原文章由 2heiBBmama 於 08-11-8 10:42 發表
當然騙你啦, 僱主既責任係將個工人送番原居地, 所以你只要買一張open ticket去Jakarta就得喇, 若果佢住泗水, 咁你未比多$100佢搭車/船番佢自己屋企囉..... ...
原文章由 bbrma 於 08-11-7 22:35 發表
As told by the staff from Labour Dept., a ticket to Jakarta + $100 is already enough. You don't have to pay the bus/train/ferry ticket no matter how much it is.
原文章由 GiCa 於 08-11-8 13:17 發表
check the below link
I am not a travel agency, just found the above link on internet, not sure whether it is open ticket or not.
I also fo ...