bbdog_2006 寫道:
bbdog_2006 寫道:
我同老公個婚姻轉錄已做左.現在想幫bb申請葡國護照,有咩手續呀?駛唔駛預先約時間, 同埋要去幾多次?我聽講bb一歲前可以唔駛帶佢去,係唔係呢?
h5199 寫道:
bbdog_2006 寫道:
我同老公個婚姻轉錄已做左.現在想幫bb申請葡國護照,有咩手續呀?駛唔駛預先約時間, 同埋要去幾多次?我聽講bb一歲前可以唔駛帶佢去,係唔係呢?
GrandmaIrene 寫道:
It's not easy at all. You have to regista first (, then they will send you an email to confirm your registration. After that, you can enter for an online certidão (certificate). Everything is in Portuguese (quite a lot to fill up), and the cost is 8,00 Euro.
I think it would be easier to fix in Macau, although you will have to pay a bit more.
This is just my own opinion.
h5199 寫道:
GrandmaIrene 寫道:
It's not easy at all. You have to regista first (, then they will send you an email to confirm your registration. After that, you can enter for an online certidão (certificate). Everything is in Portuguese (quite a lot to fill up), and the cost is 8,00 Euro.
I think it would be easier to fix in Macau, although you will have to pay a bit more.
This is just my own opinion.
GrandmaIrene 寫道:
h5199 寫道: