林鄭發言原文:We might not be able to have strong executive ability, that’s something worries me a lot. You just imagine the pressure that public servant is under, with all those institutions, checks and balances, all that Ombudsman, ICAC. Not that they are bad, sometimes these things are good. These are the safeguards of the civil society. But if they become a major hurdle, because we don’t know how to deal with them, then, at the end of the day, what would suffer will be the government executive ability to deliver things. (根據現場錄音整理)
有「好打得」之稱的林鄭月娥又指,政府施政困難,基於以往政策由下而上(bottom-up approach)的機制,先由部門醞釀,特首一年一度在施政報告公布,但做法已不合時宜。因為梁振英在競選時已向市民作出承諾,市民要看的是實際行動,政府最大的挑戰,是如何實施梁振英的政綱 。
林鄭係話ICAC 同申訴專員公署係"hurdle",又時又令政府"suffer",其實佢係咪想講呢兩個機構阻頭阻勢?