




積分: 7606


發表於 05-7-19 11:50 |只看該作者

If I become full time mama, should I ...

Hi everyone, if I become a full time mummy later (may be a few months later), should I employ a live in foreign maid to help me? I have a 1 year old baby.

Do you have any helper? Part time or live in? Can you share your experiences? Thanks a lot.


積分: 4802

發表於 05-7-19 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

I have been a full time mother for 2 years since my bb borned. If there is no financial problem, you must have to hire a domestic helper (Bun or Yan), otherwise you have no spare time to do anything even those go to toilet/taking bath, go out for a while.
But if your bb is easy to take care (sleep a lot/eat well .. etc), you can hire the local part time to do some general housework.
this is only my own opinion


積分: 1483

發表於 05-7-19 19:59 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

I just became a full time mom for few months only. I have the same opinion as ngchunyeemama. With the helper doing the housework, I can spend most of my time with my baby. If I have to do the housework, I may be too busy and get angry with him easily. Then, I rather go back to work.


積分: 7606


發表於 05-7-20 10:36 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

Thanks ngchunyeemama and sweetiebarney for sharing. You are right. Sometimes when I am with my boy, just don't find 1 minnute to go to the toilet because he always needs a companion. And when I can't do other things and rest well, I become very angry and not enjoying motherhood. Think I shall employ a bun bun.


積分: 5872

發表於 05-7-20 12:25 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

如果你有此想法, 姐係你都有能力請, 而家既疑問就係有冇咁既需要而已。

請的話: 你所有家務可以比曬佢做, 你有更多時間同小朋友一齊, 教下佢野, 同佢玩。 更重要既就係有返自己d私人時間, 有時想抖下氣自己出去行下, 或者約朋友食個晏仔都有人睇住個仔。

唔請的話: 掛住打理日常家務多過同個仔講野, 做野做到 "支力" 曬都冇氣同個仔玩教個仔野, 老公返到黎仲要服侍多個大少爺, 想出街?! 真係唔使指意, 帶埋個仔去啦, 想約人食飯傾下計?! 一陣個仔晏咒要nap, 出到街唔知比個仔食乜好, 行兩行嗌返屋企, 坐兩坐又話好悶要出去出面行。 真係會忙到廁所大大都去唔到... 呢d係我親身經歷, 不可不信, 唔好聽埋d阿媽奶奶講話唔使請慳番幾千蚊一個月, 梗係啦, 湊果個做果個唔係佢地, 就算果時佢地有幾叻點一個人湊大幾個都好, 而家年代唔同, 有能力的話一定唔可以虐待自己, 做多左唔會有人多謝你, 萬一你個仔到適當年歲都唔識某d野, 人地只會話你唔識湊仔。 計我話, 有冇大屋住唔緊要, 至緊要有個工人用。

Judy's Nail 美甲相集HERE

Judy's Nail Web PageHERE


積分: 7606


發表於 05-7-22 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

Mummy, you are right. I totally agree with you! Sometimes when I go out to have lunch/dinner with my boy and my husband. I just CANNOT eat or talk because of my boy. And my husband is not really a family oriented guy, and doesn't look after baby as such. The best he can do is to watch TV together. He will put him down after carrying him/playing with him for 2 mins. I am actually thinner than before pregnant. And my big boy (ie my husband) wonders why I am always so tired.

Do you have a bun bun or yan yan? How old are your kids? How long have you been a full time mama?


積分: 774

發表於 05-7-30 00:14 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...

Agree to what Mummy said.... When I had my 1st kid, I had my mother-in-law taken care of her and the helper did the housework. Then when I had my 2nd kid 3 years old, I quitted my job and become the helper "number two". My mother-in-law resumed her "very busy social life" (very jealous). Understanding that there are many mums from low income families, who can "one foot kick". However, If your financial situation is ok, why not hire a helper? You know, a full-time mother is always needed to standby/work 24 hours. If you don't have someone to look after the kid for several hours and go out for some relax, you must be mad !!!


積分: 5872

發表於 05-7-30 17:04 |只看該作者

Re: If I become full time mama, should I ...


我生左個仔之後就quit左份工, 我個仔差唔多一歲, 我先請工人 (印印), 因為我老公要求我生第2個, 我開出左呢個請工人條件, 如果唔係唔使指意我生, 所以我完全知道做full time mum without maid會係一個 "惡夢", 食冇啖好食, 訓冇教好訓, 完全斷六親兼自閉。 自從請左阿4之後, 我先似番個正常人, 有番朋友, 有番自己少少既時間, 跟住阿女出世勒, 就用工人用到而家, 我個仔而家4歲半, 個女1歲8個月, 冇工人果段日子我永遠唔會忘記。 我亦唔expect會有奶奶或阿媽幫我, 我不嬲係 "不求人", 所以以前咁辛苦我都自己挨。

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