Dear all,
I wish to share this book with you, and the title of this silly and funny book is called:'The amazing captain underpants' It is a comic book which includes two silly characters called George and Harold. I think this book is very good because it is very silly, easy to read and very descriptive. This book has flip-o-rama...wait, do you know what is a flip-o-rama? If you don't, buy one and check it out!
鳳梨 寫道:
書既內容有d字會唔係proper spelling, 有次我小朋友問點解d字串錯晒~~其實有d字眼都幾通俗吓,得啖笑,太細既小朋友唔係咁appropriate. 不過因為係講hero同埋好得意(picture多過words),大多小朋友(男仔)都會鍾意