




積分: 111

發表於 05-2-8 01:21 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好



積分: 7287

發表於 05-2-8 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

Lesley 寫道:



積分: 7514

發表於 05-2-11 15:50 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

[em:3 :]


積分: 1287

發表於 05-2-14 17:29 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

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積分: 111

發表於 05-3-7 17:49 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

我bb就冇了,一樣唔肯飲奶.而家5個月都唔夠14 lbs
都唔知佢幾時先肯飲奶??? :-| ?-(


積分: 637

發表於 05-3-8 09:36 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好 (依家5個多月)




積分: 830

發表於 05-3-8 19:17 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好 (依家5個多月)

我囝囝也是這様, 4個月左右就不肯飲奶(每日吃4餐, 150ml) 但厭奶期則只吃80ml, 現在每次餵他吃奶都要找一個安靜的地方及家人不可以出現在他面前, 否則他的頭不停地搖又不吃奶,情況已有改善


積分: 440

發表於 05-3-8 20:20 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好


IrisLau 寫道:


各位媽咪要努力 :-P :-|

發表於 05-3-8 21:22 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

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積分: 1048

發表於 05-6-15 01:02 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

My 5 months old baby start having drinking problem since 2 and half months. My maid find out a way is when the drinking time come, she will rock him to sleep and feed him, he really want to drink woh....now drinking 160cc 5 times per day loh...I always think drink in sleep is not a healthy way but what can i do??? :-(

I also try to let him lay on the bed while he's awake, he want to drink but very very slow and keep moving loh...haaii....

anyone can tell me how do i know the drinking problem is over?? :-(


積分: 2268

發表於 05-6-15 09:39 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

我個女現在已經有13months, 我見到這個topic, 我都好有感受, 因為我個女出生了7天已經唔肯飲奶, 當時我都好唔開心同擔心, 當時我只有盡量去想辦法, 直至6個月大, 終於有d糊仔可以比佢食下, 現在已經好好多, 相比其他bb, 佢都係食方面好lazy & trouble. 同樣好分心, 不過我都想係度鼓勵下大家, 大家首先要先解決自己的心情, 再每一細緻地去逐樣試下bb. 以下係我試過
1) 先攪好飲奶的環境, 要安靜. 最好有d音樂, 我推介有隻bb音樂- bb不再哭泣, d音樂真係好soft.
2) 可以試把bb放係搖椅, 搖下佢去飲奶
3) 考慮下現在的奶粉是否太杰, 佢好難飲, 例如我個女轉了低敏奶粉, 情況太有改善
4) 奶咀是否太大或硬, 例如avent就比較大, nuk 及 pigeon 就比較軟身同細
5) bb是否消化不良, 太燥熱, 如果已經有3個大, 可以煲多d栗米甘蔗水,
一個月煲一次開奶茶. 出面有d即沖的開奶茶, 味比較淡, 又方便, 又唔係太濃.
6) bb 可能唔鐘意橫抱食奶, 可以放佢係床/sofa+個墊, 墊高佢餵佢食.
7) 最好餵佢食奶, 可能係臨睡前, 佢唔好抗拒
8) 餵佢飲奶時, 同bb講下野, 我成日同個女打氣”加油, 加油, 啜….
我講一次, 佢合起眼都會食一下, 不過食一次奶, 講到口都倦!
以上不是什麼好方法, 只係我的心得,
[size=xx-large]大家加油, 不要氣餒!


積分: 24

發表於 05-6-20 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

My 3.5 months old son got the same problem. He cry (very loud) and push the milk bottle away since two weeks ago. Somehow, we changed to another formula (milk powder) on Saturday night and he now drink his milk without going through the loud crying process. He used to cry up to an hour and refuse to drink during the last 2 weeks.

Check the following:
1. If he can drink water without any problem, then he might no like the milk. Try another brand of milk.
2. Has he got teething problem?
3. Our doctor suggested that he might have a blocked nose!

Good luck and keep trying!


積分: 1613

發表於 05-6-20 20:01 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

我仔囝都係咁, 由 3 個幾月開始到而家就黎 8 個月都唔肯食,
食親都喊, 佢每次食 6oz, 要食成個鐘, 都未必食得晒
不過都係好似有 d 媽咪所講, 一定要抱住搖吓佢
比個奶咀佢, 等佢眼眼地訓佢先肯食

o崖... 足足厭o左 5 個月,
我最怕餵奶工人放假我就由得佢食 2-3 oz 一餐算數
佢已經由中碼跌了去細碼 lu... 見佢手仔冇咩肉真慘 :-(


積分: 1048

發表於 05-6-21 00:58 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

As you mentioned, my baby really has no problem to drink water (but he like to push the bottle nipple to left or right to chew it, i have to push it back to middle), i might need to change his brand of milk.
The problem is how to change? slowly change? start mixing 30ml with old brand, and slowly increase? and his poo will have some change, usually change to be more watery woh...is it normal??
I tried to mix with S26 but it contained too high protein and too sweet, my baby face will grow some tiny red spot ga...
i also try to put him on his bed with pillow(when he is sleeping), he will throw up around half portion after drink woh....


積分: 24

發表於 05-6-21 15:16 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好


Difficult! I thought the problem was solved on Sunday by changing from Abbot to S26 formula. My son drank S26 on Sunday, the whole day, with only little bit of crying at the beginning. Once he tasted it, then he drank it. But, it was not so easy yesterday (Monday). There was once that he was very hungary, but still only suck the milk a few times, then refused to any more. Very frustrating indeed! More patient and soothing required! The rule of thumb is always to be patient and calm with the baby, eventhough you have lost your head! I still think it helps to change the formula, at least in our case.

Back on the changing formula, we had used Abbot right at the beginning as suggested by the hospital. Two weeks ago, we had started to use the new type of formula, also from Abbot, on one serving a day, the baby liked it, then we add another serving a day, until we felt our baby like the new formula then swtich over completely after about 5 days. This process can be very tricky! However, since it was our helper who feed our baby during the day, 6 days a week, we had no idea that the crying problem is so severe until last weekend. Our helper always sooth our son to fall asleep before feeding him. It works but we don't feel it is right for baby to drink only when he is sleeping. Last Sunday, we used a new brand, S26 and our baby liked it, at least on that day. That's why I was so eager to announce our experience yesterday because I thought the problem had been resolved. However, the crying issue came back yestereday and we are still trying to work out what's wrong!

If your baby sometimes crys upto an hour before drinking the milk, then you can try to change the formula and hope your baby likes it. Hopefully, you can solve this misery!


積分: 14

發表於 05-6-21 23:58 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

Have you tried Lactose Free milk?
Some baby might develop temporary lactose intolerance and the lactose gives them tummyache and thats why they cry and refuse to drink milk. THis problem should be temporary and they will out grow it when they get older. Give it a try and see if he gets better.


積分: 1048

發表於 05-6-22 00:36 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

Piu, thank you very much for your suggestion. You're right i don't think it's a good heathly way to rock the baby sleep first before feed him but my babysiter used this way since my son was 2 months old til now 5 and half month la....we did try to prolong the feeding time fr 3 to 4 hours but he still playing with the bottle nipple. now i think my bb don't cry even he is hungry....haaii....since we're using this sleeping way, so i never hear he cry for hungry and don't know when is he really hungry loh...the strange thing is almost everytime when the feeding time is coming, he will sleepy and fell to sleep, then of course for our own convenience we will just feed him this way rather than wake him up loh....

he can drink up 160cc each time, 5 times per day and 1 meal of cereal loh.....i'm not dare to risk his weight and do u think he will change back after he take more regular cereal meal each day??


積分: 69103

2024年龍年勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 2011至尊種植勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-6-22 10:51 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

唉!! bb 唔肯飲奶, 真係一件頭痛既事!

我仔仔未到3個月大之前, 餵佢飲奶係一件好開心的事, 因為, 佢唔需要20分鐘就可以飲晒6-7oz.奶, 仲要大喊來表示唔夠喉!

但係一踏入3個月大, 惡夢就開始了, 每次餵佢飲奶就好像打仗一樣, 一放奶樽入佢口, 佢就大喊, 不過, 飲水係沒問題的!

其實, 用睡著覺的方法是可行, 但係睡著覺時, 我唔可以同佢掃風, 所以, 仔仔好容易會嘔奶. 但係, 一掃親風佢又會醒, 之後, 一樣係大喊 (其實係發脾氣 - 大叫, 因為是沒有眼淚的)

而家, 我試緊用一只手抱住佢, 一只手拿起奶樽餵佢, 仲要行住來餵, 真係好辛苦, 因為仔仔都有成16磅左右 (好重手, 令我對手臂好痛), 但係佢唔反抗, 仲會飲得好快呀 -即係同以前一樣, 20分鐘飲晒!! 所以, 昨天我買了印尼揹帶 ($50/條), 用於飲奶時用的 (就好似我一手抱住佢咁).

好多方法, 我都試過了! 試過轉粉奶 (仔仔只會食幾天, 之後, 又會打回原型), 開音樂, 開 disney world family VCD佢睇...等等, 只有行住來餵才肯飲. 唉!!! :-( :-( :-( (仲要仔仔係唔接受其他人餵奶的, 除日間保母及我外)

我仔仔出世至今, 轉食過4只奶粉呀.
出世至出院前 - 愛他美 (係醫院提供, 無得選擇)
出院至個半月前 - S-26 (因為每次飲完都嘔一大舊奶痰出來)
個半月至3個月前 - 安嬰兒A+ (仔仔皮膚轉差 - 面, 頭及身都起晒粒粒 及 隔日或3日才有一次大便)
3個月至今 (約飲左1星期) - 香港雪印 (仔仔皮膚開始轉好, D 粒粒開始消失 - 不過, 唔知係唔係關只奶粉事, 因為, 到左3個月大, 我開始隔天比1-2餐米水比佢飲, 每餐1-1安半)


積分: 1872

發表於 05-6-22 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

hello_kitty 寫道:
我仔囝都係咁, 由 3 個幾月開始到而家就黎 8 個月都唔肯食,
食親都喊, 佢每次食 6oz, 要食成個鐘, 都未必食得晒
不過都係好似有 d 媽咪所講, 一定要抱住搖吓佢
比個奶咀佢, 等佢眼眼地訓佢先肯食

o崖... 足足厭o左 5 個月,
我最怕餵奶工人放假我就由得佢食 2-3 oz 一餐算數
佢已經由中碼跌了去細碼 lu... 見佢手仔冇咩肉真慘 :-(



積分: 9089

發表於 05-6-22 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: 四個月大唔肯飲奶,點算好

Dear Mommies,

No need to worry! My son had the same situation when he was 3 month old. He only took 2 to 3 oz a meal, 5 oz at most and only took 4 meals a day. And I didn't change to the other formula although my mom suggesting to change. But he still looks healthy. Until 6 month he back to normal. He is 9 month old now, he takes 4 meals a day, each time 5 to 6 oz, and 1 cereal. And my family doctor suggested, he can take 2 times cereal and 3 times milk. He looks very healthy and fit.
So if your baby look healthy, you don't need to worry. :-P


