MaryAnn Parisi 懷疑她11歲的繼子 Michael 被人欺凌,幾日前老師告訴她,欺凌的情況變得更嚴重。
於是,MaryAnn 決定在 Facebook 留下訊息,希望給欺凌 Michael 的同學知道,他經歷過多少才可以如現在一樣每天上學。
"也許了解到 Michael 的背景,事情會有所不同。就算最優秀的兒童,都會有感到不安全或者脆弱的時候。教曉和証明給他們知道,為什麼 Michael(或者其他人)的與眾不同,應該是比較正面的方法。"
MaryAnn 由兒子的生命開端說起:"Michael 只有26個星期就出生了,約三個月多的早產。我並非他的生母,不過其他方面,我是他的母親。Michael 出生的首三個月,一直都為生存以奮鬥,經歷過分流和輸血等手術。而三個月後,他的媽媽離開了他。"
儘管 Michael 經歷過這麼多,媽媽說,兒子從不會批判別人。
"踢他的椅子、罵他是隻又笨又醜的怪臉海狸,叫他坐下不作聲,並不是什麼應該做的事。你們不用去喜歡 Michael,但你們應該尊重他。他是一個勇士,這只不過是他人生故事中的一小部份而已。分享、教導和成長,更重要的是去尊重身邊的人,你永遠不知道每個人經歷了多少。"
這封公開信,目前已經被分享了幾千次,MaryAnn 希望這封信可以令人在批判之前,會多思考一下。
至於 Michael,媽媽說:"他佷堅強,很快復原,這令我感到欣慰。從信中,可以知道他的人生並不容易,要成為現在的 Michael,實在一點都不簡單。他明白到自己與別人有所不同,但他接受了事實。我為兒子而驕傲。"
This might be long winded. I apologize for that. We all have children in our lives in some way or another, I challenge you to show and teach your children (or the children in your lives) my son's story. Maybe knowing his background is the difference. Even the best children have moments of insecurity and weakness. Teaching and showing them why he (or anybody else) is different might be the more positive way. Sometimes knowing is learning and growing. Sometimes we all need a reminder, because we all can have our moments.
Michael was born at 26 weeks. Just over 3 months premature. I am not his bio mom. But in every other way, I am his mother. He spent the first 3 months of his life fighting to survive. Shunts, blood transfusions, etc. His mother left him 3 months later. He has survived failure to thrive and numerous other health issues to become the strong, healthy boy he is. He didn't learn to talk till he was 3 years old. Walking was very delayed. He didn't have teeth till after his first birthday. He was so very behind. But he loved. Oh how he loved. To this day, his smile is the best thing ever. There is not one person he doesn't like/love, including those who tormented him today. He forgives and honestly, he forgets too. There is not one judgemental bone in his body. I strive to be more like him daily but fall very short. You called him brace face today, before you were picking on him because of his eating habits. Did you know he physically can not control the food staying in his mouth. Or how very bad his hand/eye coordination is. Those braces are just one of the many steps he will endure, to help align his lower jaw that never fully developed. So he doesn't spill his food or chew weirdly anymore. So you won't pick on him.
Kicking his chair, calling him stupid, ugly, brace face, bucky beaver. Telling him to sit down and shut up is not the way. You don't have to like him, but you do have to respect him. He's a fighter, that's a very small portion of his story. Share, teach, grow. Most importantly respect those around, you never know what they have been through.
Source: One mum’s powerful response to the bullies demands respect