




積分: 223

發表於 07-1-9 14:26 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

Hi, 大家我都為左呢個問題煩左好耐啦, 我個囡明年要揀小學08年要讀小一啦! 我都好頭痛呀, 因為如果唔做嘢, 平時買嘢就唔會咁爽啦, 但如果繼續做嘢, 個小朋友點安排呢? 放學點好呀? 小學啲功課會好煩, 又多, 又怕佢唔識! 如果搵part-time鐘點, 又唔知佢份人對小朋友有無愛心, 又怕佢對個囡唔好, 請工人佢又太多時間留係屋企!
點算? 點算?


積分: 4226

發表於 07-1-9 16:27 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

經濟跟事業不同,我唔可以為小朋友放棄經濟(有小朋友更加須要經濟). 但我可以為小朋友放棄事業.


積分: 1623

發表於 07-1-9 16:45 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

如果可以的話我都想轉part time湊be be呀
不過,一轉part time人工就少一半
依家有bb開支又大左,遲d bb又要學下野咁
就算番part time,始終要俾錢請鐘點/屋企人
或者儲到一畢錢遲d可以唔做/做part time


積分: 287

發表於 07-1-13 15:06 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

...... 我都為左呢個問題煩左好耐啦, 我個囡出生已想搵part-time,唔做全職!


積分: 549

發表於 07-1-22 03:20 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

我生完bb半年多, 好想做番野...
請pm 我, 我想知你老闆洗唔洗搵人填補你無返的2日...

Mandysyl 寫道:
依家仔仔20個月大, 3月個細的就會出世. 我同老細傾好左轉part-time, 每星期返3日工. 咁樣有多d時間陪小朋友. 小朋友的成長得一次, miss左就無, 我都希望自己可以見證佢地的每一次, 唔係次次都由工人或者奶奶話比我聽呀b今日點點點.
以後有時間可以陪佢地去游水, 去圖書館, 去公園 etc.
其實揀part-time係知道自己做唔到全職媽咪, 做part-time仲可以請工人做家頭細務. 自己又可以有d錢駛下, 唔使下下問老公. 老公又唔係搵大把錢.
自己keep住做野, 第日小朋友大左, 相信可以容易d搵番全職.
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積分: 549

發表於 07-1-22 03:40 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

Just see this topic today and read all the message from different moms.......

Agree and support all your choice.

To Daisy mom,
Of course health should be the 1st priority! This is what we need for our baby/ kid, family and even career. Happy for you that you made the choice!
Pls PM me as I have further questions... :)

While you resigned from your job, I'm starting to look for job. To me, besides $$ and career, I think working time helps giving some 'space' to my baby and husband. I think this is good for all of us... Hope to get one soon.

Daisy媽咪 寫道:
各位在職媽媽 :

近日本人身體響起警號, 似乎要叫我作出決定 :

1. resign, 搵一份reception / 秘書做, 準時走, 返屋企睇小朋友功課, 但要放棄既係現有既職位, 權力同薪酬, 但又怕作出依個決定會對小朋友有更大奇望 !

2. 搵一份同依家title 差唔多或者更高既工, 但又驚到時又要係公司博, 冇時間返去睇小朋友, 但收入好d, 又可以供給小朋友多一些既資源support !

如果choice 1, 但過多十年, 小朋友都大, 我都跟唔到啦, 到時再返出黎想搵番自己既事業, 又冇可能; 但如果繼續我既事業, 小朋友最需要我既時候過左, 亦補唔番, 我應該點呢 ?
<a href="http://lilypie.com"><img src="http://b2.lilypie.com/2fWnp8.png" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0" width="400" height="80" /></a>


積分: 478

發表於 07-2-6 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?



積分: 223

發表於 07-2-23 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

Maybe I can share my experience here...

I worked in a highly demanding industry before my baby was born - very competitive environment, odd hours... My job was quite high-paid and with good prospect.

After my baby was born, however, I decided that I couldn't go on working days and nights like before, so I discussed with my boss. I was very lucky as my boss was very understanding, and he let me change to part time - just went back to office 3 days a week.

After 6 months working as part time, I decided to quit and became a FTM. There were a few reasons for my decision:
1. I really enjoy very much my time with the baby at home - seeing his new developments everyday is amazing! After changing to part time, I was even more sure that I can be a FTM (although most people around me thought that I had given up too much, but I just don't care).
2. I was feeling quite dispensible after changing to part time in the company. It seemed that my job could be replaced by anyone anytime. And I had also created some inconvenience to my colleagues and clients due to my part time arrangment.

I stayed at home with my baby for about one year - which I think was a critical year for him and for both of us. We developed a very close relationship and attachment. I am very pleased of my decision.

About one year later, my ex-boss invited me to join the company again. As my child had entered pre-school, I decided to work again. Now, I'm still a working mom, but my relationship with my son is still very good. And, I believe my time spent with him had helped him feel secure and happy - he's a happy child now.

Maybe I'm lucky but if I hadn't made the decision to quit my job, I wouldn't have been able to experience the best time in my life - that is staying home with my baby witnessing his growth.

Now my current job is very stable and I can come home before 7pm in most of the days. So I can still spend a lot of time with my kid playing and reading etc.

Sometime, I think we just have to make a decision and go straight without looking back. Hope this gives BK moms some food for thought!


積分: 120

發表於 07-3-24 19:26 |只看該作者

Re: 急 :你會為你的小朋友而放棄事業嗎 ?

Some sharing....

I worked at a managerial grade in an international company. Busy all the time and need to travel all around Asia about once a week. The most awful weeks would be worked till 3am for the whole week. After I got married, I quitted the job and had a break for myself. This means I GAVE UP MY CAREER.

Then, I spent about half year to learn how to open a fashion boutique after marriage. I am running the shop for 3 years now. When I got pregnancy, I stopped working in the boutique. I am still one of the owner of the shop; however, I have no income as I did not participate in the daily running of the shop. This means I GAVE UP MY SALARY $$$.

Now, I am staying home with my little girl for almost 4 months. I love her; however, I think I need to have a part-time job or other works to maintain the healthiest of myself and so my family. I am thinking of opening another baby wears shop; probably e-shop first to gain some baby wears experience. I already spent quite some months on researching this market. I hope my e-shop will open in the next month, the latest. I won't get back to the full-time work as I want to be the first to know on one of all those things going to happen to my little girl.

Having a happy marriage and a sharing partner (my husband), plus a baby girl changed the whole world of mine.


