




積分: 190

發表於 06-4-24 00:25 |只看該作者

請指教如買二手鋼琴要注意之問題 (急 急急 , 好急想知 )

想買一部 yamaha 牌子既二手鋼琴
( 琴主話 原價 $2萬3千幾) , 已經用左五年,
因要升級而要換琴. ( 現出價 $8千 )

[size=large]就係咁啦, 因為係門外漢既關係, 想問下各位此琴買唔買得過, 定係買新既好呢, 但小朋友又係剛學的.
最重要呢架二手琴買唔買得過呢 ?


積分: 3591

發表於 06-4-24 11:29 |只看該作者

Re: 請指教如買二手鋼琴要注意之問題 (急 急急 , 好急想知 )

If the seller can provide original TOM LEE INVOICE, and provide that the piano is in good condition, I think $8,000 is quite OK.

But must go along with your Piano-teacher, as she is very professional in playing piano.


積分: 1052

發表於 06-4-24 15:03 |只看該作者

Re: 請指教如買二手鋼琴要注意之問題 (急 急急 , 好急想知 )

Look at the original receipt. If not available, check the model and serial numbers with Yamaha (through Tom Lee) and confirm the piano is really 5 years old.

You can also open up the front panel (be careful, very heavy) or just the top panel to check the parts inside. If you find some wooden parts or strings or felts that look newer than the others, then the original ones must have had some problem and got replaced. In this case, it is very likely that the piano is older than 5 years.

Open up the bottom panel below the keyboard (be careful, very heavy). Check if there is a "warmer" placed inside. This should be used when the humidity is >80% ONLY. Ask the owner if he turns it on when it's humid and OFF WHEN IT'S DRY. Some people keeps it on all the time. This actually is not good for the piano. When the weather is dry, it makes the piano "too" dry and the glue keeping the wooden parts together becomes hardened and eventually the parts will fall apart. The falling apart probably won't happen now (5 years) but it will happen sooner then when it should be. So in a few years' time, you will need to pay thousands for a major repair.

It will be best to bring along your piano teacher and a piano tuner/technician, especially to help you with taking off the panels.


