But we can't say we're lucky, which means those using the problem baby bottle are unlucky?
If one day, touch wood, NUK is also found to have problem, should we claim that we/our babies are unlucky?
When the brands are allowed to sell in the market, we'll assume they are safe.
The manufacturers should be the one to blame for.
Pls tell all your friends using those brands to stop using the baby bottles right away. I've already done so.
剛粗略睇完份report,測試既5隻牌子全部有問題,包括Avent, Dr. Brown's, Evenflo, Gerber, Playtex, 因為全部都係用Polycarbonate製造,如果係用Polyproylene,好似安全D.我見B-free係用Polyproylene造,有無人知重有邊隻牌子係用Polyproylene?或者肯定邊隻係用Polycarbonate,咁就多數有問題.
From the report:
A couple of manufacturers
make their baby bottles from a safer
polypropylene-based plastic (a softer,
opaque plastic), which has not been
associated with the developmental
problems linked to bisphenol A.