




積分: 715

發表於 05-1-19 10:14 |只看該作者

How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

My baby boy will be 1 year old next week. I am a working mother so I pump the milk and he is fed with bottle in daytime, but he drinks so little (only 1 or 2 oz). I feed him when I return home and before he sleeps at night. I will also feed him in mid-night and in the morning before I go to work, but he is not sucking as much as before. I wonder if he is drinking too little milk. Following is his daily schedule, please advise:

7:00am - breastfeed
9:00am - I bowl of congee or oatmeal (small baby bowl)
10:30am - morning snack (half piece of fruit – banana, apply, pear, etc.)
1:00pm - 1 bowl of congee normally with assorted vegetables and meat
3:00pm or 4:00pm - little breastmilk in bottle / half bowl of congee or half piece fruit
7:30pm - 1 bowl of congee normally with assorted vegetables and meat
10:00 or 11:00pm - breastfeed
3:00am or 4:00am - breastfeed

I know babies whose drinking formula milk can take three 8 oz bottles a day. My baby is definitely not drinking that much. How much does your 1 year old drink?
Time flies, my kids are 12 and 10 years old now


積分: 8236

發表於 05-1-19 11:11 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

My boy is now 14 months. He only drinks 2 times @ 3-4oz formula during day time. His schedule is:

6:30am breastfeed
8:00am formula 3-4 oz
11:00am 1 bowl congee w/ veg & meat
2:00pm fruit
3:30pm formula 3-4 oz
6:00pm 1 bowl congee w/veg & meat
8:30pm fruit
9:30pm breastfeed
I also breastfeed him 2-3 times during the night.

He's healthy although his weight is below average (8.2kg when 1 years old; 10% at the chart)

Don't worry and no need to compare with others since each kid is different.


積分: 715

發表於 05-1-19 11:41 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

Dear Janis,

Thanks for sharing . You are right, my baby is heavy, healthy and active so there should not be any problem with him. I just want him to drink more milk as it is good for him.
Time flies, my kids are 12 and 10 years old now


積分: 3684

發表於 05-1-19 13:00 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

我兒亦是14個月, 他6個月時都要飲成8安奶, 但後來就越飲越少....
依家我返工時間他只是飲兩次3-4安, 即每天最多都只是8安。我每日放工返屋企泵奶, 泵完再邊泵邊餵, 每次都泵成約10安, 每日都飲唔晒。我的schedule如下:

8-9am 上班前埋身餵, 要郁一郁佢才肯食 (邊食邊訓)
11-12am 起床, 3-4安奶&麵包
2-3pm 一碗爛飯仔
5-6pm 3-4安奶
8pm左右 一碗爛飯仔+埋身餵 (泵完奶後)
10:30-11pm 埋身餵
1am 埋身餵, 訓覺zzzzz

期間不定時餵小食, 如餅仔及生果等.....半夜基本上都不用吃奶, 但有時(例如當日玩得太癲)半夜會哭醒要奶奶

所以, 你都不用太擔心, 我諗bb大了食奶會少d。當然, 我都聽過有bb過一歲每餐仍然需要8安奶, 無論人奶或奶粉都有。個個人發展及需求都唔同, 我夠食飯多過我男同事! 不用想太多啦, 只要他健康就ok了! :mrgreen:


積分: 715

發表於 05-1-19 13:22 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

Dear gigiso,

Thanks for sharing. Most of the milk that I pumped was poured away rather than being drunk by my baby. I also pump only once a day now after work. Think in other way, if my baby does not drink at daytime, I don't have to pump milk anymore and only breastfeed him when I am home.
Time flies, my kids are 12 and 10 years old now


積分: 3684

發表於 05-1-19 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

我都係咁諗, 但起碼要過左今個月先得, 因我月底要北上兩日一夜, 要留起d奶比bb!
但你會否谷得很犀利? 我就會, 每天放工唔泵的話都會好似石頭咁!


積分: 715

發表於 05-1-19 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

Same to you! I need to pump after work or the milk will lead like a fountain.
Time flies, my kids are 12 and 10 years old now


積分: 13356

發表於 05-1-19 18:50 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

My 13-month baby's schedule:

7.00am: Breastfeed
11.00am: Cereal 9 spoon+4ozbreastmilk or ABC 2 spoon+Veggie+Egg York or Cheese
2.00pm: 8 oz Breastmilk
4.00pm: Fruit or yoghurt+Bread
7.00pm: Cereal 9 spoon+4oz breastmilk+Veggie+
Fish or chicken meat or pork meat
10.30pm: Breastfeed


My bb is also not heavy in weight (9.22kgs)
[img align=left]http://www.pau.com.hk/liwood/IMG_0764.gif[/img]Liwood Ma Ma [url=liwood.pau.com.hk/gallery]MyBB Album[/url] [email protected]


積分: 715

發表於 05-1-20 10:21 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

liwoodma, your baby eats well! He drinks quite a lot of milk and eats lot of cereal. Mine one does not like cereal anymore so we cook congee (sorft rice) for him.

I think the principle is that as long as our babies are healthy, happy and active, (in other words, eat well, sleep well and play well) we don't have to worry about whether he is getting enough food and nutrients.
Time flies, my kids are 12 and 10 years old now


積分: 13356

發表於 05-1-20 14:10 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?


[img align=left]http://www.pau.com.hk/liwood/IMG_0764.gif[/img]Liwood Ma Ma [url=liwood.pau.com.hk/gallery]MyBB Album[/url] [email protected]


積分: 3684

發表於 05-1-20 14:49 |只看該作者

Re: How much milk does your 1 year old drink?

ahgooma 寫道:
Mine one does not like cereal anymore so we cook congee (sorft rice) for him.

my son also doesn't like cereal.



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