




積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

我個仔都係呢幾日開始不斷抓面及耳仔, 我諗應該係同天氣有關, 佢地d皮膚敏感度重準過及快過天文台, 所以我好似偵探咁差不多24小時睇住佢, 一見佢抓邊到就即搽lotion. 有時真係連夜晚都不能放過, 因為夜晚係最危險的時間, 佢地會不自覺咁抓皮膚, 嚴重的會抓損至出血.


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 13:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

Brian Mother,
我個測驗同你差不多, 我就唔食得所有同蛋, 麥類食品,肉方面只有羊可以食, 不過我就偷偷食雞(雞的敏感度最低), 仔仔都好似ok喎!
我老公話米都會由唔同成份種出來, 我都記無線鏗鏘集好似做過中國種米專家在種米時加入不同物質(唔記得乜名), 所以唔係隻隻米的成份都一樣, 你可以試下邊隻米食左無事, 邊隻米有事, 咁以後就淨買個隻"無事米".
cetephil係我個家庭醫生介紹, 佢係皮膚兼兒科醫生.就係佢睇仔仔最嚴重時


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 13:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

我重諗緊, 佢d醫生及藥費都唔平呀! 我呢個月29日要到佢到覆診, 到時我會問佢可否在外面配藥, 可以慳番d錢留番比仔仔買護膚品用
:-P :-P

發表於 04-11-12 14:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

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積分: 743

發表於 04-11-12 14:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

最主要真係保濕,自從bb轉用咗Johnson Aveeno Baby Daily Cream 都無mug番發. 不過呢隻cream只係Canada先有得買,你地可以試下上綱買.可能外國天氣dry D. 所以D cream 都潤 D. 重有一支都係 HK$30-40. 都唔貴. 重有沖涼用 Pinatasol (Ego) 不錯呢!


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 14:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

總之,為左迎接秋冬來臨, 大家努力一齊為bb做好保護皮膚預防措施(哈哈..)


積分: 2708

發表於 04-11-12 14:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

"Cetaphil" is a lotion. My Dr.said it do not contail medicine so I could use it for my baby even more than 10 times a day.
The Dr. teach me 3 steps to do when the baby have this skin problem(eczema) :
1) when the skin is ok- just put some more lotion to their body to keep "moisture" . This can prevent the "eczema" come back.
2) When the red-colour is on the skin (not serious), use "elidel" cream.
3) When it is serious must use cream which contain"cortisone?" e.g. : 1% hydro cortisone cream
*keep the skin moisture is very important!

I use oilatum cream before (together with "Oilatum" bath emollient) , my baby's skin was already not so rough, now I change to use "Cetaphil" lotion and I can say her skin is "smooth" already.

Remeber to buy the "Oilatum" & "Cetaphi" in the drugs store, it is really cheaper than watson's & mannings.

I think your baby is also have this problem. As "Milk Sin" is equal to "eczema". My Dr. told me normally the baby have this problem start at their 3 mos and not the time they were born. Try to put more lotion , It could prevent it getting worst and worst.


積分: 2659

發表於 04-11-12 14:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

Having read this topic, I think my daughter is the oldest one. She is now 5.5 years old. After doing the skin test, her situation seems better but these few days, gettting worse again may be due to the high humidity. She cannot stop scratching her skin so always get many wounds on her skin.

I have tried to avoid those food she could not eat. But I tell you my daughter is highly allergic to mite, cockroach, mosquito and then followed by egg, oatmeal, milk, beef, chicken, peach ... But sometimes, my daughter will ask for ice cream, chicken wing or something she cannot eat. So I will let her eat, I know that it's wrong. But as she is five now, she will ask, beg me or even cry.

I just hope that one day she will get recover.



積分: 189

發表於 04-11-12 14:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

其實我打過去dr. chan度問想配tacrolimus, 但佢d姑娘話唔suggest配藥, 應該帶bb比dr. 睇下. 如果要配藥, 佢地配藥費都要收一日百蚊架. 未計藥膏錢喎.


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 14:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

嘩, 好貴喎!不果我都會問下陳醫生可否配多少少又或者可否自己在外面買藥, 睇下佢點樣覆我(要面皮厚d咁問 ) 可能姑娘同佢講


積分: 229

發表於 04-11-12 14:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

Hi 各位媽咪,

我bb剛三個月大, 上星期因為佢塊面實在太花及有一大塊地方結大巴(佢由出世都未停過生紅點), 所以帶左佢去睇醫生, 醫生話是異位性皮炎, 我想應即是所謂的濕疹, 另有併發症-膿包瘡, 醫生開左兩隻藥膏(will tell next time as I forget the name)卑bb搽, 搽面的都幾有效, 第二日就覺面滑左, 第三日look quite perfect as my husband said he never seen his baby in such smooth skin. 另一隻系搽頸的'la'位, 一片紅的地方, that seems not be 濕疹. I don;t know what it is. 但效果就未見有進展, bb頸位重好紅及似有擴散. 第二次覆診時醫生寫左以下三重膏卑bb用:
1. oilatum plus emollient for 沖涼,
2. sebamed F+S night cream for 搽面
3. sebamed F+S lotion for 搽身,

唔知有無媽咪用過上述用品? 效果如何? 我正準備去買幫bb用. 這兩天好似又見到佢塊面有少少紅點. 希望唔好番發. :-|


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 15:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇


記著一定要保持她的皮膚滋潤, 你要勤d同佢搽lotion, cetephil唔錯


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 15:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

我個仔同你bb一樣, 由出世開已經有濕疹, 初初以為係熱痱, 最衰就係連健康院及街症的醫生都話係熱痱,所以無特別理會,以致佢的濕疹由輕微變得嚴重左, 出血水出膿, 最後我比我個家庭醫生


積分: 23

發表於 04-11-12 15:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

请问typ 和 adasywong,



積分: 23

發表於 04-11-12 15:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇


cetaphil 有两种,一种是cream,一种是lotion,搽哪一种对bb比较好呢?


積分: 229

發表於 04-11-12 15:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇


我是隨便在西環找了位又系兒科又系皮膚科醫生睇, 佢都有藥卑我, 不過有類固醇, 所以平時非必要都唔敢查. 佢叫我買的都是預防的潤膚用品, 等我用完後再分享其效果. :wink:


積分: 4651

發表於 04-11-12 17:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

Hi tpy,

Many Thanks


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 18:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

Dania ,

cetaphil cream-秋天及冬天用,因為較滋潤
cetaphil lotion-夏天用, 較清爽


積分: 4169

發表於 04-11-12 19:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

hellololo, Diana,

我仔仔睇個醫生都係bk媽咪介紹,佢叫Dr chan, 診所在中環中建大廈16樓,電話2522 2302. 她是皮膚科醫生(主修allergy), 非常專業,若有需要, 你們可在她那兒做皮膚測試,測試費及醫生費共$1,820, 藥費另計.

佢都好專業, 對bb都好細心,又逗佢玩, 因為佢收費幾貴, 我第一次做皮膚測試及藥費共$2160(其中醫生費$600), 第二次覆診收醫生費$300及藥費$320(包一樽沖涼液及一小樽plain cream), 我會睇埋今次(月尾)覆診,睇下仔仔的情況點同埋問下佢可否比我在外面藥房配藥,又或者問佢可否介紹其它效用差不多的藥給我

若果是第一次求診, 我都建議睇佢, 因為佢真係好專業,佢比到你信心,我唔係幫佢賣廣告,起碼我仔仔個case就係一個例子, 但我覺得長期睇就唔多掂, 因為我的經濟能力有限....:lol: 若非仔仔濕疹情況嚴重,我想我也不會隨便睇佢 :lol:


積分: 243

發表於 04-11-12 19:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 濕疹bb媽咪論壇

I feel sad of hearing your babies of having 濕疹, as I am an adult patient of it. I get better when I am a teenager but become worse again when I came out to work, mainly due to the pressure.

I started having atopic eczema 異位性皮炎 when I am six months old. Have been using a lot of steroids type medicine over these years which have thinnened my skin so much. But right now, I don't use any and the situation could be under control.

Have some suggestion to you mums that I have accumulated over these years:
(1) Dry your baby to around 50% - 70% only after bath. Immediate apply the lotion or cream that you are using to their skin. Massage them all over the body as this is the best time for the cream to be absorbed. You don't actually need to buy those expensive one. Just use emulsifying ointment purchase from Mannings or Watsons will be fine. Even after their hands you need to apply the cream immediately before they are dried up.

To have better effect, you should wrap those part where cream has applied. For little babies, you may try to put on cotton gloves for them to avoid the scratching.

(2) Wear only cotton made clothes, where fabric should be soft. Mind that they need to be 100% cotton and change their clothes everyday.

(3) You don't actually need any cleanser for bath. Just plain water will be fine. But remember just luke warm water and not those hot one as this will only hurt their skin further. You may use those cream as cleanser if you like as this will keep their skin moisture. The cream will lost its effect if you are applying on the dry skin.


