



積分: 1297

發表於 11-5-11 19:39 |顯示全部帖子
Dear all toronto Mom,
I know that PET is a top school in Markham and have children studying in this school?
I want to know more about this school as I want to enroll my son there in Sept. I have heard that there are lot of Chinese students in there. Any idea of the percentage? Will the percentage of Chinese students be so large that it will affect the English learnt? Or am I just over worried ?
Please advise


積分: 1593

發表於 11-5-12 12:56 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 3kids媽咪 於 11-5-12 13:17 編輯


我大仔上年九月返o左去係PET讀grade 11,我可以笞你有關少少學校既野,但因我身在hk,我都係從呀仔口中得知,希望比你知多些PET.
FROM 我仔:學校有9成係華人, 大部份FROM中國/台灣,唔係好多係HK過去,而當中一半以上係CBC,其餘既可能係GRADE 9 OR 10已經O黎O左.我仔同他們用英語對話 (因我仔唔識講國語)
好多同學讀書都好叻,我仔有TAKE NIGHT COURSE,他話夜校同日校D老師差好遠,夜校個D老師好HEA.
他話:好多謝學校既guidance幫助他很多,呢一年他選科上唔明他就去搵guidance傾,他好鐘意係呢間學校度讀,他仲話如果有得選,他會grade 9就返去讀喎!


積分: 1297

發表於 11-5-12 23:05 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 3kids媽咪 的帖子

Dear 3 Kids mom,
Thanks for the reply. Happy to hear that your son enjoy the school life in there. I'm actually quite amazed by the fact that over 90% of the students there are of Chinese origin. The percentage is much more than my son's school in HK. He is in KGV and I guess around half of the students there are Chinese. However, it is really English speaking school, all of his students are in an English speaking environment.
But on the other hand, it may help him to learn mandarin in PET/Markham.
Also , can you tell me did you son complain the French is hard and difficult to catch up? This is another issue that my son worries about .


積分: 1688

發表於 11-5-13 12:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, may I know the full name of "ET"? Thanks!


積分: 1688

發表於 11-5-13 12:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, may I know the full name of "ET"? Thanks!


積分: 1688

發表於 11-5-13 12:20 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, may I know the full name of "ET"? Thanks!


積分: 1688

發表於 11-5-13 12:20 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, may I know the full name of "ET"? Thanks!


積分: 1688

發表於 11-5-13 12:20 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 ziggy 於 11-5-13 12:25 編輯

Sorry, some error occured and I don't know how to delete the duplicate response.


積分: 1593

發表於 11-5-13 13:06 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 3kids媽咪 於 11-5-13 13:07 編輯

回覆 ziggy 的帖子


PET = Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School that is located at Markham (kENNEDY/ BUR OAK AVE)


積分: 1593

發表於 11-5-13 13:17 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 3kids媽咪 於 11-5-13 13:18 編輯
JCMOTHER 發表於 11-5-12 23:05
回覆 3kids媽咪 的帖子

Dear 3 Kids mom,


我仔唔駛讀french, 他而家讀緊grade 11, 入學時guidance同他講他唔駛讀french, grade 9 既 8 科全部credit比他 (包括french) grade 10 就有幾科transfer到(因他在hk時沒有考下學期既final exam) ; 我相信第一語言係中文,第二語言係英文既學生係不用讀FRENCH. 因為入學時他去考ASSESSMENT TEST要填張FORM, 第一語言是什麼.



積分: 1297

發表於 11-5-13 20:02 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 3kids媽咪 的帖子

Dear 3 Kids mom,
My son is going to Grade 9 in the coming Sept.
I wonder if don't take French, will it affect or narrow choosing faculties for tertiary study?
Also, any idea of the rent market in the PET area and how much is the average utility bill for a 3-4 person family.
I still haven't found a house to rent. Whether my son can go to PET or not will depend on whether I can find a suitable location to rent. Is it hard to find a house for rent in that area? I guess the rent must be very high. I will come to toronto in middle of July.
Hope for the luck

Many thanks


積分: 1593

發表於 11-5-14 11:48 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 3kids媽咪 於 11-5-14 15:40 編輯


我相信grade 9應該要讀FRENCH,因為grade 9既 compulsory courses有6科:eng,math,sci,geo,PE和FRENCH;其他grades不須再讀french,而入大學主要睇12班最高分既6科成績及完成OSSD要求既30科(18 compulsory & 12 options)


呢個網站可以比你search下你想租既地區既租盤,好update架,我睇過PET附近既townhouse大概1900元(未計utility fee),有3個放緊租盤.租金就無乜升跌,但該區既樓價已升了很多.
至於utility fee(根據而家得我仔及我奶奶同住計): 水加電 $50/月,gas (eg:heat/ air con)$150/月(冬天會交多d)
上網internet(60GB)加basic cable $100


積分: 1297

發表於 11-5-14 20:59 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 3kids媽咪 的帖子

3kids mom, I appreciate your speedy reply to my various questions and thank you very much for all the help.
By the way, can any Toronto mothers tell me which moving company you chose to ship the furniture?
I have contacted the Eastern Cross and they say that the cost of shipping my piano and 20 boxes of mischilanious items will cost 18K and are there any cheaper agencies that I can contact?


積分: 3332

發表於 11-5-15 12:49 |顯示全部帖子
今年最新中學名榜如下: (NORTH YORK) 2011-05-08
1. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Hing School (9.2 Marks)
2. Bayview Secondary School (8.9 Marks)
3. Unionville High School (8.8 Marks)

其實以上三間都是好中學, 以我所知, 他們都各有所長特色, 如ET (數理好出色),BAYVIEW (有 I. B. PROGRAMME), UNIONVILLE (有 ART PROGRAMME).

除成績分數外,(其實都好接近),都要看其他, 如: 需讀ESL的比例, 家庭收入,學校環境, 學生(最好在附近的超市和餐廳觀察學生模樣, 他們說話內容和語言),附近房屋環境, 最重要是自己孩子的強項 和 興趣.



