



積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-21 11:00 |只看該作者
想了解多少少,一家四口在美國生活的基本開支有d 咩野呢. 我自己想像到的有以下的, 但唔知預大約幾多錢:

1. 屋租 (3 room condo / townhome)
2. utility (水, 電, gas)
3. car gas
4. car maintanence
5. car insurance
6. tax
7. medical and life insurance for whole family
8. phone bill (mobile, fixed line, internet)
9. food, grocery, etc


打算出年會去美國東岸 (likely northern virginia), 小朋友讀pre-k 同grade 1, 打算係public school 讀. 係咪唔洗交學費? 我地應該都會俾小朋友去學下d 興趣班 (e.g. piano, painting, gym, etc) 唔知果d around 要幾多錢?

明白唔同地方的物價有d 唔同, 但有冇媽咪可以大約俾d indication? 或者我可以係咩地方攞到多少少資料? thank you! :)


積分: 781

發表於 10-7-22 07:08 |只看該作者
You may check craigslist in the area that you plan to move and roughly get some idea what is the rent in that area. The expenses can vary a lot in different cities and state.


In my area, 3-rooms townhouse cost about $1600-3000+ a month.

2. utility (水, 電, gas)

In my area (電+ gas), don't really turn on heat/air-con much. $80-150 a month depends on the season. When I was in Chicago, it could be $300s a month. Don't remember how much for the water.

3. car gas

Depends how long (commute distance) and how often do you drive. Could be couple hundreds for one car/month.

4. car maintanence

Depends if your car is new and which brand. e.g. BMW came with few years free oil change etc. Oil change could cost $25 to $100+ (synthetic oil cost more).

5. car insurance

How many years of driving experience do you have (they also count the driving experience that you have in HK)?

6. tax

Each state has different tax rate. Also, different income, deductible are different. If someone make $100, the take home $ could be as less as $60-70 (also depends if you put money in 401K etc). When you buy stuffs, there are different sales tax % too.

7. medical and life insurance for whole family

Depends on your employer's coverage and what kind of medical insurance plan you have. PPO usually more expensive than HMO. We paid ~$600 a month (premium) for family of 3 (the other half paid by the employer). Some companies are more generous and some only cover a little.

8. phone bill (mobile, fixed line, internet)

In average, 1 mobile phone cost $40-60 a month. If you join the phone carriers now with smart phone's data fee, it could cost $80-100 a month). Fixed line could be $15-30 or more. Internet also from $20 (DSL) to $50+ (cable) depends on which plan and if you join during promotion.

9. food, grocery, etc

豐儉尤人 ...haven't really calculate for a long time.

[ 本帖最後由 bunnymonkey 於 10-7-22 07:10 編輯 ]


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-22 08:29 |只看該作者
Thanks so much Bunnymonkey,

what is 401K?
what is PPO and HMO? $600 premium for 3 people, are there any saving elements inside or just purely premium?


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-22 20:18 |只看該作者
I am talking about New York, as I have no clue about N.VA.
1. 屋租 (3 room condo / townhome)
Staten Island, NY -about $700-1200
2. utility (水, 電, gas)
water $200 (3 months) 電-$350/month-summer, gas $100/month
3. car gas
Staten island, NY $2.91/gallon, New Jersey $2.41/gallon
4. car maintanence
返原廠咪貴啲, toyota, Lexus換油都係幾十 to 100..左右
5. car insurance
Geico- average -staten island $700, Brooklyn $900
depend on你住邊, 安唔安全, driver's age, gender, driving history, car 嘅brand 同型號. 買全保定係第三保only
6. tax
New York 8.375%, New Jersey- depends on the area, some is 3%, some is 6%.
Remember 去餐廳食嘢-->TIPS--- double the tax in New York!!!
7. medical and life insurance for whole family
你要自己check 喇, 太complicate, 只有你自己至知你要乜同可以付担幾多錢一個月
8. phone bill (mobile, fixed line, internet)
They come with package.
home landline+cable+internet -New York, Verzion -$100 per month
mobile- 老公700min. family plan, 2 cell phones, total $59.99, 2年re-new, 送新電話
9. food, grocery, etc
白菜$1.5 /1磅
1 gallon 鮮奶( =3.78L) $2.49/gallon in Staten Island
$3.5-$4.5 /gallon in Brooklyn, NY
depends on how you spend... couldn't tell.
what is 401K?

what is PPO and HMO?
PPO 同HMO---insurance plan
PPO冇指定醫生network-- 方便, 但premium--from your pocket就貴啲.
HMO- 只用network內醫生/ medical service. 要用Out of network 等於自已俾錢.....

我係做medical field, 老公打政府工, so, 我哋family plan冇premium, copay-$15 per 醫生visit, 配药冇co-pay.
premium係老細由你pay check 扣錢幫你供insurance.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-21 07:29 PM 發表
Thanks so much Bunnymonkey,

what is 401K?
what is PPO and HMO? $600 premium for 3 people, are there any saving elements inside or just purely premium?

[ 本帖最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-22 07:24 編輯 ]


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-22 21:58 |只看該作者
好詳盡呀~ THANK YOU!睇落自己買野煮食都唔好貴。其他COST 都比HK貴。

BTW, 咁美國人的人工,同一個職位的,係咪都比HK高? 有冇咩網站可以知道美國人的人工水平?想去搵工,都唔知EXPECTED SALARY 寫幾多好呀~


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 06:53 |只看該作者
Registered nurse, new grad- HKD$48,100 per month here in Brooklyn, for my agency.
that is USD$74,000 /year which I can offer if you qualified. As I hire RN, if you are bilingual. :) let me know.!
In hk, I guess.. a new grad RN with around HKD$15,000-20,000?? which is about 1/3 of the salary in US
go to salary.com you will get a lot of information. But don't rely on it 100%.
Bilingual and with experience will be different.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-22 08:58 AM 發表
好詳盡呀~ THANK YOU!睇落自己買野煮食都唔好貴。其他COST 都比HK貴。

BTW, 咁美國人的人工,同一個職位的,係咪都比HK高? 有冇咩網站可以知道美國人的人工水平?想去搵工,都唔知EXPECTED SAL ...


積分: 781

發表於 10-7-23 11:03 |只看該作者
pure premium. the employer pay half and we pay our half (total over $1000). Each dr visit has co-pay $15. We pay 10% for lab test/surgery etc. $5 or $10 copay for each generic drug. Name-brand drug cost more. If you dont have much medical problem or see dr very often, HMO may be fine (cheaper premium and less out-of-pocket money each time esp for surgery). If we pick HMO, the surgery and lab test will be 100% covered by insurance.

However, PPO give you more choice and more flexiblity like Nillie said. You may pick the Dr or specialists you want to see (within the network, cheaper, out-of-network? we pay 30% or more). HMO, you are bound by the network/facility's physicians (could be longer waiting time for doing certain precedures/scan/treatment).

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-22 08:29 發表
Thanks so much Bunnymonkey,

what is 401K?
what is PPO and HMO? $600 premium for 3 people, are there any saving elements inside or just purely premium?


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-23 13:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-23 06:53 發表
Registered nurse, new grad- HKD$48,100 per month here in Brooklyn, for my agency.
that is USD$74,000 /year which I can offer if you qualified. As I hire RN, if you are bilingual. :) let me know.!
In h ...

好可惜我唔係nurse呀~  我諗美國都唔係個個行業的人工都高過HK 咁多?


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 20:02 |只看該作者
Well.. I really don't know other jobs..
for a Clerk, my assistant, USD$30,000 per year, just need high school grad (Form 7 in HK..??), that will be HKD$19,500 per month...

the information I know.. is very limited, because we are only in our profession, therefore, it is good to have other moms for more input..

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 12:58 AM 發表

好可惜我唔係nurse呀~  我諗美國都唔係個個行業的人工都高過HK 咁多?


積分: 781

發表於 10-7-25 02:45 |只看該作者
Hi-tech job that's computer related has decent salary in my area. All the software developers (not in management level) in the previous company that I worked for made over US$100k/yr. I think it's higher than HK's for the same type of positions in average. (too bad I am not interested in Dev )

Which area/profession are you in in HK? (or what's the interest in study)

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 13:58 發表

好可惜我唔係nurse呀~  我諗美國都唔係個個行業的人工都高過HK 咁多?

[ 本帖最後由 bunnymonkey 於 10-7-25 02:49 編輯 ]


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-25 09:05 |只看該作者
好可惜我都唔係HI TECH 人
係HK做FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 的 MARKETING,係美國,如果唔係再讀過門專業,睇怕真係唔會搵到工。
老公做POLICY RESEARCH,佢話係東岸會易D搵到工。
原帖由 bunnymonkey 於 10-7-25 02:45 發表
Hi-tech job that's computer related has decent salary in my area. All the software developers (not in management level) in the previous company that I worked for made over US$100k/yr. I think it's hig ...


積分: 768

發表於 10-7-26 00:06 |只看該作者
另外,Public school 是免費 (8am to 2pm, varies by school),但如果你倆公婆都返工,小朋友要去after school care的話,大概要四五百 (San Fran Bay Area).

In terms of extra curricular activities
Piano Class: $25 per 30 min
Drawing: $60 a month (4 one-hour sessions)
Swimming: $170 per 10 half hour sessions
Dance: $60 to $80 a month (4 45-minute sessions)
Karate: $150 per 8 half hour sessions


積分: 8831

發表於 10-7-26 06:25 |只看該作者
其他行業我唔清楚, social work就同香港差唔多, 當然social work都有好多瓣。但係呢邊扣稅同扣醫療保險, 所以, 扣扣下,可能會低過香港。


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-26 11:53 |只看該作者
Thanks Mrs. Chao,
課外活動的價錢, 好似同hk 都差不多. 我女女係hk 有上畫畫同piano, 我諗起碼呢2樣都會繼續俾佢學.
我估頭一段日子我都係係屋企睇細路多, 過得一年先會再去讀下書/搵野做.

Thanks muimui313,
都明白d 稅同medical會比hk 重, 真正入得袋的收入冇以前的高都預左了.
其實我諗最大的犧牲係我唔可以再返工, 收入就少左一截了. 不過為左仔女的教育 (聽聞nva 果邊d public school 數一數二的好), 又可以自己同仔女相處時間多d (係hk 有工人, 自己又番工, 自己同仔女的相處時間冇咁多), 希望呢個付出係值得啦 :)

原帖由 mrschao 於 10-7-26 00:06 發表
另外,Public school 是免費 (8am to 2pm, varies by school),但如果你倆公婆都返工,小朋友要去after school care的話,大概要四五百 (San Fran Bay Area).

In terms of extra curricular activities
Piano Class: $25 per ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-30 03:50 |只看該作者
Marketing, still have the market there.
like us, we hire marketing staff with $40,000-48,000 depends on experience.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-24 08:05 PM 發表
好可惜我都唔係HI TECH 人
係HK做FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 的 MARKETING,係美國,如果唔係再讀過門專業,睇怕真係唔會搵到工。
老公做POLICY RESEARCH,佢話係東岸會易D搵到工。


積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-30 10:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-30 03:50 發表
Marketing, still have the market there.
like us, we hire marketing staff with $40,000-48,000 depends on experience.

Thanks Nillie,

我都明白都係depends on 職位的高低. $40000 左右係中層 (有得3-5年經驗果d?)?

我係hk 做左十年以上, 都算高高地層... 同埋都好specific 係financial (which hk 同美國應該好唔同了). 我覺得搵到工的機會都唔高了. 老公好鼓勵我去讀書, 有個second career, which 我都希望可以做到的.

我的興趣係nutrition / speech and hearing science 方面. 不過當年細個, 個個都去讀business, 人讀我又讀咁.
而家有機會, 就希望將來可以搵番份自己鐘意的野來做啦.

讀nutrition 係美國有冇前景? speech therapy 果d 係美國都多需求? 感覺上美國對health care related 的行業個demand 都大呀~


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-30 20:17 |只看該作者
those professions are great, and lack of people who is fluently in Cantonese and English, not so sure the marketing in VA, MD and Washington DC, but .. that is desperate in NY as I know..
for Nutritionist.
For speech therapiest.. good if you also take the special education on kids..

For Marketing, so many big org needs ppl with 10-15 years experience.. such as Honeywell..
go to monstor.com or salary.com to check by yourself.
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-29 09:20 PM 發表

Thanks Nillie,

我都明白都係depends on 職位的高低. $40000 左右係中層 (有得3-5年經驗果d?)?

我係hk 做左十年以上, 都算高高地層... 同埋都好specific 係financial (which hk 同美國應該好唔同了). 我覺得搵到 ...


積分: 1086

發表於 10-7-31 15:07 |只看該作者
我剛嚟到加洲 san mateo 2個月, 覺得很多嘢都比香港貴.

租金1房apartment: $12xx
水, 垃圾等雜費: $120
電: $30
車: $3.1x /gallon
車保: $120
手提: $40 (2張card, 一個可上網, 一個普通, 唔記得幾多分鐘, 但應該夠用.)

其他開支都在計算中, 因為從0開始, 好多嘢都要買, 剩係廚房嘢, 都好多好多嘢. 我到而家都未買齊...
好多嘢我都後悔冇寄嚟, 嚟到有d用開嘅又搵唔到, 搵到都好貴. 好掛住香港jusco!!
  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


積分: 781

發表於 10-8-1 09:53 |只看該作者
what else do u need to buy? For household stuffs from plastic containers to tools & utensils, u may check out "Daiso Japan" this store. It is those Japanese $1.5 shop here and I think those stuffs are nicer than HK 日本城。they have Daiso in Mountain View, Union City etc. There's Ikea in East Palo Alto which sells cheaper furniture. (if u don't mind DIY and its quality)

Cooking pots etc I usually find some good deals at amazon.com. Gilroy outlet and great mall in Milpitas has Household stores and Corning glassware outlet as well. I usually got my Calphalon cooking pots from amazon.com and Gilroy's Calphalon outlet sometimes has good deal as well.
In fact, my mom got a Calphalon pot here on sales and going to bring it back to HK. She said it is cheaper to buy here compare to HK (for the quality cookware).

原帖由 korg 於 10-7-31 15:07 發表
我剛嚟到加洲 san mateo 2個月, 覺得很多嘢都比香港貴.

租金1房apartment: $12xx
水, 垃圾等雜費: $120
電: $30
車: $3.1x /gallon
車保: $120
手提: $40 (2張card, 一個可上網, 一個普通, 唔記得幾多分鐘, 但應該 ...

[ 本帖最後由 bunnymonkey 於 10-8-1 10:12 編輯 ]


積分: 172285

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 10-8-3 02:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 bunnymonkey 於 10-8-1 09:53 發表
what else do u need to buy? For household stuffs from plastic containers to tools & utensils, u may check out "Daiso Japan" this store. It is those Japanese $1.5 shop here and I think those stuffs are ...

Echo with bunnymonkey, Daiso is a good place to look for inexpensive stuff such as utensils and 生活雜貨such as slippers, wash-cloth, towels, etc.

I also buy stuff from amazon.com including shoes, snacks, bedsheets & duvet covers, books, DVD. They frequently offer discounts for different categories of products. I would only look for those offer free shipping and sold or consignmented by Amazon. In case that I need to return it, I only need to deal with Amazon, not a third party and my credit card company. Of course, some big brands or companies are fine.

Another good places to look for inexpensive stuff is Ross. It sells brand name products in a lower prices. I buy toys, books, towels, bedding sets, cooking utensils there. Burlington Cloth Factory offers some nice clothes of lower prices too.

One big tip - do not compare the prices in HK and in US. Otherwise, you will feel so miserable as we pay sales tax and many other things when we buy an item here. When you go out to eat, you need to pay tax and tip at least 15%. If you just look at that, you will never want to go out, not even want to eat. When I first land, I found everything is expensive, $5 for a small hot dog, $2 a cup of coffee, $7 for a boxed lunch...


