



積分: 7794

發表於 05-8-19 05:52 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

仔仔未有心理準備住, 唔好push 佢除片住... as 佢明白poop poop係去potty已好好.
開始住part of potty training 先, 佢肯唔肯入厠所?
set 一個時間, 每日同佢坐一坐potty.. within 18分鐘, 有pass air, pee pee or poop poop都要讚佢, 之後就教佢自己沖厠,洗手with mild soap, 同抹手..
as a start, 唔好expect 佢會有any action係potty喥, 慢慢practise ^o^


積分: 65672

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發表於 05-8-20 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版





積分: 7794

發表於 05-8-20 06:26 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

Quinnie 係叻仔呢, 你記得你而家係做咗potty train部份咋, potty唔係真嘅厠所, potty 只係一個過渡期嘅工具, 你到佢有3歲時, 要學用stool(腳踏) peepee, 開頭會成日濕褲, 都幾麻煩架, also, 沖厠, 洗手, 抹手係個人hygiene, 一定要學好! 宜家一miss咗, 佢就會成日病, especially 腸胃炎, 發燒.. 因為病從口入啊!
keep in touch! ^o^


積分: 556

發表於 05-8-30 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)


我想請教你,我想同我囝囝介片,叫他不要著片,但他不肯,不過他偶爾會同我講要去廁所,10次有7次都己經去了,我好唔開心我都唔識教他去廁所,27個月重著片,不時有好多人話我唔教他去廁所,我對自己很失望 :cry:


積分: 7794

發表於 05-8-31 00:37 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

仔仔只有2歲3個月, as 10次有7次bingo, 你點解唔開心? 其他人嘅說話點解比你個仔嘅生理成長嚟得重要?
如果你太介意, 可以俾仔仔轉著pull-up (huggies) or easy up (pampers), 呢啲係介片紙尿褲, 有尿濕indicator, 可以教小朋友唔好濕褲, 如果冇濕褲, may be 儲有5次10次, or 一整日day time冇濕片便有賞.. 咁可以幫佢易啲介.. also, 你要教佢自已除褲去小便.. 尿片好難除, therefore,會有accidents.
介片褲易徐好多.. 俾小小時間佢...
佢出世嗰陣冇要求過着片, 係我哋做大人懶得同佢一日換20幾次衫同床鋪同方便自己照顧佢, 先至逼佢著片.. 而家佢著慣咗有安全感,我哋又逼佢轉著底褲仔同介片'又係因為方使自己照顧佢', 由頭到尾仔仔都冇錯, 係我哋為方便自已先至攪到佢哋做BB冇晒安全感..
2.唔好俾太多壓力仔仔, 因會事倍功半.
5.唔好等仔仔叫你至帶佢去厠所, 理應每1.5-2小時prompt佢去一次until 2 weeks冇accident, 同佢次次自動自覺去揾厠所只好信佢especially, 去街, day nap後, 玩得顛, concentrate on DVD, 如果以上幾點佢都識唔等你叫去厠所, 你至早由得佢, potty on demand啊!


積分: 556

發表於 05-8-31 13:27 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

Nillie_Mami ,

Thank you for your suggestion, appreciated!!
我很早己改用Pampes easy up, 我會比多D時間睇睇,但我concern我囝囝過2個月要interview kindergarden,我怕會因為他仍著片又扣分


積分: 7794

發表於 05-9-5 03:35 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

你係咪講緊pre-K?? 3歲返個啲??
到佢真係返3歲班, 好多B都介咗片架喇, 仲有9個月, 俾啲時間仔仔喇!
如果有間kindergarten會因仔仔未介片而扣分, 你認為佢哋嘅教學aim 好咩?? ?-(
一間好嘅kindergarten係要顧及小朋友心理, 生理發展同德智體群美. if 佢要扣分, 就要諗清楚..佢哋教學理念喇.
3歲至入學, 邊個知仔仔到時未介片??


積分: 556

發表於 05-9-6 15:19 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

Nillie_Mami 寫道:
你係咪講緊pre-K?? 3歲返個啲??
到佢真係返3歲班, 好多B都介咗片架喇, 仲有9個月, 俾啲時間仔仔喇!
如果有間kindergarten會因仔仔未介片而扣分, 你認為佢哋嘅教學aim 好咩?? ?-(
一間好嘅kindergarten係要顧及小朋友心理, 生理發展同德智體群美. if 佢要扣分, 就要諗清楚..佢哋教學理念喇.
3歲至入學, 邊個知仔仔到時未介片??

Yeah, you're right!! I agree what you say hehe
Sometimes he can ask me go to peepee, I 'm feel so happy.


積分: 123

發表於 05-9-7 03:11 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

to all moms,

i have started to train her to poo in her potty every morning after her first formula of the day. the training is so far so good, 雖然佢冇日日poopoo, 但經好少poo係條片度. 通常個朝冇poopoo咁我會下午飲完奶奶再試多次, 夜晚就唔會試, 因為唔想佢夜晚辦工, ot咁辛苦 佢poopoo緊個陣有時會自己'ng ng'聲, 但好少會俾signal話我知佢想poopoo, 通常睇到佢眼定定, 面紅紅咁我就醒水帶佢去poopoo.

valerie is now almost 20Ib at 11months old, and i still have 1.5box of size 3 diaper (220pcs) and 7 boxes of size 4 (868pcs), i guess the stock will last us to another 6 months (that is 1.5yrs old). i want to know when should valerie start using the 'easy up' diaper? the size of easy up is 1T, 2T, 3T...is it related to age or weight? i want to know what size i should be buying. thanks.


積分: 7794

發表於 05-9-9 06:08 |只看該作者

Re: Potty time 便溺訓練--教小朋友去厠所(中,英文版)

Normally, for kids who are on their potty training, then parents can get those pull up or easy up for their infant who is almost 2 years old. I would suggest to start urine potty training because toddlers in this age, they have the basic idea of pee pee and poo poo, they also able to bring you to toilet and ask for your help.
For Pull up/ easy up, it is the stage for kids who can pull up the diaper or pant and pull down diaper or pant. If they are not able to do so, or don't know what is pee pee. Then your child is telling you that s/he is not ready.
When you check with normal diaper, they have size up to size 6. It depends on weight not age, although they do put the age on it. However, no one can promise that kid will be over wieight or under weight, so the best weight to choose the right size diaper by your child's weight.
Also, different brand of diaper has different function. some of them have strecher waist band like Huggies, then you can choose a small size as it can fit the waist better, but many mom would rather choose Pampers, because for Huggies, it made by the material which same as our period pads, so if the diaper has not been changed within a period of time, the jelly may break through. For pampers, it won't have this problem, however, more moms complain that with pampers, their toddlers always have diaper rash, because they don't have the sense to change the diaper that frequent as those moms who use Huggies on their infants.
Really depends on you to choose the one (diaper) you want.
If you want to switch from diaper to pull up, better change it about every 2-3 hours, because it suppose for those kids who go for potty training.


積分: 225


發表於 06-12-3 21:15 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

因為係第一次生bb唔係咁識, 請你教教我呀~^^thks!!


積分: 7794

發表於 06-12-3 23:08 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

一歲係過早一啲喇.. 如果係BB女, 介大便片還可以, 但你會train 得幾辛苦, as 你自己都發現 BB唔知你做乜.. 係咪..
介便便片係可以train 嘅.. mostly 女仔早啲, as by 18months old, BB發展進入肛門期, 你就可以慳番啲氣力, Amanda 8months old 都介咗大便片, as 佢有潔癖.. 疴唔到喺片喥, so, 我逼住除片同佢坐potty. otherwise, 佢忍得太耐, 會做成便祕, as 便便太硬, 疴唔出
你知小B 奶奶後一個鐘poopoo, 就喺 almost time, 用佢除片, 俾佢坐potty, 講吓potty 故事, 唱吓兒歌, 到佢急急面紅時, 你都谷紅自己面仔, 再同佢重覆讀 (我哋而家 ng ng/ or whatever 你鐘意叫.. 我教Amanda 係poopoo), 等佢link 住"急"+"厠所"+"word-->ng ng /poopoo" 一齊.. 咁佢就會記住, 急就要叫"ng ng/poopoo" 同去厠所.. also, 記得教抹pat pat, 沖厠, 洗手同抹手.. once 一開始training 係冇籍口去miss any step架

至於小便片.. forget about it, even佢會peepee喺 potty, 只係bonus, BB better 等24 months 至training.. otherwise, 試親都濕身, 會嚴重damage 自我型象架.. doesn't worth..

**P.S.** 唔好攞人哋小朋友同自己嘅比較, 係父母都愛吹虛自已嘅小朋友有幾叻有幾醒.. 理應base on 佢自己嘅development stage 去調教.. 咁樣你同小朋友至會喺冇壓力下一同成長!!


積分: 72

發表於 07-5-23 03:20 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

I am trying to teach my son how to go pee pee himself. Basically, he knows if he wants to go, but he can't go by himself yet. I've been helping him to pull his pants up and wipe his bottom. It's hard for him to do it his own without supervising.
He's going to preschool in august and I'm hoping if he can make it by then. Those preschool has to be 100 % potty trained.
[img align=left]http://www.shutterfly.com/view/picture_dt.jsp?state=67b0de21b6f21ef2b435&idx=19[/img]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-23 04:30 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

How old is your son now, 3 years old?
By now, you need to teach him to pull and put on his pant by himself. as mostly by 2.5 years old, boys will able to do it independently. Process will be delated mostly because parents are over- protective.
It doesn't matter if he can't wipe himself very well, as we know, this is the fine muscle exercise, he needs time to manage it.
From now, you need to tell your son that he needs to do it by himself.. and don't rush him. let him do it part by part.. and praise if he can remember and complete the whole procedure.
from the beinning, he asked you to go to peepee, and you let him go into the bathroom, then you should
become a Supervisior..
let him pull down his pant, step on the stool( if applicated), peepee, pull up his under pant, then pull up his pant, flush the toilet, step on the stool again ( if applicated), wash hands and dry hands
the reason that I ask you to "let go".. because if he needs you to pull down his pant and pull his pants up everytime.. once he is schooling, he will wet himself, because he doesn't use to pull his pant down and he will mexx himself up.
still have 2 months to go, as he is potty trained, just to learn how to manage those business, he will be fine.
From now on, remember, let him do it.. and you just observe and talk to your son how to do it.
best wishes.. with my fingers cross


積分: 72

發表於 07-5-23 05:26 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

thanks for your advice. Actually, I did start to train him to pull his pants up and down these few days.
He knows how to do it except they are not pulling all the way up or on the right position. and the toilet bowl is a bit high and the stool too, he's scare to sit on the toilet bowl and wants to hold my hands.
You know..the regular toilet bowl is bigger than the kids one. He's scare he might fell in it..
Nillie_Mami, you are such a wonderful mom.

[img align=left]http://www.shutterfly.com/view/picture_dt.jsp?state=67b0de21b6f21ef2b435&idx=19[/img]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-23 06:14 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

Do you know that they got the potty board.. for kid. to put over the regular adult toilet bowl.
Amanda uses that since she was 10 months old. I didn't let her to sit on the toddler's toilet.
you can get it from all the dept store like target, wal mart, supermarket or babiesrus.
they have spongy bob, dore, elmo..etc.. so chose one he likes. it is about 10 buds..
when he attends school, the toilet bowl is kids size, so he will have no problem to use it.


積分: 72

發表於 07-5-23 06:34 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

I'm using the toddler toilet board and placed it over the regular toilet bowl. I think I will go and look for a better one seems that one is a bit high for him if the regular toilet board and toddler toilet board add up together.
[img align=left]http://www.shutterfly.com/view/picture_dt.jsp?state=67b0de21b6f21ef2b435&idx=19[/img]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-23 21:14 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

you need to buy a stool for your son instead of buying a new toddler toilet board. as all toddler toilet board's design are very similar. even you buy a new one, may be it makes no different.
you can go and choose a stool for your son to step on it. as stool with all different size and height, choose one that he can manage by himself, also, he can use it when he brushs his teeth at the sink area..


積分: 72

發表於 07-5-31 04:27 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

Thanks for your advice.
I went to the preschool yesterday and summited the application form to the director. I let him tried the toliet bowl at school, the height and the size is fine. But I feel like it is a bit dirty seems every kids sit on the same board. I think I should better teach him stand to pee instead of sitting on the toilet board.
Do you have any idea how to teach him?

thanks so much
[img align=left]http://www.shutterfly.com/view/picture_dt.jsp?state=67b0de21b6f21ef2b435&idx=19[/img]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-31 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: 介日間尿片-中文版

At day care/ pre school/ kinder..etc they got the lady to clean the bathroom. it will be fine, that is the government standard.
all girls at school do sit on it. that is the way to pee!
you really need to teach him to stand up and pee, as he is a boy.. otherwise, he is going to pee all over the place.
the best way to teach him, is his father!
because it is their business.
you need to let him stand as close to the toilet bowl as he can to pee, he will wet himself for a while, as it is " practice makes prefect".
he may need to stand on a stool at home, to make himself more comfortable and confident.
Also, when his father goes to bathroom, it is the time for him to observe....
try for a while, if it is not working, let me know.


