




積分: 119

發表於 06-2-17 13:31 |顯示全部帖子


請問有無人去過? 是否 好豪華? 适合機大bb去? 跟團 or join package? 何月去會好啲? thank you!


積分: 119

發表於 06-2-20 11:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

請問有無人知呢? 請 HELP!


積分: 3395

發表於 06-2-20 15:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

你的意思是想參觀定要住呢? 若然只是參觀你可以叫自己住的酒店幫你報名. 它們有dress code 是 smart causal 我帶bb 不會有問題. 團費可以在酒店消費. 若他們有吉房可以參觀房間.有專人介紹.


積分: 6972

發表於 06-2-20 15:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

MY BOSS 剛剛NEW YEAR 去完, 佢話非常唔好玩, 個間HOTEL 只是可以遠觀拍照, 若要過橋參觀要比US DOLLARS 佰幾元PER PERSON, 食方面以 BBQ 為主,JOIN TOURS 的話班機出發時是晚上11: 50 幾分(因FIX 死咗)變相要多付1 天小費, 回程同樣神早10 時前返港, 行程只是沙漠四"馬區" 車,參觀TEMPLE等, 機程AROUND 10 小時. 以上資料只供參考.


積分: 119

發表於 06-2-21 09:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店




積分: 134

發表於 06-2-21 11:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

How much per night there?


積分: 26227


發表於 06-2-25 10:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

昨晚聽收音機, DJ 講依間HOTEL 最平既房都要 七千蚊港紙, 而杜拜其他既HOTEL都幾貴, 最平都近二千蚊港紙.


積分: 62

發表於 06-2-28 20:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

It's a long page, sorry, but indeed it is super luxury, many things to say :

We stayed 2 nights at 2001 summer.
There are 3 ways to the hotel. 1) by car - Rolls Royce pick you up from airport and vice versa 2) by air - helicopter which will land at their 懸空停機坪, 3) by sea - they have the private pier.

The hotel is located over the sea, and there is a private long road to connect, so the security is very serious, other car cannot enter from the entrance of the road. The Outlook of the hotel will change different color at night time.

Once arrive the hotel, about 8 persons welcome you. We took the Rolls Royce and both doors have staffs open the door for u, 1 wearing suit lady welcome you, and concierge staff took out your luggage without any notice because you are very busy with those people treated you. Another 3 people standing at the hotel front door giving you a towel, a coffee and parfume ....

There is no lobby because all floor have a personal counter. The lady will bring you to the room personally, and you have to take the esculator which both side (up & down) have a aquarium, and in the middle, there is a fountain which display different fountain show all the time.

After off the esculator, there are a few luxury shops, and coffee shop, ... and then a very high atrium you can see which is very great, and a very high fountain there.

Arrive the floor you stay , a personal 24 hours butler will be there to wait for u, and accompanied you to the room. Check-in will be at your room, the welcome drink is so tasty. The butler spent about 30-45 minutes to explain all the facilities in the room, and 1 remote can control everything.

All rooms are duplex which is the 1st floor is living room and dining room, which have good view to see the arabian gulf ... A laptop at the desk for your use with internet, the tv channel more than 100 and DVD player ... which you don't have time to watch. The paintings, picutres in the room, some are wrapped by real gold.

Everyday tea-time, there is a plate for snack provided for you, which is so great, have cavier, salmom, cake with some paper real gold .... and we got a box of chocolate and a bottle for red wine for complientary.

Upper floor is the bedroom, and cloak room, bathroom. The bathroom is big, and the amentities are all with brand name. We got 2 sets of Hermes Parfume, soap .... which you can take away. There are another small Hermes soap ... for in-room use.

The room will be cleaned twice in a day, but provided they won't bother you. Once you are out for meals, they will carpeted as fast as they can, so it will be about 3 people to clean it. I saw them once, which one guide knelt down and use the brush to broom the carpet at one direction so that it will be very tidy.

Anything you can think and want to book, you can call the butler and he will be of service for you.

The restaurants are so great, espeically the underseas water (Al Mahara), the big aquarium is beside you to dine, you feel you are under the sea.
It is the best 10 seafood restaurants in the world.

We tried other 4 restaurants too, Al Muntana which is 200 meter high serving European Cusine. Al Iwan, Bab Al Yam and Sahn Eddar, and 1 room service dining. Honestly speaking, when you arrive there, you will be very exciting and happy, and all the environment made you think everything is the best !

The room are included breakfast at 2 restaurants, I personal think don't try the buffet one near the pool, because when you are in this luxury hotel, you should not eat so casual.

We also tried the spa treatment there. And the swimming pool is very style. Nobody were there and just me and my husband, you will feel this is your private pool.

Although we stayed for 2 nights, but the staffs will know you. The 2nd day we went out, the concierge staff in the hotel front door advised us - Mr & Mrs. XX, you have a booking at what time in the hotel ....they are so considerable and remind you.

Staying in this hotel can go to their sister hotel oppoiste - Jumeriah Beach Hotel, there are golf car to drop you there, and when you return, just give them a call, they will come to pick you.

And also, staying in this hotel can access to the Wild Wadi which is a water park, very good and exciting in Dubai, you will feel very cool.

There is nothing to see outside because the summer is very hot, and the 1st day we arrive, we cannot breath though, and you pay that money should spend most of the time in the hotel.

We did another bubble bath in our room, and they arrange everything, giving you a light nature music and having aromatic oil burning inside the bath ... so romantic and relax ...

The one must try is the evening 4-wheels vehicle safari, very exciting, and the sunset in the dessert is excellent.

But don't go in the summer time, very hot, and actually Dubai is not suitable for the small children, because nothing for them to play and see, and inside the hotel, even you are the guest, some of the area you cannot take pictures because most of the guests are the very rich people (oil king ...) which they don't want to disturb other guests.

I definite will think everyone enter the hotel will feel exciting and happy. It's expensive but worth to try, this is still the number 1 unforgettable trip we had so far, we still want to be back !


積分: 844

發表於 06-2-28 22:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店


積分: 844

發表於 06-2-28 22:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

睇完之後,一個字 [size=xx-large]"嘩"




積分: 844

發表於 06-2-28 22:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

Michelle326, 請問你個行程共幾多銀兩呢?


積分: 54483

2018復活節勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 06-2-28 23:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

ameliachan 寫道:
Michelle326, 請問你個行程共幾多銀兩呢?

I also want to know, very jealous.....


積分: 844

發表於 06-3-1 16:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

991129 寫道:
ameliachan 寫道:
Michelle326, 請問你個行程共幾多銀兩呢?

I also want to know, very jealous..... [/quote]



積分: 62

發表於 06-3-2 01:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

帆船酒店係在2000年12月開幕. 因為曾經睇過一個電視節目, 介紹呢間酒店起既過程, 當時我同我老公都'嘩嘩'聲, 大家都話好想去.

咁 arm 係2001年 summer, 我地去地中海旅行, 因為沒有直航機, 一是經歐洲去, 二是經杜拜, 所以我地就諗住可以慳
番機票錢, 回程停杜拜住一晚咁多啦 !

問了多間旅行社, 價錢間間都差不多, 約US$1000一晚. 咁好彩正想 book 之際, 老公睇到報紙介紹, 話酒店做緊 Promote, 半價優惠, 但只限於直接同酒店訂, 所以就即刻 book. 因為一來酒店剛開不久, 唔係太多人知, 二來 summer 在杜拜來講, 真係好熱. 所以酒店就只做了一次大特賣, 當時房間係 HK$4330一晚, 橫豎都預了Budget, 所以就由住一晚變了住兩晚

其他野唔算好貴, 在香港你去高級餐廳食一晚 Fine Dining, 一二千蚊閒閒地, 我地 Lunch 係 Al Muntaha 食約HK$880, Al Mahara 海底餐廳約HK$1800, 已經可以食龍蝦, 不過無開酒. 呢兩間已經係呢到既 signatured 餐廳.
Room Service, 食得簡單d, 一個洋蔥湯, 一個美國肉眼扒, 一個東方什菜蛋炒麵 - HK$520, 開埋酒店送個支紅酒.

其他, 如 Spa, 我老公做個 Massage HK$650, 我做了個 Swedien Massage + Aromathearapy Body Bliss, 約 HK$970, 另外在自己房做了個 Bath Soaks & Essential Oil at Jacuzzi - HK$520, 酒店房雪柜一罐可樂就要50幾蚊, 買了本酒店書 - HK$600, 因為好多相影唔到, 又或者無人地影得咁靚, 加加埋埋什項小費 ..., 在酒店埋單 HK$7400, 加埋兩晚半價房 = HK$16000.

不過以我所知, 依家無乜旅行社做呢間酒店 Package, 而且 d 房好 full, 上星期有線又介紹杜拜 (因為多了幾間靚酒店), 話呢間酒店 book 要一年後先有房.

又或者 book 酒店餐廳食飯 (要預早 book), 可以入去打個圈, 平時好似要比幾百蚊港紙先可以入去參觀, 仲要睇酒店心情好唔好先比你入 (如果唔係住客).

其實好似我地咁, 去開旅行經杜拜, 可以慳番張機票錢, 都諗得過

P.S. - 每次有人問起帆船酒店, 我都不厭其煩咁講, 因為每次講番起, 都仲係咁開心. 我同老公都好鍾意旅行, 都可以叫做試過好多特式酒店,但佢話當個 butler 打開間房門個刻, 個心真係好似開了咁, 當時才真正感受到 '開' 心個 feeling.


積分: 844

發表於 06-3-2 10:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

Michelle326, 多謝你講咁多俾我知... 咁都有機會去行吓, 努力加油搵錢儲錢先...

地中海+杜拜 = $????? (兩人四萬可以嗎?)



積分: 54483

2018復活節勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 06-3-2 10:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 杜拜,帆船酒店

Thanks for your information, Michelle326.

By the way, it is still very expesnive to me....


