...佢ready 好未?... ok, as she joint the playgroup there for about 4 months la. every tue, fri 1-hour English; every Wed, Sat 1-hour Cantonese
...戒左片片...not yet as it is cold and I will try thest few days. but the 1st week of school is only 1.5 hour. it will be easier to keep her dry. the 2nd week will be 2 hours and 3 hours/day from the 3rd week.
...咁佢8月新學期係咪升 K1呀...maybe but I will try to enroll her to her elder sister's nursery.
...你地係咪住柴灣/小西灣架..yes, now in Harmony Garden but seeking flat in IR
...下個星期搬去藍灣呀...you but or rent? I wanted to buy, any suggestion?
"我聽人講如果未戒片,學校要求家長帶輕鬆穿片片,你知唔知康傑係咪都一樣??" --> No, they ask us to let her wear panties without anything inside.
"你住Harmony garden,點解唔報迦南0既?"--> Cannon is also good but their AM class is full.
"我係租架~我未住過冇乜suggestion.. 不過我c6話樓價仲有得跌,所以繼續租樓,睇下年尾個情況先決定買唔買樓.. "--> me too, see and will buy later.
"純粹個人意見,如果我要買附近我會選擇杏花村,地鐡上蓋,保值d !不過如果唔計呢d,藍灣好住過杏花村,新d又有club house 啱小朋友。"--> yes, huen fa is better for investment but IR is better for kids...so not make up our mind.