老人家有她的一套唔出奇,如果真係唔接受亞媽一套一係就自己湊,如果比得她湊就唔多唔小都要接受他們的一套,平心常氣去傾大家去找共識啦 !我囡3個多月都好容易醒架只好等她訓lum d才放在床,食奶都是3安左右,只要健康重量又沒問題食多少咪 take it esay ne ! 在廳/房都是同一間屋/同一班常照顧的人應該問題不大??? take it easy ne !
Same to me. My mom really pisses me off here. I always talk, actually, yell at her. Feel so bad after that since my mother is trying to help and she loves her grandchild as I do...Anyway, I kept telling her that I should be the one who decide how to take care of the baby because I am the mother. She is getting better and start to listen.
ADD OIL!! my mom starts to listen too as she starts feeling my BB is getting better too, though she still feed her without following the time as i set today, but just once, so i think it's ok la! and my girl is getting better and better, she can finish her bottle within 5-10 mins today and i'm so happy for that, i'm sure she earns more security with the method i use now, next target: she can sleep on her own and feel secure when sitting on the BB stroller, finger cross!!