




積分: 13

發表於 04-5-3 13:56 |只看該作者

Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi all member BK,

Did anyone give birth at Santorium Hosptial and joined their package with epidural treatment? .. pls share experience?..

thanks a lot!


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-3 20:00 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

hello ATang,
i gave birth at sanatarium hosp this feb. but i chose c-section package loh.
actually its a v.nice hosp to give birth cos the nursing staff there are v.good and supportive. i chose 3rd class bed and i think it's already v.good and hv enough privacy. (2 beds share 1cubicle n usually nurse will not give you the bed with the other bed occupied.)
I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-4 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,

Thanks very much for your information!! how's your little baby now? by the way, did you join package at all? do you know whether it is cheaper in joining package .. do you feel very painful after the operation?..

talk to you soon.
thanks again..


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-4 17:45 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

thanks for asking about ruth, she's 3 months old today. ^^
i joined their package at that time cos i thought it'd be better and cheaper. you know, in private hosp like sanatorium, charges are always high. i just don't want to worry about charges if i use up extra cotton swab etc in OT loh. and cos i'm 1st time mama, many things i'm 1st time encounter, i'd prefer longer stay in hosp, better for both ruth n me. (i know some mamas don't join package b'cos they want shorter stay--give birth today n leave tomorrow--they're 2nd time mama la.) fortunately my bill is still bearable.
i chose c-section since i was pregnant -- just afraid of the pain of giving birth naturally. therefore i chose doctors carefully. my doctor is known to be 'god of knife'. and true, my wound healed perfectly n almost no pain at all. really amazing.
one thing to remind you, the package price doesn't cover phototherapy if your bb needs.

I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-4 20:36 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,

That's good to hear that Ruth is 3 months old, wishing her all the best!! ^@^ by the way, I know that joining package may be cheaper somehow as it is all inclusive, supposted to be.. in fact, I guess everyone is scare of Pain.. but I wonder why don't you think of Epidural?. just query.. because I'm consulting my doctor about pain relieve and think about epidural lor.
you mentioned the "god of knive" who is he? .. if you are having c-session, did you stay awake during the operation? just query.. if stay awake, it should be epidural, am I correct?..

Moreover, what did you bring to hospital lei? did you take shower there?..

thanks in advance & talk to you later!!


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-10 01:54 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

我冇諗過要Epidural呀, 一來唔想到有痛先call麻C來做Epidural(痛都費事痛), 二來你估實做得好既咩, 我聽講有媽咪做完條腰成日痛, 三來吉D野入spinal cord個度喎, 我情願佢同我開肚啦!(都幾百痴^^)
你如果問你E生做Epidural個時至緊要睇下佢咩反應呀, 姑娘教如果個E生支支吾吾既呢可能係佢唔係好familiar做Epidural喎(唔知係唔係咁誇).^^
我知有半身麻最, 之但係我老公都唔陪產(佢怕太bloody,又要加$), 咁我情願佢扑暈我好過我見到佢地咁大朋人向我個肚度攪來攪去啦! 不過如果你想第一時間見到BB你都可以做半身麻最架!
我joined package所以冇乜點帶野. pajama兩套, 腰封, sanitary napkins 兩包(你買直身個隻呀, D姑娘話方便D, 因第一二天係佢地同你換的), 面巾, socks, cardigan, 底三富, 沖涼野(我有沖涼架, 唔沖唔舒服. 不過冇比老人家知^^), 帶盒box tissue(細盒就得)呀, 姑娘會拿來同你清潔, 你又有得用. 當然仲有E生信同lab result啦(就生個時E生會比你架啦). 係咁多. 到出院之前咪叫屋企人拿BB三仔來囉!
I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-10 13:26 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,

Yeah.. you're correct. I'm afriad of pain so I choose Epidural lor.. but now, I think the best option is做半身麻最架 and have C-Session, but my Dr. told me that if 做半身麻最, it will also be using the epidural .. do you know any other methods ?..

For sanitary napkins, I bought the one which can sticks on the underwear, I think is good enough and also bought "disposal net underwear" lor.

腰封 is it good to wear after operation?.. I wonder.. does it hurt at all?.. did you buy special bras? since I didn't buy yet..

did you breast feed?.. share har experience..

Ruth is very cute... good for you!! wishing her all the best lar!


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-11 01:24 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

你又係諗住做c-section呀? 半身麻最? 你想睇住BB出世lei? 你老公可以同BB剪慈帶囉! 不過你同你E生checkcheck半麻同全麻係咪一樣$$喎!
我老公個時冇陪我入OT嘛, 咁我唔想見住咁多人向我個肚度攪野咪做全麻囉.
係呀, 半麻都係用epidural架咋, 一樣向backbone 比人吉一針, 之後你下半生冇晒feeling, 佢地咪可以向你個肚度為所欲為囉!^^
腰封梗係要! 冇佢你OT之後好難企得直個人架, 條腰有support嘛! 我OT第日就用佢用左成個月架! 你買perry個隻啦, 何花有架, 有size分, 都唔錯! 我覺得係must buy item.
我本來係BF, 但一路都唔夠奶, 我悠悠出世都好奀下架啦, 所以我有保奶粉, 比佢飽肚D. 到E+ formula係主菜, BF係零食囉! 不過BF真係好好架, 起碼悠悠既health唔錯囉! 你諗唔諗住BF? 如果係BF梗係要買番一兩個餵奶bra啦! :-P
I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-11 11:14 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?


thanks very much... very very good advice. I will go and buy one 腰封 and look for the brand "perry" since I heard from others that the brand Warcol is also good, it is a self-adhesive type.. it's about $300 something. How much did you buy yours?..

yeah.. I plan to have both breast feed and milk powder together.. for breat feed bra, any suggestion lei?...

thanks in advance


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-11 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

個腰封唔貴架, 好似一百幾十姐(唔記得exactly 幾多囉), 都係self adhesive既.
brabra呢我就唔知你咩size啦, 我自己因為本來唔勁(70/75A), 大肚後期都係由A>C, 咁好多出面咩奇X呀, 咩OXO呀個D好大, 著左放多個橙入去都得! 我見何花有隻叫farlin既有我size咪試下囉, so far都算係咁, 又冇個D 舖頭咁鬼貴. 之但係如果你要好靚既番得工出得街咪買一兩個貴野見人囉, 我係全職媽媽, 向屋企多過出街, 好多野冇所謂.
I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-12 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,

Just see you online, that's good!! in fact, for bras, I didn't buy new ones since I'm small too.. haha... I will go to "Ho Fa" and see the brand u mentioned and the tape for the Waist as well.. thanks very much for your recommendation.

how's your little Ruth these days?..


積分: 10239

發表於 04-5-13 01:21 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

多謝你問候悠悠呀. 佢之前食得唔好, E兩日先好番D, 不過都係食得少. 冇計.
我其實冇買好多餵奶brabra, 因為個時唔知自己能唔能夠成功breastfeed架嘛, 所以只係買左兩個. 咁生左之後bf啦, 又唔想去買喎, 覺得ordinary bra都ok呀, 少少唔方便姐, 何況我冇乜奶比囡囡, 一日只係食一兩次零食姐, 就唔買奶bra買番ordinary bra囉. 所以你都唔好一次過咁dum本呀!
I support autism acceptance!


積分: 13

發表於 04-5-14 16:01 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,

I see... I will think and decide later to buy or not lor.. by the way, thanks very much for your advise wor..

in fact, I don't know whether I am suceed in BF or not gar as you mentioned, so, just feed both is better , I think..

wishing Ruth all the best la!!


積分: 13

發表於 04-6-5 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?

Hi Jolly,
How are you?... I'm now approaching the latest stage lar and a bit nervous.. how are you & Ruth ley?..


積分: 6949

發表於 04-6-10 03:21 |只看該作者

Re: Package at Santorium Hospital?



