




積分: 386

發表於 08-8-7 13:07 |只看該作者

回覆 #13 NO.1YUET 的文章

同意 蠢同無sense 係無得醫架 !
最慘係, 你話完佢都係一樣冇改至攞你命


積分: 1540

發表於 08-8-7 13:25 |只看該作者
How about Airticket (go and back)?????at lease $1200-1800.
If leave down $1600, I'll consider to do.But 0 zero, I should be no interest....Then, I would be continue to pay the tax in the future 1 year.
I don't like to pay to agency fee $2000 and airticket fee around $1600. About to add salary to $100X12/m, I'll consider the maid performance more than to earliest to add the salary to them.I disagree deduct $400 to the agent or transfer to maid.
Finally, I'll choose to pay to government more than to 老溤.....

原文章由 hkdaisyhk 於 08-8-7 11:33 發表
我的印印工人已經1year 了, 是stupie但肯改善, 無做錯咩大事, 會主動ask太太要點做, 又係有時粗心大意, train多d佢又有d改善,個性是stupie但不可能到無危機感便算數. .... 但我自己EQ又不好, 有時頂唔順d, 叫工人做 ...
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然


積分: 1540

發表於 08-8-7 13:42 |只看該作者
令到女主人成個mad woman(成日好像不明,說完有要說成年,人都crazy).成日像老婦長氣....!男主人見到都不開胃(男人真是不明,明明我地教都區血,還說太太惡!幫工人!又冇晒儀態.....!真是不值 !!
原文章由 ru_by 於 08-8-7 13:07 發表
同意 蠢同無sense 係無得醫架 !
最慘係, 你話完佢都係一樣冇改至攞你命
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然


積分: 1069

發表於 08-8-7 13:47 |只看該作者
The another problem is that they don't realise the point and don't understand why they are wrong. As a result, they think mum is very bossy and fussy!!!!!! Now, my maid doesn't greet me in the morning. Yesterday, when I scolded her, she dared to turn around and go without saying sorry or giving any answer!!!!!!!!!! Never mind, I won't scold her anymore, she will be kicked out of my house in Nov

原文章由 ru_by 於 08-8-7 13:07 發表
同意 蠢同無sense 係無得醫架 !
最慘係, 你話完佢都係一樣冇改至攞你命


積分: 1506

發表於 08-8-7 14:02 |只看該作者
I will fire my maid today, her case same as all your maid. But poor thing is she just come 2 months and my last maid just help me 11 months (2 maid used up my saving 20 thousand -one month notice + air ticket + annual leave -within one year). 2nd one also stupid and no sence. She gave the milk for my new born son (11/2month) is yellow color. Milk is extramely hot. She let my cousin (2yrs) to sit on the toy car that is for toy baby only. I live in this flat 6 yrs I never found any 小強, but this two months i found 4 pcs with differend kind. How come ???Misstanding is a point the worest is she don't know I am talking wih her.


積分: 1506

發表於 08-8-7 14:05 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fattymom 於 08-8-7 13:47 發表
The another problem is that they don't realise the point and don't understand why they are wrong. As a result, they think mum is very bossy and fussy!!!!!! Now, my maid doesn't greet me in the morni ...

totally agree you. i complain to the agency and people talk to her but she still answer "what's wrong with that "


積分: 31492

發表於 08-8-7 14:12 |只看該作者
我都好明白你的擔心, 我bb未出世時都請左個印印, 超蠢, 中,英都唔識, 門同窗都唔識分, 滾湯企喺廚房個幾鐘等煲湯乾, 煲水企喺度望住個火咩都唔做, 又唔識睇鐘, 返去agent度叫個印尼"番易"教佢睇鐘都唔識, 第時點計時間開奶? 所以用左3星期即刻換第2個. 如果叫你位呀姐湊2個, 你認為放唔放心? 重要1個係newborn?


積分: 3827

發表於 08-8-7 16:36 |只看該作者
唉..我同你個case 一樣,重有$4,800未交. 都唔知掂好,佢又係無咩大錯,只係無心肝...清潔一般...有時講深啲又唔明...每晚都係我隔晚買定餸比佢煮,重要最簡單個隻(拾菜..炒蛋..蒸魚..)深啲都攪唔掂..


原文章由 hkdaisyhk 於 08-8-7 11:33 發表
我的印印工人已經1year 了, 是stupie但肯改善, 無做錯咩大事, 會主動ask太太要點做, 又係有時粗心大意, train多d佢又有d改善,個性是stupie但不可能到無危機感便算數. .... 但我自己EQ又不好, 有時頂唔順d, 叫工人做 ...


積分: 171

發表於 08-8-22 14:20 |只看該作者

應該俾機會佢還是炒佢 ??

我屋企個印傭嚟咗就快一年, 最初都覺得佢幾好嘅, 但無耐就覺得麻麻喇!! 特別係搬咗新屋之後仲激氣. 好似之前佢有次唔小心打爛咗我個漱口杯, 佢第一個反應唔喺同我道歉, 而係問我"點呀! 太太!". 最激氣係上星期六我個女病咗要食葯, 佢夠膽死唔記得帶葯出街, 佢都係問番我嗰句:"點呀! 太太!". 於是我忍唔住響我奶奶同班姑奶面前大聲鬧爆佢, 仲要佢即刻由石硤尾返將軍澳攞葯. 你們都知道做媽媽嘅最緊張就係小朋友嘅健康, 佢咁大意叫我點放過佢吖. 啱啱噚晚我又摌爆佢, 佢竟然喺冷氣房內同我個女換衫. 我個女啱啱先好番, 唔知係咪因為咁凍一凍又咳番. 你話佢佢剩係識"係 ! 係 !", 俾你聽到係咪勁嬲吖 ?? 講煮飯又唔係煮得好食, 講反應又慢過人. 好似佢話想轉用自己買返來嗰張電話咭, 我俾佢轉不特止仲資助佢五十蚊, 只係提醒佢喺平日工作時間唔好講電話. 但有次我突然間喺公司打返屋企竟然唔通,我都無出聲話佢, 我諗住一次半次就算數唔話佢. 其實到底係我太過苛刻, 還是佢真係有問題呢 ?? 我都想當佢係一家人, 但遇到啲咁嘅事真係好惡頂.....我應該俾機會佢還是趁早炒咗佢呢 ??


積分: 8470

發表於 08-8-22 15:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 huanghou 於 08-8-6 17:14 發表
I totally understand what you meant.

My new Indonesian maid arrived on 18/7. I know her English/Cantonese is not good, and I later found out she is also蠢. I already asked her to write down what I to ...

我個印遲你一日到, 黎咗一個月激足一個月. 一啲 sense 都無, 睇住我個仔 (就黎3歲) 玩鞋唔出聲, 見到佢咬營光棒又唔出聲, 用風扇近距離吹住我個仔, 話佢仲好似唔知發生咩事咁. 無記性, 講咗幾次都好似從來未聽過咁. 唔主動, 成日匿埋係廚房, 三點開始煮晚餐. 叫佢同我個仔玩, 佢仲笑得大聲過我個仔.

決定要換, 不過未揀啱人, 唔知仲要忍佢幾耐.


積分: 382

發表於 08-8-22 16:30 |只看該作者



積分: 521

發表於 08-8-22 17:32 |只看該作者
Tolerance with my maid is gettting lower and lower each day. Sometimes I just don't want to talk to/see her (she looks so poor when I ask her why she did/forget something).

She always says she wants to improve, but I can't see she has the heart to do it. Sometimes she seems like dreaming (can't imagine what will happen if she takes care of m y son by herself). My father said she is already scared.

Communication is a big problem, together with her having no sense (my son put his fingers in the space between the kitchen door and the hinges few days ago and she did not stop him at all. I saw it while I was opening the door from inside. Luckily I did it very slowly, otherwise my son's fingers would be hurt). I am asking myself if I should get another one.

原文章由 fsy 於 08-8-22 15:11 發表

我個印遲你一日到, 黎咗一個月激足一個月. 一啲 sense 都無, 睇住我個仔 (就黎3歲) 玩鞋唔出聲, 見到佢咬營光棒又唔出聲, 用風扇近距離吹住我個仔, 話佢仲好似唔知發生咩事咁. 無記性, 講咗幾次都好似從來未聽過咁 ...


積分: 8179


發表於 08-8-22 20:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 咩咩豬 於 08-8-5 15:27 發表

just as same as my bun bun!


積分: 373098

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 HiPP勳章(2) HiPP勳章(1) 2018父親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 畀面勳章 醒目開學勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 貓狗褓姆 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 美好大世界2017勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-8-22 20:30 |只看該作者
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.


積分: 17220

發表於 08-8-22 20:49 |只看該作者
我lee個都好蠢, but 我覺得叫佢做嘢都肯做就算, 驚換一個, 衰過佢, 仲c.


積分: 5027

發表於 08-8-22 23:38 |只看該作者
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽


積分: 263

發表於 08-8-23 00:28 |只看該作者
其實請bun bun 或 印印都好, 都係講你運氣, 我之前用咗成十年bun bun, 以前啲bun bun 的確幾好, 但係而家好難搵, 我都換咗幾個bun bun, 我而家呢個係印印, 講大話, 偷嘢, lazy, 樣樣有齊, 已向agent complain 咗! 實在覺得好煩, 所以仲用緊佢, 因為請個新, 除咗waste money, 仲要搵個replacement 同等兩個月process. 我實在體力不支, 除非自己一心一意唔做嘢, 但係又做唔慣家務! 實在好無奈, 香港生活實在難捱, 政府仲攪啲唔productive嘅嘢, 驚我地啲外傭僱主唔夠煩!

[ 本文章最後由 namnam2007 於 08-8-23 00:36 編輯 ]


積分: 2161

發表於 08-8-23 10:52 |只看該作者
咪唔大部份賓賓都係一樣既呢? 我嗰個都係咁. 昨日又一新傑作: 發現個bath tub 同啲碗洗得唔乾淨, 問佢點解, 佢話kichen啲光線唔夠. 好啦, 咁我問如果換咗啲燈以後就唔會洗得唔乾淨啦, 佢居然答我"I will try my best". 好似好positive咁, 但係我冇唸過佢連洗碗咁easy既野都只係try her best黎做. 同埋, 跟本就唔係燈光問題, 我toilet好光架, 佢咪又係洗得唔乾淨. 一句講哂: 個心返咗老家, 冇心乾. 我搵咗幾個星期, 終於搵到個合心水既工人, 準備換咗佢.

原文章由 huanghou 於 08-8-22 17:32 發表
Tolerance with my maid is gettting lower and lower each day. Sometimes I just don't want to talk to/see her (she looks so poor when I ask her why she did/forget something).

She always says she wants ...


