Hi Mrs Cheung,
It is so good to hear from you again. My kids are doing very well and Vienna is going to child care two mornings a week. She loves it now. She just has turned 16 mths but still now walking yet. I am so looking forward to seeing her walking...hahaha..

So, how is your lovely boy doing? Is he still chubby?


積分: 4008

發表於 04-5-5 13:11 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi ladies,

Our Christian family forum seems very quiet these days. Fewer prayer requests (fewer people have trouble, that's a good thing), fewer sharing too!!!!!

Some of u know I am pregnant again. Thanks for all your prayers. Signs of miscarriage have subsided. Just last week, I knew it's a GIRL. You won't believe it. I cried when I knew it because I wished so much I could give a brother to my son. But we have to follow God's will. So many friends of mine said I was lucky to have a boy & a girl (a "good" word together). I am expecting in late Sep or early Oct. Wish I have a smooth delivery, a healthy girl & the strength to look after 2 children!

Does anyone have good news to share too?


積分: 10865

發表於 04-5-5 23:14 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom


Me, too. I like boy more than girl, only because I found that taking a girl to toilet is more difficult than boy. (I am afraid to manage it)

「多元社區,和諧並存;你我出手,聾健共融 」


積分: 4008

發表於 04-5-6 08:00 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom


Your reason is = mine! I am too shameful to tell! Well, I am going to learn a big lesson - how to raise a girl! Dressing her up, girl talk,...... I ain't good at that at all!

Oh, I didn't check on 瀏覽次數. I think it is the content which drives 人氣指數. Let's pull ourselves together & send out some real good messages !


積分: 5671

發表於 04-5-6 13:34 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Wow....it is almost half way thru...time flies..So, how is your pregnacy going? Are you feeling very tired all the time? Hope you rest a lot. I am so excited for you.


積分: 10865

發表於 04-5-6 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom


>>>"I think it is the content which drives 人氣指數. " <<<

Yes, you are right! But each click into the thread add "one" to the 人氣指數. You've got to click in to see what is in the topic, so it means that people are so busy, they even not try to click in to have a look.

Actually, there should be a lot to share. Like what you learnt from the talk of the Paster each Sunday (every church not receiving the same thing maa...). What you have learnt from your daily reading.... etc. Just a sharing with others bring "life" to this forum! Moreover, I also hope that the forum can catch attention from some passing-by (people have curiousity to know what is happening when it is 熱鬧嘛!)
「多元社區,和諧並存;你我出手,聾健共融 」


積分: 4008

發表於 04-5-6 15:57 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Yes, I'm half way thru. Sometimes I worry how hectic it will be when she really comes! Night time feeding, my oh my! I surely will have much more grey hair! Really never thought I would be like u having a boy & a girl. That's a great blessing, right?

I understand how u feel. Don't worry, u & I know what we need to do, right?

A bit of sharing - my husband starts reading the bible recently! He's better than me (what a shame)! He checked out our church's webpage (first time ever) and went to prayer meeting afterwork - that's a big step for him. Hope he can keep it up !


積分: 221

發表於 04-5-6 18:08 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Dear Christian mommies,

Hello! Just to say Hi!! GOD bless!

Dear Jsmami,

Haven't heard from you for a certain period of time ! And then.....Wow!!! I am so excited to hear from your great news!!! May our heavenly Father bless you throughout your pregnancy.

It must be hard when we know that the baby is not our "dream gender". Yet, I am sure you will love her as a baby boy! You are right, "that's a great blessing" and a precioius gift from God. May God bless your unborn baby girl abanduntly!!

It's nice to know that your husband attend the prayer meeting. I think he must witness God's miracle thru this meeting, just like other b/s. I had attended this prayer meeting two years ago. There were over 300 b/s attended. But, now, Rev. Ho said....it's more than 500, and even above 700 sometimes!!!! It's incredible, but amazing!!!

BTW, I have seen some mommies made a Topic about Justin's 3 yrs birthday. Yet, I can't find the page today. So, let me say,

"Happy Birthday, Justin! Pls. accept my belated birthday wishes!! Jesus loves you!!"

And, does he go to Sunday School now ?

As for me, I was not able to go to church service for the past month, due to my BB's surgery. I am glad that I can go this weeked. See you then.
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。


積分: 221

發表於 04-5-6 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi jk67jk & Jsmami,

Some of my friends also like boy more than girl. They said girls are to sissy and dependent. But for me, I like one boy and one girl. Meanwhile, if I have a baby girl, I will surely buy her a lot of pink clothes, a plently of hello kitty stuff. hee hee.

Yet, as Jsmami may know, I am not sure if I will have the other baby. ' Cause I am afraid he or she will suffer from the same defect with my first bb. As a mother, I really don't want our bb suffer. However, my husband and I really want to have 2 kids.....So, I have to pray hard to see if God is willing to give me another one.
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。


積分: 221

發表於 04-5-6 18:26 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your message. I hope Vienna will surprise you ( as she get to know how to walk) very soon.

I bring my BB to playgroup today eventually. My BB stay in home the whole month. He can drink milk only for the whole month. But, his face has "blown up", and really looks like a chubby boy. I will bring him to have consult the doctor ( check up after surgery) next Sat.

As for me, I always find my full-time mom very ver busy. Not only taking care of my BB, but doing so many other things, like as a volunteer to help other mommies whom BB have the same defect, and help other relatives/ friends to do sth sth.. It's busy, but meaningful though! I am blessed to choice to be a full time mom after struggling for a while.

GOD bless your two lovely kids.
假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。


積分: 221

發表於 04-5-6 18:30 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi 蕉媽,

雲上太陽 is one of my favourite hymn. I also love "GOD will make a way", " Awesome GOD", "Jesus loves me".......All these hymns help me to go thru some hard time.

蕉媽 寫道:
雲上太陽係讚美之泉(stream of praise)的歌,你有興趣可以去試聽下,好好聽架http://www.sop.org/chn/download/audio.htm


假如沒有黑夜, 我們便看不到天上閃亮的星辰。


積分: 5671

發表於 04-5-7 03:55 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

hi Jsmami,
Yes, any combinations are God's blessings. May you have a joyful heart with the rest of your pregnancy. Your baby girl to be will be a very pretty cos' both of you and your husband are very good looking people.

Jsmami and Mrs Cheng,
Are you guys attending the same church? It would be cool to go to the same church with you guys if I were in HK.

It is very good to hear that a lot of busy mums are volunteers or so to help people out. May God bless their works and thru doing this to share the gospel with them. Do you remember I shared the vision wth you guys at Pizza Hut last year? I still have the same vision and I am praying about it and working on it. Recently I talked to the co-ordinator of MOPs (Mothers of preschoolers) about setting up playgroups to do the evangelism. I will find out more information about the MOPs to see if it is possible to set up in HK in the near future if there isn't in HK. It is an organization from USA and now all over 21 countries. I am attending MOPs with the kids and finding it very interesting and maybe it is something HK mums would love to have. So, pls pray for this together.

Mrs. cheng and 蕉媽,
I like the song "GOD will make a way" too. It is a song makes me think and I love all the dialogues in this song. Acutally I love most of the songs from Hillsongs.


積分: 5671

發表於 04-5-7 09:22 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi 各位,
如果呢個playgroup 係HK 舉辦, 你們有興趣嗎? (so far HK 好似未有)...

[size=large]click here


積分: 4008

發表於 04-5-7 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Don't let your son's birth defect affect u. U know u shouldn't be. But it's important to wait until u & your hubby are both ready ! Are u in any cellgroup in Tung Fook? We are not (after nearly 4 yrs)! It will be cool if we can be together......

It's impressive that u keep working on the MOPS thing for HK. I know some english speaking churches (Union church, St. John's) have playgroups for moms & toddlers but it's no different from ordinary playgroups, no gospel spreaded. I looked into the MOPS link. It's great that something like this materializes among women - a difficult species to handle sometimes. It takes a lot to move things forward. Let me know if I can be of help !


積分: 10865

發表於 04-5-7 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom


So great to know that your husband is going back to our Lord. (A lost sheep is found).

This morning, my husband raised the talk about讀書不是求分數. He doesn’t agree with it. Then I told him what I understand the true meaning in the above statement. After that, he said “You those Christian, very difficult to communicate.”. Haa ... what happens? why related to Christian?

Have you watch the program last night in Pearl 千禧BB, the 3rd series? It talks about communication – how communication in the family influence a child. Couples talk about communication breakdown in the family, especially with the husband. It, in some extent, talking about how my husband and I am encountering. My husband also watch the program with me last night, I hope he received the message. (I have talked about it with him several times but he always don’t want to listen to me.)

Pray for the Lord, show me the way to this problem.
「多元社區,和諧並存;你我出手,聾健共融 」


積分: 4008

發表於 04-5-7 15:13 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Last night I watched Child of Our Time with my son. When he saw a mummy hitting the boy with a sock, my son knew what's going on! Haha, I used this to teach him to behave as I never spank him myself.

I agree that children are very smart in picking up what we truly mean by way of our tones, voice, body gestures, facial expression etc. If my husband & I disagree on certain things, we'll try not to let our son see it coz u don't know how he perceives it which could be quite negative & diff. to unwind !

About 讀書不是求分數, I don't agree to it entirely too. I consider 讀書 not only 求分數. But if 讀書 doesn't have too good 分數, there's no room to make concession for other things. I'm a tough mummy!


積分: 6497

發表於 04-5-7 16:45 |只看該作者

Re: "基督家庭" chatroom

Hi, everyone,

I havenot go to church for about 4 years la. Because my husband donot like. So I gave up. Last Sunday I went to church again, felt so good. But I donot know this time if I can bring my husband to church or he bring me out.
Hi, there are 2 happy bbs in our happy family. Let's become good friends!!! :-P :-) :-P :-P


