




積分: 3383

發表於 09-3-10 12:55 |顯示全部帖子
我個仔就快3歲,個女依家4個月大, 原先我媽幫我湊bb, 工人負責湊亞仔. 點知我媽尋日話唔幫我啦, 係即刻唔幫,因為佢sick, 依家個工人亦已辭工, 依個星期五走.我老公請住假頂住先.

新工人visa今朝批左, 要預至少7個working days 先黎到.

我奶奶日頭會係到幫下, 但就唔會湊亞仔or baby,因為佢年紀大, 攪唔掂亞仔, baby佢唔識湊, 好驚幫佢沖涼.

我想問有經驗既媽咪, 一個菲傭可以攪得掂嗎,要請多一個工人嗎?? 亞仔依家返上午, 奶奶會係屋企直至我地放工返去.


積分: 501

發表於 09-3-10 13:11 |顯示全部帖子
One helper should be able to take care of two kids so long as you don't need her to go out (e.g. to the market or to fetch your kids to/from classes.) If your mom-in-law can stay at your home to monitor as well, it would be sufficiently safe, I believe.

原帖由 creamychoy 於 09-3-10 12:55 發表
我個仔就快3歲,個女依家4個月大, 原先我媽幫我湊bb, 工人負責湊亞仔. 點知我媽尋日話唔幫我啦, 係即刻唔幫,因為佢sick, 依家個工人亦已辭工, 依個星期五走.我老公請住假頂住先.

新工人visa今朝批左, 要預至少7個wor ...


積分: 4531

發表於 09-3-10 13:19 |顯示全部帖子
其實無話掂唔掂, 好睇你的要求同家庭環境. 我自己都有兩個小朋友, 6歲同2歲半, 用兩個工人. 不過我係無親人幫手的, 而我兩公婆都要返工.


積分: 17389


發表於 09-3-10 13:24 |顯示全部帖子
我個工人遲d都係一個湊兩個, 99果d都唔會日日來得到
~我幫個仔轉左去全日班, 佢都係三歲, 校車去到屋企樓下, 工人抱住阿b湊佢返學放學都應該ok
~唔駛再要工人買送, 由我或99/媽咪搞掂, 佢只係在家湊bb

我個工人未湊過bb添. 所以, 都係搏一搏咋


積分: 6247

發表於 09-3-10 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

if your new maid has experience in taking care of two, should have no problem la~ Especially, your 99 will be there even though she will not 湊.. but at least can watch one while your maid taking care of the other.

i have a 2-yr old and a 7 months. My 2-yr old goes to pre-nursery in the morning (but I think afternoon class would be better for you if you have one maid). my 99 or her maid will come over when 2 babies are home .. but both of them won't 湊 (or should say both doesn't know how to 湊bb~ ) So, my maid is the only one will 湊bb~

The schedule is like my maid will be by herself in the morning until my 2-yr old finish school around 12pm. my 99 will pick him up from school bus and take him home to have lunch. Then my 2-yr old will take afternoon nap from 2-4:30pm (or sometimes 5pm).. my 99 will leave my home after he sleeps.

then my 99's maid will come over to play with my 2-yr old when he woke up. But again, this maid doesn't know how to 湊 my son.. major tasks are done by my maid.

my maid doesn't need to go out at all.. either me or my 99's maid will get groceries for us .. or I order online delivery.

the main point is you must set a schedule that the feeding time of your 4個月 has to be on regular basis.. and should try to set it to avoid overlapping your 3歲's schedule... say your 3歲 will be home around 12PM.. then your 4個月 should drink milk around 11am... and the next milk should be around 3pm which your 3歲 should be taking a nap .....

原帖由 creamychoy 於 09-3-10 12:55 發表
我個仔就快3歲,個女依家4個月大, 原先我媽幫我湊bb, 工人負責湊亞仔. 點知我媽尋日話唔幫我啦, 係即刻唔幫,因為佢sick, 依家個工人亦已辭工, 依個星期五走.我老公請住假頂住先.

新工人visa今朝批左, 要預至少7個wor ...


積分: 765

發表於 09-3-10 13:32 |顯示全部帖子
我大仔3歲, BB2個月, 初時以為請工人可以凑2個但發覺唔得, 原因係我哋唔放心, 加上大仔讀上午班又要送返學&放學, even have school bus, 但我唔想工人拖一個孭一個, 好危險咁. 重有工人唔多醒目又唔細心又唔識幫BB沖涼, 所以99會凑番, 到時maybe 炒佢


積分: 6247

發表於 09-3-10 15:05 |顯示全部帖子

送返學&放學... I also 唔放心 let the maid carry the small one to go ~ If your 99 can help, maybe 99 can take care of those parts.. while the maid can do the housework or diaper changing lor??

原帖由 cceeccee 於 09-3-10 13:32 發表
我大仔3歲, BB2個月, 初時以為請工人可以凑2個但發覺唔得, 原因係我哋唔放心, 加上大仔讀上午班又要送返學&放學, even have school bus, 但我唔想工人拖一個孭一個, 好危險咁. 重有工人唔多醒目又唔細心又唔識幫BB ...


積分: 2956

發表於 09-3-10 15:06 |顯示全部帖子
已安排大囡讀K1全日班, 工人主力照顧細囡(6月出世), 而飯菜一直都係我自己買. 費事到時佢攪到一頭煙, 大囡係佢湊大, 應該可以順利過渡, 呢個都係同佢續約的原因.


積分: 319

發表於 09-3-10 18:20 |顯示全部帖子
我都有兩個小朋友(4歲半及2 歲), 一向都係用一個Philippines工人, 大仔返K2 上午班, 細仔因1月出世, 所以都未返學, 我唔需要工人姐姐買餸, 佢只需管學校接送(步行大約15分鐘)及大仔星期一至三都要學野, 負責2個仔的午餐及我&老公的晚餐.

不過, 你要有心理準備, 佢清潔會唔ok, 但算啦, 至少等到細仔返學至再算.

我之前有個鄰居都係有2個小朋友(約5歲及2歲), 開頭我見佢都有2個工人姐姐, 但可能佢見我一個工人都ok, 之後, 佢都轉咗只用1個工人 (因我係最近先至搬到現址).


積分: 100

發表於 09-3-10 19:21 |顯示全部帖子
I only have 1 maid and I think she is not that busy. My son is 1.6yr and my daughter is 4 months, my baby girl always sleep so my maid only take care of my son now! I think 1 maid is enough, my son will go to school this Sep ( pre-nursery) for whole day, ie when my daughter can walk and brother start to go to school, so at that time, my maid mainly take care of my daughter la.


積分: 35965


發表於 09-3-10 20:40 |顯示全部帖子
比大仔返全日, 咁工人主力湊細B, 會好D!


積分: 805

發表於 09-3-10 20:46 |顯示全部帖子


積分: 1245

發表於 09-3-10 23:19 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 gym 於 09-3-10 13:11 發表
One helper should be able to take care of two kids so long as you don't need her to go out (e.g. to the market or to fetch your kids to/from classes.) If your mom-in-law can stay at your home to moni ...


