Actually, I think the driver should have let them pass first. 起碼小朋友 ah mar !!! 7 yr jar !!!
The driver has not done the least possible action to prevent this from happening. D大車司機成日蝦D小朋友 gar, I saw many times when I was v young (個小朋友差D死呀 !!! 佢都唔夠架車個wheel 高......)
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie. 不誠實使用電腦會構成罪行,切勿以身試法。 何謂不誠實使用電腦??
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.