



積分: 2431

發表於 03-6-19 04:57 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

[size=large]HAYDEN M: HOW ARE YOU?????[size=large]MRSYIP: TAKE CARE!!!!



積分: 709

發表於 03-6-20 02:45 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

yes boys are so dump sometimes compare with girls, they just late for everything. my older son potty trained! l mean he will go if we sit him down on the potty every 30-60 mins. he start to let us know he need to go , but still working on NO.2 .....
l use the old fashion way , l don't have him put on any diaper or training pant, he know he would wet if he not go potty , 2-3 days later he got it. my two kids are mixed american indian, african american and chinese. how about yours ? what is his name ?

hehehe your mum love casino . it is good method wor, have fat bean against her! hehehe l love to hear fatbean love to eat! what a good girl!

you are very right that not say anything even you dont' agree what your MIL does sometimes. l do the same thing too. l think she will do better when she turn a month old. l am fully BF my second boy too, he is spoiled so badly, need to be throw in the trash can! heheheh But you know what he is mummy boy l just dont' mind to spoil him sometimes.... heheheh

Alex and Ryan


積分: 2431

發表於 03-6-20 07:16 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

cuttie-mum and yv:
But bb girl are noise too!!!
As fat bean loves to screams and talking ( bb laugage). Specially at public. This morning I went to library with her. She suddenly scream loudly.

Every mothers:
Fat bean head is getting bigger (too big).
I looking for bigger pillow to her.
Any Suggestion??????


積分: 89

發表於 03-6-21 04:23 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Hi YV,
I have two boys too, older one will turn to 7 yrs old in July. The younger one is 18 months. I lived in Fremont, CA.
Ohio do not have many Chinese, right?



積分: 709

發表於 03-6-21 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Most of medical report do not suggest use pillow for infant (0-12 months) , so l didn't really have any idea on pillow.
l know girl can be very noisy, see alex was quiet baby, he didn't make too much noise. we brought him on the plane 6 hours he was awake but no one know there was a baby until they get off the plane. they were superised alex was so quiet.
Alex and Ryan


積分: 2431

發表於 03-6-24 01:41 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Do yr babies speaking Chinese???

How are you??

Hayden m
How are you???
having hear you for long time


積分: 2431

發表於 03-6-24 22:30 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

cuttie m, hayden m, etc.......
where are you?
I want talk to you


積分: 909

發表於 03-6-25 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll


It's time at 00:30, why still on line, cannot sleep???


積分: 477

發表於 03-6-26 02:15 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

I haven't on BK for few days, lot of work to do ma, hehehe, Fat bean screamed in the library?!, get prepared la, nightmares have just begun, heheh,
:-P seriously, my son behave very good in the public until he turned after he was 18 mos. That's the time, he would his body language to indicate what he wanted, that's mean he would throw the trantrum or screamed. Make sure you talked to her not to do that whenever it happened, she will get better gar.

We call my son "Lok Lok" chinese word means "happy". Me and my hubby both are chinese, your sons must be very handsome, mixed are very charming.


積分: 709

發表於 03-6-26 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Alex can speak very little chinese l am working on it with him. my mum and sister love to speak to him in chinese . he can count 1-10 in chinese and english. he loves 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 hehehe he doesnt' like 1. anyway l talk 50% of chinese to ryan .

you can't see the pictures l post in my messages? l can see it wor... still not working right , huh?! oh .. l try to do it again. "lok lok" it is good name , meaning good . nowsday most of people named their child very cool named ( not much people know how to prouns it right or the excatly meaning) Alex chinese name is lung lung, ryan is yin yin ar. hahahah l name them both in chinese name and follow my chinese last name "Lam"
Alex and Ryan


積分: 89

發表於 03-6-27 03:58 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Hi YV,
I can't see the picture too????



積分: 387

發表於 03-6-27 04:38 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

Hi everyone:
Haven't been on BK for a while, because my company is going though the budgeting and business planning process, so I was very busy!

I don't know if any of you read the message whalebb left in "Message"... seems like she won't be coming back to BK. :-( There must be something that is upsetting her. I hope she is doing okay.

About my car, I have my insurance pay for the repair and my car is in the shop right now. As for the other person, my insurance company denied her claim. Her husband kept saying he is going to serve me papers. Fine! :-x But I haven't gotten anything in the mail yet. May be he is just a paper tiger!

How's everybody's babies doing? Hayden B just learned to stand up by himself. Seems like he is going to walk pretty soon.

Hayden媽媽 - 請多多指教~~~ ***************** 我的寶寶是Hayden B﹐中文名叫平寶寶﹗ [img align=left]http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.geocities.com/sharonlausnow/hayden1.jpg[/img]


積分: 259

發表於 03-6-30 09:25 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

hayden mama:
glad to know that your son is learning to walk.....this remind me that when my niece first try to walk...she looked like someone is drunk :-P :-P :-P

how are you...?? haven't seen you for a while ....are you mad at us becasue we all seems disappear?? :-P :-P we all miss you and fat bean.....

all usa mama:
any plans for july 4 ??? BBQ????
Pepsii 怨天尤人,輸家精神;自怨自艾,註定失敗。 My BB Girl ""Tiffany"" Born on 2003年11月19日~~請多多指教 :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-P :-P :-P NOV 19~~ 7LB>>>>>DEC 01 ~~ 7LB 3 OZ DEC 22~~ 8LB 13OZ My Little Princess "Tiffany's Pictures" :-P :-P :-P


積分: 3790

發表於 03-7-1 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll


My youngest daughter's name is also 樂樂, and her english name is Joyce to match her Chinese name. We are happy to see that she is really a happy girl.
:wave: :wave:


積分: 387

發表於 03-7-1 01:13 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

No BBQ for me on Independence Day... we don;t have a grill yet... hubby wants to go to Home Depot to buy one tho...
might just stay home and relax, my subdivision has fireworks show

yv: how about you email me the pix and I post it on our album?

every one: Happy Independance Day!

helloruby: husband still playing golf? Tiger Woods not doing so well lately :-(
Hayden媽媽 - 請多多指教~~~ ***************** 我的寶寶是Hayden B﹐中文名叫平寶寶﹗ [img align=left]http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.geocities.com/sharonlausnow/hayden1.jpg[/img]


積分: 259

發表於 03-7-1 03:17 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

hayden's mama:
we bought a grill last summer but we have only use it like 2 times only.....I would rather get the cheap one $5.99 and good for one time and throw it away...that way....I don't have to clean it up.... :-P :-P :-P
Pepsii 怨天尤人,輸家精神;自怨自艾,註定失敗。 My BB Girl ""Tiffany"" Born on 2003年11月19日~~請多多指教 :-P :-P :-P :-D :-D :-D :-P :-P :-P NOV 19~~ 7LB>>>>>DEC 01 ~~ 7LB 3 OZ DEC 22~~ 8LB 13OZ My Little Princess "Tiffany's Pictures" :-P :-P :-P


積分: 909

發表於 03-7-1 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

how nice you will have BBQ, it's very long time I do not have bbq, I miss it very much.

US mom
Today HK has the 反23大遊行, even the weather is very hot, I saw so many people wear the black color T-shirt on the street.


積分: 3790

發表於 03-7-2 18:19 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

In Hong Kong, we don't have plan for July 4th, but we do have plan for July 1st. We have an anti-government march.

Yes 呀! He is still playing golf. I don't like to watch PGA, but my husband do. He told me Tiger lost, 我就循例應酬他幾句: Oh! he lost!? Why? Yeah! Too bad! :-P :-P :-P

Did you join the march? We all join in. We left Central Library at 3:30pm, but my sister-in-law stuck in Causeway Bay cannot start marching until 6:00pm.
:wave: :wave:


積分: 387

發表於 03-7-2 21:42 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll

pepsii: Disposable grill?! Where did you buy it, may be I should get one for this weekend. Hubby is a beef lover, he likes steak a lot Did you go for another doctor checkup yet? Hayden B wants to stand up all time, it is really tiring to hold him up and watch him so he won't fall over and hit his head.

jaan, helloruby: I heard about the anti-23 protest too. I really makes me upset the government is doing all kinds of stuff that are not good for the people. The officials just do not care much about what the people think! :-x The media in the US also reported the protest and it stirred up quite a bit concern about the human rights condition there.

helloruby: one good thing about my hubby watching PGA on ESPN is -- he can take care of Hayden B while I do some gardening work! It is very rainy lately so my vegetables are doing very well. I just planted 3 hot pepper plants last week!

Haven't seen cutie_mommy, ckf, mrsyip, mrs.leung
and IC for a while, how are you'all?

mrsyip, how's baby? Having fun?
Hayden媽媽 - 請多多指教~~~ ***************** 我的寶寶是Hayden B﹐中文名叫平寶寶﹗ [img align=left]http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.geocities.com/sharonlausnow/hayden1.jpg[/img]


積分: 477

發表於 03-7-3 02:33 |只看該作者

Re: Any mother is living in USA now - Part ll


I loved to call my son 樂樂 and I named that for him, I really believe "happy" is the most important thing for anyone's life and my son is just like your daughter, he is such a happy kid, always have a smile on his face.

Yeah, we are having the BBQ on July 4th and swimming activity, I guess, July 4 is = BBQ unless you are going for traveling.

What happened with whalebb??? I was just too busy at work, that's why didn't get on BK before. Do you have to work on July 3 ? I am going to have half day and long weekend, not too bad la.


