[加拿大] 點申請好...




積分: 1118

發表於 12-3-30 15:13 |顯示全部帖子
各位媽媽/ 爸爸,
我先生係香港做Register nurse.. 有一仔一女,
想問... 經federal skilled programme 難嗎??
定抑或係經temp working visa 好d?
temp working visa...咁仔女讀書點好?
雖然佢地仲細, 仔三歲半, 女一歲半..
同埋temp working visa 轉citizen 機會難嗎?


積分: 3790

發表於 12-3-31 03:39 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 helloruby 於 12-3-31 04:27 編輯

回覆 rarafish 的帖子

其實這是兩條獨立的隊伍, 不防一齊申請. 我們正是這樣.
我們入紙 CIC 申請 SKILLED WORKER 時還末 CONFIRM 加拿大的工作.
申請 WORK PERMIT 後才收到 CIC 的 EMAIL, 指示我們合資格申請 SKILLED WORKER, 可入紙 HK OFFICE. 所以我們的兩個申請差不多是同時進行的.
舊年我們持著老公的 WORK PERMIT , 全家人一起到達加國生活了.
而我們入紙申請 WORK PERMIT 時, 申請表上也老實地填上我們也正在申請 SKILLED WORKER 的.

我們持 WORK PERMIT 時, 要交的 TAX 跟本地人一樣多, 福利也差不多, 可以申請 HEALTH CARD, 享用免費的政府醫療服務, 和免費的公立學校, 不過就不能申請牛奶金, 配偶和孩子也不能工作, 除非他們另外申請 OPEN WORK PERMIT, 不過 OPEN 既就簡單得多.

用 WORK PERMIT 入境, 如果你在加國工作了兩年, 而 SKILLED WORKER 還末批, 你到時可以排多一絛隊, 用加拿大經驗去申請 PR. 另外你用 WORK PERMIT 入境, 你會比份工縛住, 因為你不能轉 EMPLOYER.

不過我們是剛趕及舊制的尾班車的那一群, 不受 QUOTA 限制, 新制每行業每年全球只得 500 QUOTA, 一滿左就不再接受申請, 好似現在新制冇咁易喇, 除非你巳有 ARRANGE EMPLOYMENT 喇, 咁就不受 QUOTA 限制. 要申請 WORK PERMIT 同樣要有工作才可申請, 睇黎最實際係試下揾到份工先.


:wave: :wave:


積分: 1118

發表於 12-4-1 09:07 |顯示全部帖子
Really thanks for your suggestion...
And I know that each category had limit.....the last year limit also reached the cap...so need to wait for next announcement on coming july to apply skilled worked programme..
In the meantime, will take ielts for getting a job....to apply work permit..

May I know how long u wait for skilled workers approved??? From apply to getting the visage..?? Nearly two years?
Thankd a lot.


積分: 1118

發表於 12-4-1 09:08 |顯示全部帖子
And is that ok for work permit holder to buy a house???of course need mortgage...:


積分: 3790

發表於 12-4-2 10:12 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 rarafish 的帖子

從我準備好所有文件入紙 HK VISA OFFICE 開始至收到消息批出 VISA, 大概 13 個月左右.

WORK PERMIT HOLDER 當然可以買屋, 就算外國人也可以買屋哩.
MORTGAGE 方面, 一般是每月還款不能超過月薪的 40%.
如果你巳有心水落腳地, 不妨上 WWW.MLS.CA 看看當地樓房的溉況.

:wave: :wave:


積分: 839

發表於 12-4-2 16:07 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 CutieMommy 於 12-4-2 16:25 編輯

回覆 helloruby 的帖子


I think helloruby's case is exceptionally quick. I have a couple of friends who applied to skilled worker program 3 years ago and "did not" get approval till now.

In addition, as helloruby's said, the skilled worker program has largely reduced the quota lately, so the waiting list would be significantly longer than before. Also, the list of skilled worker category will be amended each year. (ie. the kind of skilled on the list this year may not be on the list next year.) I reviewed the list some years ago. I found out that the list was much much shorter than before.

As for going through the work permit channel, please note that not employer are willing to employ someone who are not permanent resident and need work permit to work here. They may not want the trouble to get a work permit for you or they can't wait that long for the work permit to be ready. It really depends on the kind of industry and the nature of job. I have some friends who go through interviews successfully and finally got turn down just because they were not permanent resident. (Of course there are kinds of job that employer will be willing to do so but it really depends.)

So, I think if you are interested in immigrated thought the skilled worker program, I would recommend you to apply as soon as possible. If you go for the work permit channel, I would recommend you/your husband to come over to try to find a job to see if the employer of your particular industry would be willing to help you or wait for you to get the work permit done.


積分: 1118

發表於 12-4-3 10:37 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 CutieMommy 的帖子

hi cutiemommy,thanks for your advise...and i do agree that it's getting hard to apply thru skilled workers programme now..and so, we also plan to apply work permit....
between, which city are you in???
i plan to immigrate to calgary which still not many pvpl choosing...
thanks for your advise..



積分: 1118

發表於 12-4-3 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 helloruby 的帖子

hi,your case really quick quick..

may i know the category u apply? i mean the occupation...??

thanks for your advise on mortgage....



積分: 3790

發表於 12-4-5 06:41 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:rarafish 的帖子

That's true. Applications before nov 2008 takes 60 months to process and application after that takes 21 months to process. My husband fall in the category of university professor which is not on the new occupation list anymore. We consider ourselves very lucky.

It takes quite a lot of trouble to get a work permit. As more and more Chinese go to Canada, knowing Chinese language could be an advantage in the health care area. Add oil! Hope you could find a job soon or be the first 500 applicants, whichever come first.

:wave: :wave:


