



積分: 3787


發表於 07-5-6 23:32 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽



積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-7 21:33 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽

ok.. 我要收集多啲資料就整個 餐單forum..


積分: 326

發表於 07-5-16 02:18 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽



積分: 7794

發表於 07-5-20 03:24 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽

其實要唔要整個產前講座forum 呢.. if 有需要就話我知..


積分: 253

發表於 07-6-16 11:17 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽


我餵左幾日﹐ 成日都好似BB埋唔到我身咁。 究竟係我個肚未收頂住﹐ 定係BB手頂住? BB得幾日大﹐ 唔可能夾硬整開佢隻手仔。

我都唔知點算。 依家咁BB食得好少﹐ 又唔舒服。 我見佢張大口仔週圍搵個乳頭﹐ 但係又埋唔到來﹐ 心都痛晒。 :-(


積分: 7794

發表於 07-6-16 22:49 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽

pm 你電話俾我, 我喺電話喥教你.. 我今晚off, 廳晚off.. ok?


積分: 253

發表於 07-6-21 06:33 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽

Sorry啊。 我忙到都上唔到BK。
呢兩日用訓o係度既姿勢﹐ 情況有改善啦! 多謝晒妳先。


積分: 7794

發表於 07-6-21 22:33 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽

我都係用側卧式.. Amanda & Gabriel 都好鐘意呢!


積分: 171537

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-6-28 02:29 |只看該作者

Re: 給餵人奶的靚靚準媽媽


I hope that I can find this website and forum earlier. I have encountered so much problems when my son bornt but luckily, all of them were resolved finally. My son is now 15-1/5 months old. I weaned him at the 10th month because I discovered that I was pregnant again (we planned it, just a bit early ) He is very healthy, never had serious sickness, only had 2 fevers (each lasted for 1-2 days) since he's bornt.

I have tried the hospital-grade electric pump, Medela electric pump and manual pump before. The 1st one is the best - fast although sometimes painfully (need to adjust the power) but I used the Medela one for almost 8 months. It worked good, easy to carry. Mom-to-be can find good deal in e-bay or craigslist.com. I got mine as a gift and the hospital-grade one was rented to me free under the medical plan. So, new mom should check with the lactation specialist or nurse in the hospital and see if there's any special offer for renting one. I did not use it often at the beginning because of the pain but feel regret because I did not BF my son 100% due to low milk-flow. I think that I should either BF 100% or use the pump to help to stimulate more milk-flow. But, I still could express 4-6 oz each time and 4-5 times per day when I was still in maternity leave.

BF is really good for both mom and baby, I lost 10 lbs in 1 month without doing any exercise (of course, it was caused by less sleep too) because I had a 4-degree tear that I cannot still exercise until the 4th month after delivery. I hurt so much even by just sitting on a soft (with cushion already). Anyway, I would just like to encourage all new mom to try BF even though sometimes it is not easy. Keep trying and both you and your baby learn more everyday and you would find the joy of BF (I won't stop it if I'm not pregnant yet at least until my son is 1.5 years old).


積分: 6

發表於 07-7-7 07:17 |只看該作者

breast milk

hi Rose

I have a 29months QQBB, I still BF to him, I bought my
bump at babyrus, really expensive. I was using the first 8 months, special summer, my breast really full in every 2
hours. I can bump 5oz from my each side when the 3rd day my bb was born. Save alot of money, but I try to
give him more whole milk, because BM is not enough vit.D. So your baby 15 months now, u have to give him
whole milk, cheese, etc...... too.


積分: 171537

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-7-8 02:42 |只看該作者

29 months? Wah, are you a full time mom? You're such a great mom! I give my son whole milk now, sometimes cheese and yogurt. He starts asking for everything from my bowl whatever it is. Bringing him out for dinner in a restaurant is really a nightmare. He never wants to sit and eat, always wants to get down to play and grasps somethings in his 2 hands. If you have a chance to see a boy screaming in a restaurant at high pitch, it maybe him.


積分: 6

發表於 07-7-8 09:01 |只看該作者

2 years old boy

Hi Rose

Yes, I'm a full time mommy, 24/7!!! 2 years old kid is
really hard to take care. I don't let my son get down his
high chair in resturant. If he really want to get down, I will order an ice-cream for him. He love ice-cream.
Not only restuarant, either at home, when I closed my
eye longer than 1 min, he will get trouble, turn over my house. I give him an ice-cream and put him on his high
chair, he put all over the chair and his head.
This age baby, they are between understand and don't
understand. And they try to tell you what they want.
Sometime I really enjoy, I feel they so cute, but
sometime feel so tired, want a little break.
At work you will have 15 min. break or lunch , but full
time mommy, no break , no holiday, either you have
break you have to clean house


積分: 20

發表於 07-7-12 10:06 |只看該作者
Wow. These are so amazing. If I find this website earlier I think I will be a better mom. . My son is almost 3 years old now. Sometimes, I just can't control him. I am glad that I pushed him into Preschool at 2 1/2. Hehe.

support BK!!


積分: 2122

發表於 07-7-21 03:30 |只看該作者
我預產期係7月30日呀, 所以依家好緊張呀.

我想問第1-2日餵奶時, 係見bb喊就餵呀, 還時都係隔3-4小時先餵. 因我之前係香港聽講座, 一個姑娘就話一定要3-4小時先餵. 但另一個就話第1日就1-2小時就餵或見bb喊就餵.


積分: 171537

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-7-21 05:10 |只看該作者

Yes, full time mom does not have any break time. I'm a full time mom too - after off from work and in weekend. My boy always comes to me and wants me to play with him. When I work on my computer, he will come to grasp the mouse and keyboard. I told him to stop, he would rather look at me and smiles. I know that he wants my attention but sometimes just so busy.

Now, when we eat outside, I try to give him something to play with and divert his attention. But, it is not always sucessful. Sometimes, I just feel like going home right the way. My son is walking quite good now and when I take him out after dinner, he's so excited and curious of everything.


積分: 171537

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-7-21 05:20 |只看該作者
Nurses and doctors in here would say 8 times a day, so it is every 3 hours. However, it depends on your baby, mine only ate 7 times a day. My friend's baby ate every 2 hours. So, it varies for every baby. Some babies have bigger stomach and can hold more milk for longer. Then, you don't need to feed that often but some do not. If you breastfeed, it also depends on your milk - if it is thick or enough to fill him up. Of course, if he's hungry, he will cry for food. But, you should check the diaper also if he cry. Some babies cannot stand for wet diaper. You have to be flexible and aware of the baby's needs.


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-22 04:14 |只看該作者
3 cats,
餵人奶係 feed on demand 架.. 唔應該計鐘. BB 餓就餵..
可惜.. as 你EDD 係07/30/07, 我8月12日開嘅講座, 你嚟唔到呢..
as 你應有我 cell phone number, if necessary, call me.. 我會教你.. otherwise, 你要俾address 我, bb 出世後, 我揾 day off 日子上你屋企教你喇.. as 你係做brooklyn, right?

原文章由 3cats 於 07-7-20 02:30 PM 發表
我預產期係7月30日呀, 所以依家好緊張呀.

我想問第1-2日餵奶時, 係見bb喊就餵呀, 還時都係隔3-4小時先餵. 因我之前係香港聽講座, 一個姑娘就話一定要3-4小時先餵. 但另一個就話第1日就1-2小時就餵或見bb喊就餵.


積分: 2122

發表於 07-7-24 11:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-7-22 04:14 發表
3 cats,
餵人奶係 feed on demand 架.. 唔應該計鐘. BB 餓就餵..
可惜.. as 你EDD 係07/30/07, 我8月12日開嘅講座, 你嚟唔到呢..
as 你應有我 cell phone number, if necessary, call me.. 我會 ...

好多謝你呀, 我有你個電話, 有咩事我會向你請教啦.

12號個GATHERING, 我想去, 但到時BB應該出左世啦. 我諗我去唔到啦, 如果真係BF, 我諗我唔可以唔帶BB去. 同埋郅時唔知會幾 LEI HEI. 所以我唔咁答應你呀.


積分: 7794

發表於 07-7-25 19:56 |只看該作者
3 cats,
no problem..
call me anytime..

原文章由 3cats 於 07-7-23 10:49 PM 發表

好多謝你呀, 我有你個電話, 有咩事我會向你請教啦.

12號個GATHERING, 我想去, 但到時BB應該出左世啦. 我諗我去唔到啦, 如果真係BF, 我諗我唔可以唔帶BB去. 同埋郅時唔知會幾 LEI HEI. 所以我唔咁答應你呀.


積分: 6

發表於 07-7-29 11:17 |只看該作者

Hi All Mom

Hi everyone

Alot of new baby born this year!!! PIG BABY
Nilli_Mami, which state you live in? And what kind of 講座? Are you a nurse? I'm new member here, so not really know about this chat room and Where you guys know all the information?


