




積分: 7995

發表於 04-4-27 12:58 |顯示全部帖子

again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

my friend is pregnant and attended the courses in " yan on " hospital for the topic of breastfeeding, the doctor said after baby reaches 1 year, the breastmilk is not good enough for baby, and baby will not absorb well, so for nutrition, it is no good. if people still want to bf baby, it is only for good relationship between baby and moms. also that doctor said some formular like S26 is already very closed as breastmilk. ...
after i heard from my friend, i am so angry with those doctor!!!!!!! i really want to compliant! i want to call health dept and ask them to do more promotion of bf, and give the correct info to public!

do you think it is useful ?


積分: 2478

發表於 04-4-27 13:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman


Yes! I guess you can call Department of Health at 2961 8855 and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiatives at 2591-0782.

The doctors really need to update themselves, and stop promoting baby formula. :-x Even though they might get benefit from doing so......


積分: 9345

發表於 04-4-27 13:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman



積分: 5774

發表於 04-4-27 13:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman


據我所知, 香港的執業醫生要根據世衛指引, 不能向任何父母灌輸任何奶粉可以代替母乳, 法例亦要奶粉商指明母乳是最好及最適合嬰兒使用, 除非有任何原因不能餵哺, 才可使用奶粉. 所以如果向衛生處之類的地方投訴, 可以控告該醫生. 我都認為要醫生嚴格遵守醫生規則, 否則他們的牌照便沒意思.


積分: 7995

發表於 04-4-27 14:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

i am following this case and will let you know the result.


積分: 18441

發表於 04-4-27 14:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman


i think those doctors "might get benefit from doing so..."

thanks for helping us to make the complaint!
bb女 = 恩祺媽 :-)


積分: 3684

發表於 04-4-27 14:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

係囉! 佢都識得話S26好接近母乳啦! 但又話過左1年唔夠營養? 咁佢咪好自打咀巴?? 真搞笑!

發表於 04-4-27 16:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

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發表於 04-4-27 18:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

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積分: 7995

發表於 04-4-28 09:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

i have already called baby friendly, the nurse did listen to me and appreciate our high promotion about bf, as i also introduced BK this topic to her.
but she said she knows a lot of doctors lack of bf knowledge and already asked doctors to attend course to learn info about bf, but most of the doctors refused to go and said they are busy...

she is also disappointed of HK situations, which it is very difficult to promote bf and accepted by HK people. but she said their organization will have bf promotion on coming July to Aug, as Aug 1 to 7 is the bf week so she invited me to help them for some promotion purpose if i am willing to. she also said if in Japan or western country, to promote bf, they will ask some bf moms to feed baby in MTR ( in front of public), but may be difficult in HK.
so i think most of you are willing to help this if they invite us, may be just a sharing in front of public.

also i called health dept to complaint, but the nurse said nothing they can do with such doctors, only to give more correct info to hospital, and stop the formular co. to promote their formular in public hospital. . .


積分: 5774

發表於 04-4-28 11:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

Dear mon,

I am willing to volunteer the BF promotion if I have time at that moment. Please let me know if they need help.


積分: 9345

發表於 04-4-28 13:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

Hi monmantong,

me too. :-P
yuenwa 寫道:
Dear mon,

I am willing to volunteer the BF promotion if I have time at that moment. Please let me know if they need help.


積分: 1266

發表於 04-4-28 13:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

不如提議係半島酒店, 意義重大呀!

如果要宣傳, 我會覺得半島有價值D!


積分: 7995

發表於 04-4-28 14:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

The health dept really treated it as important case, they called me and asked me to provide info of that doctor.
i will keep following up this case, as i hate those " professionals" wrongly teachs people about BF.

re the supporting activities, thanks for all your support, if baby friendly calls me , i will let you know and see how many mothers are willing to help.

i am just thinking that i want to group with other bf moms to issue a book , topic like " sharing about bf", and invite some professional, lactation consultant for editorial advice, and if we can earn money from this book, we can devote those money for charity , but i have no idea how to issue this book... ( may be it is just my dream).


積分: 16315

版主 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 04-4-28 14:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

能在今個夏天的推廣中, 出點棉力是我所期盼的!
集結"分享"成書, 不是夢啊! 看! 我們這兒不是已凝聚了不少力量嗎?
只要我們有夢想, 實踐是不難的! 也許成真哩!
【母乳餵哺資料庫】 保 守 著 大 家 的 母 乳 路 ! 無 論 順 逆 , 願 大 家 都 以 喜 樂 和 盼 望 的 心 迎 接 喜 與 憂 ! 加 油 啊 ! 因 為 我 們 在 這 裡 耕 耘 的 路 上 , 有 的 是 扶 持 和 關 顧 啊 ! 願 【母乳餵哺區】 是 母 乳 家 庭 的 加 油 站 !


積分: 5774

發表於 04-4-28 16:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

Dear mon,

我很樂意幫你一起發夢, 如果任何人有興趣, 我們一起出書吧!

不過要快呀, 我怕BK站長會把我們的寶貴經驗接獨先登呀!


積分: 359

發表於 04-4-28 17:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

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積分: 7995

發表於 04-4-28 17:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman

i am very pleased to see all of you are so enthusiastic, and i feel very warm and happy after knowing you from BK, it really seems that we come from same family. I think i should join the 香港母乳育嬰協會", as previously i always called the hotline but they are lack of manpowers, maybe it is time for us to give them hands.


積分: 1623

發表於 04-4-28 21:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman



積分: 34716

發表於 04-4-29 17:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: again wrong information from doctor to pregnant woman





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