



積分: 2823

發表於 05-10-26 04:57 |顯示全部帖子

How many words your child can say?

My girl seems to understand what we tell her, i.e. put the things in the box, sit down, hand something to someone... but she doesn't say much. She can't even say "o Po" (Grandma) or grandpa.

Do I need to worry about?


積分: 2396

發表於 05-10-26 13:11 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?



積分: 2823

發表於 05-10-26 21:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?


Thanks! I wasn't worry but recently we met a girl who is similar age as my girl and she can say a lot of things.

Also her 麻麻 keeps asking if she can say this and that; I start worrying.


積分: 8419

發表於 05-10-26 23:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

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積分: 423

發表於 05-10-27 00:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?



積分: 1415


發表於 05-10-27 09:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

Oh yes. They understand a lot of thing, but just can't manage tp say it. My girl so far only know "dad dad" and "fa fa"(flowers). Every time she saw a plant, a tree, she says "Fa Fa" loudly


積分: 4260

發表於 05-10-27 11:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

my son can say many words such as "ma ma", "ba ba", "麻麻", "爺爺", "ball ball", "姐姐", "duck", "apple", "打打", "伯伯"......
My Little Prince, Naoki Kam - 諱諾BB.


積分: 160

發表於 05-10-27 12:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

My son can say flower, tree, mum mum (food), auntie, ma ma, baby, tai tai (my cat's name), up (when he wants to go on my bed, the bike, etc.) quite clearly. He says pa pa a lot, but it can mean father, bus, butterfly or bicycle I've been teaching him sign language for several months and he'll do the sign when he tries to say things like butterfly. So even if he's not yet able to speak, I can understand what he's trying to show me. I find it VERY useful.

I think you don't need to worry as their vocal box is not quite developed in this stage and it's clear your baby's hearing is well as he understands what you say.


積分: 29293

發表於 05-10-27 12:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

my daughter can speak mummy, pa pa, nose, po po, mum mum (food).

She can understand what we can say, but somehow, she can't speak fluently.


積分: 9013

發表於 05-11-2 09:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

my girl can say: kitty, pooh pooh, paul paul(婆婆), mama, baba or sometimes daddy, 伯伯, ee, ple ple (apple), 花花, key (mickey), 波波, bye bye, 我, 知, 好,
哎呀, 靚, 腳腳, 手, 早早 (早晨), 姐姐, 比, 不不 (when use the spoon for eating), 食, 味味 (好味), bel s ton (belly botton), 打打, pat pat, mum mum (food)...
仲有d我覺得應該係有意思嘅音 (因為佢成日重覆, 不過我聽唔明)


積分: 473

發表於 05-11-2 13:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

My son always speak Ba Ba loudly in different tone.
He can say Ba Ba , Ma Ma ,


積分: 1016

發表於 05-11-12 23:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: How many words your child can say?

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