




積分: 767

發表於 05-7-6 20:17 |只看該作者

Is top up by formula the only way??

My baby is one month old and I have been trying to bfeeding him since he was born. I tried using breatmilk completely but baby's weight dropped a lot at the begining so we decided to top up by formula. Besides, he often falls asleep while I nurse him so even he eats for an hour, he doesn't eat much. I tried expressing my milk but eventually, he has more formula than breastmilk. These days, I try breastfeed him again and he seems sucking ok. Usually he can suck for 15 to 20 mins so I reduce the amount of formula. Then we start to see the baby cries a lot more and he doesn't seem to settle like before. Today, I was out for the whole day so have to ask the nanny to feed him formula instead. Surprisingly, he is a lot more contented and is able to settle right after every feed. I start to wonder if it means I haven't provided enough breastmilk to my baby. I want to continue trying to breastfeed him but at the same time, I worry that he doesn't get enough from me.

Could anyone tell me what to do? Should I express my milk every 2 hrs now and feed him by using bottle (given that he doesn't fall asleep when he drinks out of bottle and we can tell how much he drinks each time)? Or should I keep on breastfeeding him like usual but top up formula after each feed (maybe 40 to 60ml each time)? I really want my baby to be healthy and be able to settle. It will be appreciated if anyone of you can share your experience or knowledge with me. Thank you.


積分: 1156

發表於 05-7-7 10:59 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??



積分: 767

發表於 05-7-7 12:02 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

Hi nzaucklandmama,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. Of course I remember you. I heard from Amy that you got pregnant and congratulations that you have another cute girl! Yes, I came back to HK just to give birth to my baby so that he can get HK residency right away. Now my husband still working in NZ. I wonder if it is also one of the reasons why he is getting more stressed out these days (he spent 3 wks with his dad after he was born). I tried to train my baby to follow a more regular schedule but noticed that it may be a bit too hard for him at his age. Plus he often falls asleep while I'm breastfeeding him so looks like he doesn't get enough from me. If I try expressing my milk and feed it to him by bottle, he can be more satisfied and be able to settle easier. If he has enough to drink then basically, we can let him sleep anywhere (in his cot or with me). I also tried your method by leaving him in his own cot and let him learn to settle himself. But he can keep on crying for 45 mins and still can't settle. Even worse, he becomes so worked up that the whole schedule thing all goes into rubbish bin. It is like a cycle, he is too tired but he can't sleep because he is overtired and then he can't get enough milk to drink as he falls asleep once he is sucking from me. sighs...

Maybe because my milk supply is not good enough or other reasons, now I have to feed him every 2 and a half hour instead of 4 hrs like you with your baby. Only when it is in the middle of the night when I feed him at 2am and around 6am then he can suck very well. Only about 20 mins of good sucking can last him 3 to even 4 hrs.

Oh well, I don't know what I can do now but at the moment, try to express my milk as often as I can. I miss breastfeeding my baby but I'd rather him getting my breastmilk properly at this stage... Try my best to minimize the chance of using formula but sometimes can be quite hard...

It will be great if I can call you and ask you more about how to take care of my baby. It is probably easier for you to pm me and give me your phone number in NZ and tell me when is the good time to call. Again, thank you very much for your advice.


積分: 1156

發表於 05-7-7 17:19 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??


妳要飲多d湯水/清水,盡量休息多d,餵密d bb 飲奶。




積分: 6081

發表於 05-7-7 19:05 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

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積分: 767

發表於 05-7-7 21:30 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

Thank you all for your useful advice. I guess my milk supply is a bit low at the moment which probably because I was too tired taking care of my baby these days. He has been crying a lot during the past week... I will try to rest more and ask my parents for help. I have been expressing my milk almost every 3 hrs today, although sometimes I can hardly get anything. Will probably give formula to my baby at night so he can stay satisfied for longer time and I can rest better. I also start drinking the herbal drinks suggested by other BF mothers. Have been drinking heaps of water and soup already. I will not give up so easily and will try my best to keep it up! Thanks to you all again.

nzaucklandmama, I will call you sometimes. :)


積分: 1060

發表於 05-7-7 21:33 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??


don't give up!! I breastfeed my boy since his birth. I express my breastmilk since he was born. there is no problem. Try to express your milk every three hour ( of course you will be very busy as you also have to feed him). I feed him by using bottle every time. you have to squeeze your breast and try to suck your left ad right breast alternately (i.e. left right left right... until there is really no more milk can b pumped out). i can pumped out ~2oz per hr. i don't think bottle feed of breast milk is no good. the point is we want our boy/girl to have breast milk.

the more frequent you pump, the more milk you have.

and of course you have to drink a lot of soup, water, fluid...

good luck


積分: 13877

發表於 05-7-7 21:52 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

盡力而為, 不要給自己太大壓力.
我因阿b跌磅太多, 連健康院姑娘都話要加奶粉, 又太累 & 好大壓力. 之後, 決定以奶粉為主, & pump出來. 等自己狀態好d後, 再埋身餵, 雖然我知吾多奶, 但現在輕鬆好多.


積分: 2529

發表於 05-7-8 10:28 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

我的BB最近(呢個月)亦有同樣問題。要抱至肯訓,放落床就喊。你的advice 好好呀!
其實係咪等佢大D(2.5months?)至同佢做sleeping training?


積分: 6651

發表於 05-7-8 14:09 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

vyvy 寫道:
盡力而為, 不要給自己太大壓力.
我因阿b跌磅太多, 連健康院姑娘都話要加奶粉, 又太累 & 好大壓力. 之後, 決定以奶粉為主, & pump出來. 等自己狀態好d後, 再埋身餵, 雖然我知吾多奶, 但現在輕鬆好多.
我個囡第一個月又係跌到3%條curve. 都比健康院姑娘都話要加奶粉.

我發覺阿囡跌磅係因為佢太仲意訓啦. 食5-10鐘就訓, 根本食唔到後奶. 我就用邊喂邊泵既方法. 即係比BB食左一邊先, 當轉另一邊比佢食時, 就泵岩岩食完果邊, 每次都可以泵到成安出來. 半夜果餐就泵出來用樽喂, 因為佢可以訓住都食.

如是佢一個月追返一條curve. 4個月時上返50%條curve.

唔好補奶粉. 你補左會令奶量越來越少. 我生大仔時就係咁羅. 結果只可以half & half. 不過都喂到13個月.

另外, 坐月時我BB自12朝後成日喊, 後來發現可能係因為阿媽食左薑粗, 補品, BB飲左奶燥既關係. 我食少d薑粗, 補品情況就有改善. 你地留意下.


積分: 1156

發表於 05-7-8 17:43 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

CindyMak,我見意妳愈早訓練愈好,我現在feed個細女係on schedule,真係揍得好舒服。現在同佢玩個半鐘到,然後放佢落


積分: 13877

發表於 05-7-8 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: Is top up by formula the only way??

不是bb體重的3or5%, 是統計圖表中, 同期bb平均最輕的3%.



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