




積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:40 |顯示全部帖子

Your girl be the supervisor = v good idea woh. She will have a big headache.
But where ?

Actually the Gundam course is in YMCA centre in Hin Keng Estate (Tai Wai). Also a few more sc and tech and elec courses. V cheap, medium convenience (yanyan knows that area cos she prev worked there 1x yrs ago when she 1st came to HK).


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re summer leave

I always take leave in summer hols. During last few yrs, during those yrs we went to SF I took ~20 calandar days' leave, (counted by calendar days and I have a lot of stock) and during other yrs I took leave on eg 135 to take piglet to various courses. This yr I should be taking leave now and then, not really loooong leave, just popping in and out of office, and of home.

Need a week for Sing too.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:48 |顯示全部帖子

The ts counted 3 times :
Nov (definitely a case)
end Apr (tripping)
this time (doubted cos bully didn't own up and ts preferred to stay in cozy inability to do anything !)

And they never admitted to bullying this time,
just used a lot of PROBABLIES.

Wonder whether they really believe what they are saying.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:52 |顯示全部帖子
KL, GN4,

I prefer NOT to say anything to bully directly, cos some parents are long-loai enough to throw accusations around that I am bullying their beloved kid.

But the bully is scared of yanyan. Hides behind other kids when he sees yanyan around.
Coward !

Have told piglet to yell loudly if and when bully tries to do anything to him. And daily I ask him whether / what bully and the ts have done that day, just in case they try to victimise him.

Also told piglet to be good in school, cos the ts are sure to find fault.

And 1 good outcome : piglet is ready to fight academically, study hard to beat the bully in that direction. Turn negative feelings into positive power. Hope it works.


Piglet is on leave until next Tues.
Did some Chin proverb homework with him, quite diff !
Trying to revise by doing homework and corr dilligently, otherwise no time for revision, 10 June = T2 exam.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-5-28 16:55 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 13:56 |顯示全部帖子

Tks for your concern, also for your suggestions.

1. Big Pig is = or worse than the ts -- he told piglet to forgive the bully, and make friends with him woh, similar to what the ts wanted to say.
I am NOT a Christian, I don't give the left side of my face after somebody spanked me on the right.

2. P is no use. He is only a marketing man. Heard this morning that a classmate left the school very recently cos mum complained that there were too many mistakes in the exam papers should improve, P said, we are like that ga la. Mum was so angry that she considered to have wasted too much time on the school, and quitted this school in May (normally one will wait till summer hols, but this mum was too fed up).

3. Trying the step up approach. But the ts are really ..... too inexp and too ostrich, and tends to "help" their pet students. I wil try to show up more often between now and term end. Had the chance this morning (student health check), and will go to school tom afternoon.
Female t was there this morning, didn't come over to chat, mutual dislike I guess.

4. Chatted with another parent. She said many kids in the class were quite naughty. Anyway, that bully had always been hitting other kids, just that the other kids didn't complain to mum, perhaps becos they hit back and both were punished in school. I would just love to know what conduct grade that bully has !

5. The parent also said, the school has to observe certain ISO benchmarks. So if piglet gets a ? grade for say conduct, I can ask for assessment criteria. Didn't know that before.

6. PTA is also useless, just a gesture of false democracy, only deals with student benefits eg schoolbus charges, choice of lunch box caterer. Otherwise no function.


Surprisingly, piglet wasn't asked to attend exercise clinic to reduce weight. Just nurse rambled on re proper diet and food.
Kids over 10Y need to have blood pressure taken, also fat kids need to leave wee-wee to check for glucose / diabetes.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 14:04 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 14:05 |顯示全部帖子

Nice Lego bag, haven't seen it before. But expensive woh.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 16:31 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 16:44 |顯示全部帖子
Lego Buddies,

Re : New Lego Star Wars sets
found in Shatin TRUs and TKS Jusco la :

7748-Corporate Alliance Droid $269
7749-Echo Base $269
8036-Separatists Shuttle $369
8037-Y-wing $699
8038-Battle of Endor $999
8039-Republic Star Destroyer $1299

7749, 8038 and 8039 are all piglet's targets !!


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 18:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kittylock 於 09-6-2 17:13 發表
piglet's targets is soo.... expensive!


Actually, he wants ALL the sets, and 3x of some sets too. :tongue:

Fortunately the one he likes most costs $269@, not $1xxx@ !


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 22:46 |顯示全部帖子

Well that kid is an Indian girl, good academic results, mum very anxious and concerned with good teaching. So she could not stand the numerous mistakes, nor the P's attitude, so opted out.

Our circulars were open to public view up to last year. No longer avail now to outsiders. But such a lot of grammatical mistakes (cannot classify them as errors - to me mistakes are worse than errors). I often have the urge to correct them in red then mail them back to P. Seems that a lot of parents share this urge.

You should understand the human logic to have subornates who are inferior to you in all ways. So you should know what I mean.

re : your son's demand for bigger, more expensive sets
A symptom that he is growing up, more sophisticated tastes, chooses the best. (Positive thinking) haha !

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 22:48 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-3 11:23 |顯示全部帖子

I know that there is a centre called LEAD xxxx run by HK Federation of Youth Groups.
One of the course venues (or maybe the only one) is in Cyberport.

See this :

This LEAD Cricket thing is = using Lego bricks to "programme" a Lego CPU to command diff bricks (power, light, sound..)
I think this is the basic theory used in Lego Mindstorm.
Free trials are offered, LSW, Gloria and I attended 1 session which was held in TST Space Museum (they rented the venue).

If you find the course interesting but expensive, can consider to buy the set of Lego Mindstorm, plus the manuals, then DIY under parent supervision. Some schools (mainly secondary schools) buy several sets of Mindstorms (there are diff generations / versions of Mindstorms) then let their students join the Joint Schools 機械人大賽, but the fundamental set is Lego Mindstorm.

You should be able to order the manuals through WiseKxxs, and LSW did some research on the comparison of Mindstorms (CPU part). There is an educational version and a commercial version of Mindstorm. But I am quite confused by the differences and pros and cons of each. Anyway, LSW bought the educational version, KL bought the commercial version.

Educational version : used in the teaching centres. Should be cheapest from the Lego Educational distributor whose name you can find from searching Lego Educational ==> wholesaler of China / HK.
Can check this from Lego Educational website.

Commercial version : you can find this in some water goods shops and Jusco, cheapest is from PTU (teachers' union) but need to pre-order.
Can check this from Lego.com website.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-3 11:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 junjunmama 於 09-6-3 11:01 發表
I received the notice from the company finally, work until the end of the month. I'm happy that I will receive all the compensation and bonus, happy summer holiday!


Should I congratulate you or not on this ?

Anyway, enjoy this last summer hols before pr school. You'll miss it.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-4 00:46 |顯示全部帖子

Where's the one with F1 ? (parent child LEAD ?)
Very cool woh !


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-4 11:34 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kittylock 於 09-6-4 10:15 發表

Here it is:


Interested to join us?


Cyberport is very far away for us woh.
But will ask piglet first.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-5 13:05 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kittylock 於 09-6-5 12:37 發表
Found some books about Lego mindstorm nxt from TW books website. Not sure if we can buy it in HK...

& ...


The books are translations of the orig official Lego manuals. Prefer the orig juice !


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-5 13:23 |顯示全部帖子


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-5 13:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kittylock 於 09-6-5 13:22 發表

No la. The books are written by Taiwan author.

Have you checked Lego site ?
Chinese author ?


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-6 01:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Jsmami 於 09-6-5 17:50 發表
What's the full score for Rachel's piano? I often see people getting 8x or 9x, never 14x! Are we talking about the same exam?!!!!!! Congrats anyway!!!!!!! Rachel & her teacher must be v pleas ...


Full score is 150.
Pass mark is 100, 120 = credit, 130 = distinction.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-8 13:17 |顯示全部帖子

See if we have any more on our wish list first. No hurry haha !


Re $, tks will double check later.
Re Lego ambulance, let me check and let you know.


You really have ALL sorts of cards !
(I try to minimize the variety cos every time I have to search for what I need.)


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-8 13:22 |顯示全部帖子

You mean this one ?

I bought 1 in Whampoa TRUs Lego hoi chong in mid-Oct 2008, HK$69.
Found 1 set in HK Yahoo now : $199.

If you really want it, can ask a friend to look see whether there're any in Mkk.


[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-8 14:39 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-8 18:05 |顯示全部帖子

Piglet is only int in HG, HH, HS etc nowadays.
Also Black Cats.
But not the stories.
Won't take this astrosaurus books la.


