




積分: 1107

發表於 04-4-28 12:17 |顯示全部帖子

Shampoo and bath foam

I just wonder if you would share your shampoo or bath foam with your maid? or you would buy her another brand as she likes?


積分: 1152

發表於 04-4-28 12:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

Of course not, even though it's a cheap one.
Will you share your body lotion with your maid?

Buy her another brand as she likes? Also "NO". If she like fancl, H2O will you buy it to her?

They should buy their own "personal stuff".

Personally, I think bath foam is a luxury. They should use soap. Don't forgot that their salary is only HK$3670. Don't introduce luxury and spending to a new maid at the very beginning. They will take for granted and a must in the future.


積分: 1479

發表於 04-4-28 12:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam


charlene 寫道:
Of course not, even though it's a cheap one.
Will you share your body lotion with your maid?

Buy her another brand as she likes? Also "NO". If she like fancl, H2O will you buy it to her?

They should buy their own "personal stuff".

Personally, I think bath foam is a luxury. They should use soap. Don't forgot that their salary is only HK$3670. Don't introduce luxury and spending to a new maid at the very beginning. They will take for granted and a must in the future.


積分: 5872

發表於 04-4-28 16:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

起初佢有佢自己舊 "番簡", 我仲比個盒佢自己入住, 不過我都同佢講, 果度都有沖涼簡液同洗頭水, 你都可以用, 因為我用既都係一般牌子, so far 佢都唔會倒水咁倒, 我唔想佢一支二支棟曬係度比佢霸曬d位, 所以比佢用。 當然我放係廁所既護膚品佢唔可以用啦, 同埋牙膏都係會分開, 因為始終係衛生問題 (牙刷會掂到個牙膏出口嘛!)。


Judy's Nail 美甲相集HERE

Judy's Nail Web PageHERE


積分: 6164


發表於 04-4-28 16:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

mummy, 我都係咁架, 不過洗頭水佢就自己買過, 可能髮質大家唔同啦, so 佢自己買過另外一枝, 我無理佢, 總之佢 like 用就用, 唔 like 就自己買, 但我又唔會買比佢喎, 有 d 我會同佢講明唔可以用架, 食物都係一樣!

發表於 04-4-28 17:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

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積分: 134

發表於 04-4-28 17:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

She stole my shampoo and soap. So I will not buy her because she is out of courtesy.


積分: 933

發表於 04-4-28 17:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam



積分: 9832

發表於 04-4-28 20:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

同意 Charlene 的意見


積分: 22272

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發表於 04-4-28 21:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam



積分: 864

發表於 04-4-29 16:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

i agree with yan yan mummy. the contract only require us to provide meals and accomodation. For personal hygiene, maids should pay out of their purse for shampoo, cream, etc . Also, dont forget even if you provide all these stuff, it will become a habit and most bun buns because of their culture would not feel grateful but only take it for granted. Does it worth?!

發表於 04-4-29 21:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

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積分: 2163

發表於 04-4-30 12:11 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

洗頭水, 護髮素, 牙膏等等都係share既, 多佢一個人都唔係用多好多, 不過洗面同沖涼用既野就分開, 因為佢本身都有皮膚敏感, 佢要用特別既梘洗面同沖涼(佢自備), 所以我都唔怕佢會用我既護膚品, 因為佢都唔受得有perfume既產品 :-P


積分: 1107

發表於 04-5-6 03:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

Thank you for all the response.

In fact, last time when she just came, she said that most of her salary is deducted by the agent. So when she said she had finished her shampoo and asked me to buy her shampoo. I thought it's OK, then when I asked her to go to the supermarket, I asked her to buy herself the shampoo.

She bought herself 'Rejoyce' the big one. I expected that could be used for at least 2 months because her hair is not long and she is not washing hair everyday (alternate day).

But last week (only 1 month after I bought her the shampoo) , I found that the empty bottle of her shampoo was thrown away but she didn't ask for a new one. Then I started to find that my 'Dove' shampoo is used up very fast. She didn't ask and used my shampoo.

Then, I realize that maybe she thought that it is not at her cost, so she use plenty every time. What I'm now doing is to keep my shampoo away from the bathroom. I only take to the bathroom when I use it. I don't want to be mean to her, but I think it's what she's deserved it.

It also happened to the bath foam and toothpaste. She bought the toothpaste without my permission when I asked her to go to the supermarket and now less than 3 week she can finished most of the toothpaste (big size).

I would not buy her any personal stuff anymore, so that she can learn how to save.


積分: 864

發表於 04-5-6 06:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

take a record of the stuff at home and ask her to pay for the shampoo etc that she used without your permission and deduct it from the salary.


積分: 1976

發表於 04-5-6 09:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

你地有無叫工人去會所沖涼, 因為我屋企只得一個toilet, 叫佢去會所沖涼會否好過份??


積分: 60399

發表於 04-5-6 09:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

你唔買d個人用品比佢, 但佢仍然可以用你o個d, 唔通你自己同老公, 下下要將d洗頭水, 梘液, 牙膏, 拎出拎入洗手間咩. 計我話, 你每個月都買一 set比佢, 跟住就在佢o既人工扣番 d錢出黎, 用得快, 就扣多d,用唔晒, 都要扣, 睇下佢仲會唔會自己買同慳住用.


積分: 21395

發表於 04-5-6 10:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam


你呢招行不通的, 我以前個衰bun, 佢可以買一支洗頭水, 一支'簡'液, 牙'高'可以用半年都用不到小小. 全部係道具!

我果d就用得快過mug. 後尾我每次洗頭, 沖涼之後, 就倒一次佢d洗頭水, '簡液', 牙'高'真係收埋入房, 因為我覺得好可衛生.


積分: 837

發表於 04-5-6 10:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam


我真係有諗過叫工人去會所沖涼嫁, 原因係屋企連佢共四人, 雖則我家有2個toilet, 但水電煤氣日用品消耗極大, 呢個工人o黎o左4個月, 本來用我老公toilet內日用品 (佢與我老公&奶奶共用toilet, 我同囡囡用另一個), 後我老公投訴話bath foam快速消失,于是我奶奶買'番間'比佢用,洗頭水則照用, 不過上次話完佢後,比我發現佢成頭頭皮,于是規定3日洗1次頭,亦輕輕同佢講-'正考慮佢落會所沖涼,不過唔知得唔得..'等佢自己醒水, 而家佢用凍水沖涼. 另外又經常教佢做工人o既道理-例如教佢唔好'take everything as granted', 'be polite'...

Anyway, 我認為只要我對佢好, 比佢覺得我care佢, 佢自然都會乖乖o地...

我嬡G女02年9月13日-2:44pm出世, 重3.7kgs;10個月就識行啦!!!! 7歲啦! 返學好開心呀! 媽咪爹o地好錫我嫁! 多謝媽咪爹o地!  


積分: 5454

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 04-5-6 16:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Shampoo and bath foam

想問若扣佢錢, 駛唔駛係張salary receipt 都寫明? 扣佢錢其實係得唔得?


