



積分: 5923

發表於 09-10-31 00:30 |只看該作者
will you bring your kids to take the vaccine?... can't decide coz it's the first batch they got and not really sure about the side effects.... what will you do?


積分: 785

發表於 09-10-31 03:41 |只看該作者
My 2yr old son just got 2 shots (seasonal flu & H1N1) yesterday. So far he is ok, hope nothing happen later on.


積分: 1760

發表於 09-10-31 13:34 |只看該作者
Did he take the nasal spray or injection for the H1N1? Where did he take it?


積分: 7794

發表於 09-11-2 00:18 |只看該作者
from the medical reseach, it states that Lupus, RA and MS... are the major problem.. hum..... NYC will be the state that parent need to returnt the consent and kids will receive it at school.. however, my peds refused.. he said that if it is necessary, he will give it to my children, not from school.
If your child has problem with immune system, better consult your peds before you send your child to do so.
Also, they said that it does contain mercury. If your family has the medical history of Lupus, RA, MS, ADHD, autism.. better talk to your peds first!

Also, it is not FDA approved as it does not have enough time to do so.

原帖由 TSX 於 09-10-30 11:30 AM 發表
will you bring your kids to take the vaccine?... can't decide coz it's the first batch they got and not really sure about the side effects.... what will you do?


積分: 1760

發表於 09-11-2 01:41 |只看該作者
i think the individually wrapped H1N1 vaccines (mostly the brand of "Sanfxxx" contains no preservatives (i.e. no mercury). Same for the seasonal flu shots. however, i think most vaccines available at the public medical centers and group practices are not single doses so they will contain traceable amount of mercury. although it's said that it's safe and no relation to autism, etc., some people still worry (i would).

if the preservative is your concerns, maybe u can consider taking the nasal spray which it's said that the healthy age 2 to 49 (non-pregnant) can take it. for sure there's no preservatives for the nasal spray vaccines. however, it's made from weakened live virus. if my kid were under 5 or easily get sicked, i wouldn't let him/her take the nasal spray. also, if you're pregnant and haven't taken the H1N1 shot, don't let your kids take the nasal spray lived-virus vaccines.

i just spoke with my friend who's a pharmacist. she had never let her kid take the seasonal flu shots in the past (now 2-yr-old). but now she'll let her kid take the H1N1 shot when it's available.

well ... i think if you as a mom is not always with your kid, u might need to think about letting your young kids taking it. if the kid is sick and has difficulty to breath or fingers/face turn purple/blue, u would need to take the kid to the doctor or hospital in time.


積分: 1760

發表於 09-11-2 01:44 |只看該作者

you meant the H1N1 vaccines (both inactive/injections and active/nasal sprays) are not FDA approved?! is that true?

if so, that sounds scary ....


積分: 7794

發表於 09-11-2 21:40 |只看該作者
yes, it is not "yet" approved by FDA, as it came out at August...
if you let your child to take it next it.. sure will under FDA's regulation!
Therefore, I will leave it for my children's peds to make the decision. I am not going to let the school nurse to give it to my children anyway.

原帖由 SY_Mom 於 09-11-1 12:44 PM 發表

you meant the H1N1 vaccines (both inactive/injections and active/nasal sprays) are not FDA approved?! is that true?

if so, that sounds scary ....


積分: 1760

發表於 09-11-3 01:26 |只看該作者

u meant - just the H1N1 nasal spray vaccines are not FDA-approved? or the H1N1 injections are also not FDA-approved?


積分: 8223

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 09-11-3 03:40 |只看該作者
my girl (1.5 year old) got the H1N1 injection last week, will need to get the booster dose in a month. she didn't get the sesasonal flu shot this year.

i'm pregnant now and my ob strongly recommends me to get the H1N1 also, even though the preservative free version is not available yet. but i work in the health care field so i don't want to take the risk to get the virus from patients.


積分: 785

發表於 09-11-3 04:44 |只看該作者
SY_Mom: I selected the H1N1 injection for Matthew. He had it in his pediatric office. Too bad that he became not feeling too good since Saturday evening (he got shots in Thursday afternoon). However, we are not too sure that's the side effection of his shots or he really got cold or teething.

[ 本帖最後由 HappyMatt 於 09-11-3 04:45 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 09-11-3 04:53 |只看該作者
If I were you, I will take it.. as to protect the pregnant mom and baby..
Since I read the medical research, not from CDC or any government release paper.. I am hesitated.
I have heart mur mur, M.V prolapse, left Venticle enlargement.. my cardiologist also asked me to stay back..
for my kids.. as per peds, I did not let school nurse to do it. I will wait until their peds say "yes".
and if my children will do it at ped's office, I will go for my one.. as I am a health care professional as well... I don't want it because I have hormones problem.. I don't want to have more health problem just because this vaccin..
Lupus, RA and MS won't kill us, but that can drive your life crazy and in the hell every single minute..
原帖由 babytomato 於 09-11-2 02:40 PM 發表
my girl (1.5 year old) got the H1N1 injection last week, will need to get the booster dose in a month. she didn't get the sesasonal flu shot this year.

i'm pregnant now and my ob strongly recommends ...


積分: 7794

發表於 09-11-3 04:58 |只看該作者
read it.. it comes approve today... but remember.. normally it takes a year for FDA to approve a new meds.. so the H1N1 vaccin called as Emergency Use Authorization "EUA"... (US government just lies to itself.. whatever, new law in US everyday to meet their needs anyway).

FDA NEWS RELEASEFor Immediate Release: Nov. 2, 2009
Media Inquiries: Peper Long, 301-796-4671; [email protected]
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA
FDA Publishes Guidance on Diagnostic Tests for 2009 H1N1 Influenza VirusThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration today published a guidance document that should help manufacturers develop diagnostic tests for the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. Although there are not any FDA-approved or cleared tests that diagnose this specific infection, during this pandemic, manufacturers can submit a request to the FDA for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). If granted, the EUA will allow the test to be used during the national public health emergency declared by Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in April. This guidance document outlines what information the FDA recommends that manufacturers include in these EUA requests.
The EUA authority allows the FDA to authorize use of unapproved or uncleared medical products or unapproved or uncleared uses of approved or cleared medical products following a declaration of emergency, when certain criteria are met. The authorization ends when the declaration of emergency is terminated or the authorization is revoked by the FDA.
The EUA authority is part of Project BioShield, which became law in July 2004.
While the FDA encourages manufacturers to submit appropriate premarket applications for these tests, the agency also recognizes that it may not be possible to generate complete clinical validation data that would normally be included in an application. However, this guidance outlines information the FDA recommends be included, and the FDA gives these requests thorough and careful review to protect the public health.
During this declared public health emergency, manufacturers of 2009 H1N1 influenza virus tests that are unable to submit a complete premarket notification may use the guidance to submit a request for an EUA.
The guidance document is part of the FDA’s ongoing efforts to provide public health authorities managing the pandemic with reliable and accessible diagnostic tests. The guidance is available online at http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/UCM188679.pdf, and will remain in effect throughout the public health emergency.
For more information:
The FDA’s Guidance Document on 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus Diagnostics
The FDA’ Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products
The FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization Questions and Answers


RSS Feed for FDA News Releases [what is RSS?]



積分: 5923

發表於 09-11-3 07:04 |只看該作者
i've decided to let my 16 months old take the injectable vaccine because we are planning to do some travelling by air during thanksgiving. it was given in ped's office and will need to go back in 30 days for the 2nd dose. they have given him the regular flu shot as well. the nurse said it should be just like a regular flu shot with minimal side effects.... or mostly fever for the first day or two.

since we like to take our son out a lot, by giving him shots i feel less worry of him being infected. i'm just hoping there is no side effects take place on him...


積分: 318

發表於 09-11-6 01:35 |只看該作者
my son is 13 months now, he got a seasonal flu shot in peds office when he was 12 months.

does he still need to have a 2nd seasonal flu shot?

and also the h1n1 vacci, is he too young to take it? I am very concern about the h1n1 vacci...winter is coming and my son will stay home most of time, so i do think we are not ready to take the h1n1 vacci, is it better to wait for the next and the next one?


積分: 1760

發表於 09-11-6 12:23 |只看該作者

if that was the first time that yr son got the seasonal flu shot, yes u'll need to bring him back for the 2nd booster dose a month after that.

for the h1n1 injectable vaccine, it's for anybody aged 6 months old and up. for those under 9, they also need to take 2 shots (about 1 month apart).


積分: 318

發表於 09-11-19 03:51 |只看該作者
is it safe now to get the H1N1 shot? as it stated that it's approved by FDA.


積分: 11966

發表於 09-11-19 22:38 |只看該作者
Tomorrow, my kids' school will administer the swine flu vaccine (nasal form) for kids whose parents send in the content forms. I am still debating with myself. Arghhh! Not sure!


積分: 1760

發表於 09-11-20 02:34 |只看該作者
i guess so ...
my friend, a pharmacist, just had her 2-yr-old taken the H1N1 mist (nasal spray). in the past couple years, her kid didn't even take the seasonal flu shots.

good thing about the mist is that it's free of mercury.
just make sure that your kid is not sick when taking it. most kids should be fine.

原帖由 jessbaby 於 09-11-19 03:51 發表
is it safe now to get the H1N1 shot? as it stated that it's approved by FDA.


積分: 11966

發表於 09-11-20 11:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 IaMMoYY 於 09-11-19 22:38 發表
Tomorrow, my kids' school will administer the swine flu vaccine (nasal form) for kids whose parents send in the content forms. I am still debating with myself. Arghhh! Not sure!

I've decided to let the kids have the swine flu vaccine in nasal spray at school tomorrow. SMS two doctor friends and they both have already given to their children on one of those first days the vaccine was available.


積分: 11966

發表於 09-11-24 00:19 |只看該作者
FYI, My children received the H1N1 vaccine in the mist form last Friday. The school nurse has told me that the mist form has no preservative and no mercury.

My young one is having a (mild?) reaction to the vaccine. She's started to develop a fever and bad coughing the next day (last Saturday). Today it's the third day she has the fever. Her coughing is still bad.


