




積分: 85798

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 08-7-10 10:24 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, u can do it on your own with 2 witnesses' signature, but they must be benefit from the will.

U list
1) Your full name and ID, stating this is your last will and overides all previous wills

2) who will be executor (carry out) of the will, who is yr second choice if this person is dead, 3rd choice

3) joint accounts and joint property will be taken care of (given to survivor). u need to list all you will give all assets, whether liquid or illiquid to whom(incl jewellry), and what happens if that person died before u, who is the 2nd person to get it. What if all of them died...eg donation


積分: 85798

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 08-7-10 10:34 |顯示全部帖子
pm u a sample


積分: 85798

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 08-7-10 11:46 |顯示全部帖子
Last will and Testimony

This is the last will and testimony of the undersigned, (name & ID), presently of (address) . It is my intention that in the event of my death, (name, ID) will be executor of my will. If she has died or refuses to act as executor, (name , ID) will be executor of my will. The executor will be give $xxxx for after finishing the duty. All my assets and belongings (which are not under joint name with someone else) is to be given to the following persons in the proportion named below:

(name, relationship & ID) 25%
(name, relationship & ID) 25%
(name, relationship & ID) 50%

If one beneficiary above died, the survivor(s) can share the deceased’s share equally. If my children are still minors upon my death, my husband (name & ID) will be the guardian of my children’s inherited assets until the child reaches the age of 25. If my husband died before my child reach 25, my cousin (name & ID) will be executor and/or guardian of the children’s assets until the child reaches 25.

In the event that my husband and children all die before me or together with me, my estate will be donated to XXXX after deducting medical ,funeral and other expenses. It is my wish that I be cremated with my ashes scattered in a park or a garden full of flowers.

Dated :

-------------------------- -------------------------Witness: Witness:


積分: 85798

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 08-7-10 11:52 |顯示全部帖子
I have posted a sample, so pls don't pm m. Remember that 受益人唔可以做見証人.

I don't know the price. a few hundreds to over 1 thousand, I guess, depending on how complicated it is.

The lawyer will not keep a sample but will give u a few signed copies. So keep one yourself and give one to the executor or someone u trust.

Executor (執行人)cannot be yourself of course. name 1 or 2 people u can trust and pay him/her some money for the trouble. Ask if he/she is willing first. Cause it is a lot of trouble.


積分: 85798

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 08-7-10 13:17 |顯示全部帖子
The executor will be give $xxxx after finishing the duty.

Teresa's verions is very pro. Better use her version. Mine is the simplified version. I copied the wording from a sample I bought from a stationery shop.

no need to pm, the samples are all shown here. just copy and paste on Word


