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hanhandi 14-2-23 13:21
carol_fu311: HI, 我仔仔讀緊聖匠N CLASS, 出年應該會讀下午K1, 我覺得D老師都幾好, 有愛心!
BBCHANCHAN 13-12-9 16:51
tEL: 95897788 pLS ADD WHATAPP
hanhandi 12-12-2 03:32
carol_fu311 12-5-31 09:38
depends on you want which hospital la, almost nearby your home address. Then, u search the hosiptal telephone and then ask the nusre about you just bingo. Then, they will ask you about your informations and then book the 1st checking date. Do you want to see private doctor? I mean 婦科 doctor.
claudette 12-5-31 09:30
carol_fu311: wei, congraulations! do u see clinic doctor to get pregnant cert? If you have this cert, u may book the private or public hospital ka la!
carol_fu311 12-5-30 11:59
touchwood, 我暫時ok, 因為我上一胎都係一樣, 本身都係早幾日m來, 但仲未來, 以為遲m, 點知等左12日後check到bingo! so 我估今次可能有x!
claudette 12-5-30 11:55
carol_fu311: HI, 我29/4 DAY 1, 直到現在M小姐未來, 本人來M 早4-5日, 個心都15/16, 我都唔知會唔會食炸糊!
我都係牙,好怕..唔知驗唔驗好,但係呢個星期差唔多晚晚訓前都痛餐飽 好辛苦......
potpot 12-4-19 20:00
carol_fu311: POTPOT, 我都想要訂機票資料, thank you!
只是個facebook 機票情報日日更新 –
Lambebe.^_^. 11-8-25 23:07
carol_fu311: 近來忙唔忙呀?
我係full-time mama,無事忙^^
monyshek 11-8-19 11:34
carol_fu311: pls add me my fb [email protected] and mark 'hin keng mama', thank you.
ok la,pls confirm
carol_fu311 11-4-13 17:03
http://tickers.cafemom ... w%2C%2C51.png