



積分: 785

發表於 09-4-15 13:20 |只看該作者
I just found that 3 of my 20 month old son's teeth color turned to light gray (bottom front teeth). I brush his teeth twice aday already, so it should be clean ... therefore, I worry about some heath problem with him?! Any mom have an idea what's wrong with his teeth? Why would that happen? Thanks.


積分: 785

發表於 09-4-15 13:44 |只看該作者
Gosh ... I saw some other article online said the teeth may have died! Woo ... it may caused by he bumped onto something and killed his teeth. Anyone have this kind of experience?


積分: 7794

發表於 09-4-15 19:03 |只看該作者
Don't kill your brain cell like that.
Just make an appointment with the peds dentist, take the x-ray. then you will know what is going wrong!!

原帖由 HappyMatt 於 09-4-15 12:44 AM 發表
Gosh ... I saw some other article online said the teeth may have died! Woo ... it may caused by he bumped onto something and killed his teeth. Anyone have this kind of experience?


積分: 785

發表於 09-4-15 23:12 |只看該作者
I would like to take Matt to the dentist, but I worry there will be problem to ask him to open his mouth for check up since it isn't that easy to ask him open his mouth at home. Everytime he just open a little to let me put his tooth bursh in, but not open big enough for me to see. How early did you take your kids to the dentist ah?


積分: 172307

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發表於 09-4-16 05:15 |只看該作者
Happy Matt,
Take Matthew to a pedi dentist and usually he or she would know how to make a kid to open his mouth. Spencer has his 1st teeth check right before his 2nd birthday and I did not hear (I was outside the room to watch Amanda) him cry at all. We also brush the 2 kids' teeth everyday and give them water after drinking juices or having something to eat. My dentist said that we can bring my son and daughter to have the first checkup around the 2nd birthday (or right after they have all their teeth cropped out).


積分: 7794

發表於 09-4-16 09:40 |只看該作者
Amanda's first visit on her 2 years old, and Gabriel will have his first visit this saturday too (he is 2 years 4 months). although he still has 4 teeth waiting to come out, it is time to check.
The dentist will have their way to make him open his mouth. peds dentist knows how to do it..
Try to trust the dentist.. ^o^ Amanda loves to go back to dentist.. toys, gifts.. that make the kids very happy.
especially when they growth older, when Amanda was 4, at day care, dept of health sent dentist and nurse to pre-school, explained about dentist job. Amanda requested to see dentist on her own, so she can talk about it at Show and Tell time.
Kids.. their mind are very simple!
a good and experienced dentist will not schedule kids too close to each other, so, new kids will not have bad experience by oversee another one crying from the room if that one has tooth decay and needed treatment.
Let's try the first time, Happy Matt.
原帖由 HappyMatt 於 09-4-15 10:12 AM 發表
I would like to take Matt to the dentist, but I worry there will be problem to ask him to open his mouth for check up since it isn't that easy to ask him open his mouth at home. Everytime ...

[ 本帖最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 09-4-15 20:43 編輯 ]


