




積分: 24705


發表於 08-1-25 10:51 |只看該作者
原文章由 MRNT 於 08-1-24 17:09 發表
自住樓同股票唔同, 股票$10賣早左, 我可以呢一世都唔再買佢, 自住樓就除非你有間公屋, 如果唔係, 就唔買都要租, 呢一世, 甚至下一代都離唔開佢.

樓既交易成本貴, 尤其係自住樓, 更加有搬遷的頭痛, 要裝修, 要就timming, 要幫小朋友適應等等.

除非我睇個市會大跌, 否則我唔會賣左自已層自住樓. 要激動到連自住樓都賣埋我就只係在97年五月試過一次.

你在97年五月要激動到連自住樓都賣埋.......乜原因令你有呢個決定?Can you share?


積分: 431

發表於 08-1-25 11:01 |只看該作者
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積分: 144372

2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章 BK Milk勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 08-1-25 11:55 |只看該作者


積分: 184

發表於 08-1-25 14:20 |只看該作者
次按問題席捲全球, 對經濟影響勁過亞洲金融風暴幾百倍, 香港樓市價格同2003年相比升左近1倍, 依家買樓不如去賭場搏.


積分: 86

發表於 08-1-25 14:59 |只看該作者
me 2
911 後入市用 , 自住, 大單位,有細路

自問自己一定沒能力再儲 2百萬
須則 2 公婆都有野做
租又比供樓多比 3k/月

但叫做有 CASH 在手, 如怕投資, 我可以等市跌再買一層
當然, 一定唔會係 911 或 沙士價咁低啦

如果唔賣, 一定唔可以依家諗退休

我唔識計數, 想大家比下意見


積分: 17579

發表於 08-1-25 16:00 |只看該作者
如果始終都要買番間樓住, 一動不如一靜. 而家500萬的樓都唔錯啦.

原文章由 YnnMa 於 08-1-23 10:58 發表
有朋友沙士買樓賺左3百萬, 應唔應該放呢?

有朋友係沙士時間買左個物業, 由200萬升到差唔多依家500萬, 咁計埋供左個d, 可以有大概350萬現金套現, 如果係, 應唔應該買呢?
希望過1 -2年樓市跌, 可 ...


積分: 4660

發表於 08-1-25 16:10 |只看該作者
我朋友就覺得雖然佢個度成500萬, 但得7xx呎, 一家5口唔夠住呀!
所以目標就係想套現, 咁就滾多少少錢, 等個市跌再入就可以買到900呎的單位囉。 到時希望600萬買個900幾呎既單位, 咁到時都可能只係補100左右。


積分: 593

發表於 08-1-25 16:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 qmaqma 於 08-1-25 14:59 發表
me 2
911 後入市用 , 自住, 大單位,有細路
自問自己一定沒能力再儲 2百萬
須則 2 公婆都有野做
租又比供樓多比 3k/月
但叫做有 CASH 在手, 如怕投資, 我可以等市跌再買一層
當然, 一定唔會係 911 或 沙士價咁低啦
如果唔賣, 一定唔可以依家諗退休
我唔識計數, 想大家比下意見

With so little information it is really hard to analyse. Let me try my best.

Assuming that -

(1) You and your husband are 40 something of age;
(2) Your son/daughter will remain fully dependent on you for 12 more years;
(3) You purchased your place for around $2.7m. You took out a $1.9m mortgage when you purchased it;
(4) Your place is now worth $4.7m and you still owe the bank about $1.4m;
(5) At present, your monthly mortgage repayment amounts to about $11,000;
(6) To rent the same or a similar apartment, you need to spend $1,4000 a month.

Congratulations first. Not only is your property worth $2m more, you have saved about half a million in the past years. GOOD WORK. WELL DONE. (Think about it, you probably would have either spent the half million or handed it over to your landlord had you not bought your property. Now, that half a million is yours).

Second, take out your bank statement and have a look. You will see that of the $11,000 monthly mortgage payment, about $7,000 goes to repayment of principal. That means your monthly expenditure on living is around $6,000 ($4,000 + $2,000 for rates/management fee).

WOW. You are only spending $6,000 for your place!!! Congratulations again.

If you sell it, you can get back $3.3m. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Stay tunned and read on.

The big question is, what can the $3.3m brings you? The difference between staying in your place and renting it is $14,000 - $6,000 = $8,000. With a higher proportion of the mortgage payment going to repayment of principal and rent going up, the difference can only be bigger and bigger. It will be more like $11,000 in two years, $15,000 in four years, $20,000 in six years ... (The progression is not linear. Just go to any financial website and use an online calculator to check it out). I do not know how good you are in investing, but you had better be as good as Warren Buffet to be able to make good the difference. Some people may say 等個市跌就可再買. HA HA HA. Why are they not already rich?

Now, look further. You mentioned "如果唔賣, 一定唔可以依家諗退休". I can promise you that if you sell your property, you will not dare think about 退休 when you are 60 years old. Where comes a constant flow of income? What are you going to live on? Where comes the money for rents? You and your husband may well be very frugal. But, no matters who frugal you and your husband, you will have used up a large part of that $3.3m by the time you are 60.

And, don't forget "賣左租樓一定無依家咁舒服". Why bother? Your place is as 舒服 as it has always been, whether it is worth $2.7m or $4.7m or $6.7m. A home is a home is a home sweet home.

Moreover, don't forget that you have $3,000 spare cash. Go to HSBC/HSB/BOC and start a 2800 tracker fund saving plan. By the time you retire, you will find a big sum of money in your stock account and you own a property that is free of mortgage. Congratulations again. Your C9 friends may call you a boring chicken-hearted if you know that you are accumulating 2800. Do not listen to them. What brings you excitement cannot bring you wealth. (How do I know it? Don't ask. I learnt it the hard way.)

Short term profits are for sissies. Don't be afraid of holding on to your investment. You have lived through the difficult period (your mortgage has become a much lesser burden, right?). Now, it is time to enjoy life with your hubby and son/daugther.

Happy post-retirement life to you and your husband. Three more cheers.

[ 本文章最後由 iamfine 於 08-1-25 16:38 編輯 ]


積分: 6289

發表於 08-1-25 16:30 |只看該作者
我家陣租咗西貢住囉! 明天搬啦!

原文章由 YnnMa 於 08-1-25 10:00 發表

我同你都有同一想法, 不過就好似要賭一局囉, 如想住返同佢大D 既單位, 唔知要等幾時囉。

係啦! 你買左層樓, 咁你點呀??


積分: 6289

發表於 08-1-25 16:33 |只看該作者
你朋友住邊區架? 500萬先得嗰7xx呎?

原文章由 YnnMa 於 08-1-25 16:10 發表
我朋友就覺得雖然佢個度成500萬, 但得7xx呎, 一家5口唔夠住呀!
所以目標就係想套現, 咁就滾多少少錢, 等個市跌再入就可以買到900呎的單位囉。 到時希望600萬買個900幾呎既單位, 咁到時都可能只係補100左右。 ...


積分: 24705


發表於 08-1-25 16:39 |只看該作者
It seems that you had a 'hard' past..........I am so sorry.

原文章由 iamfine 於 08-1-25 16:24 發表

With so little information it is really hard to analyse. Let me try my best.

Assuming that -

(1) You and your husband are 40 something of age;
(2) Your son/daughter will remain fully dependent ...


積分: 593

發表於 08-1-25 16:41 |只看該作者
原文章由 ac321 於 08-1-25 16:39 發表
It seems that you had a 'hard' past..........I am so sorry.

It was hard. But I have got back many times more from what I paid for the lesson.


積分: 4660

發表於 08-1-25 16:58 |只看該作者
CC Ho,

我個朋友個度係海怡半島, over 700呎已420幾萬, 佢好景觀, 所以仲貴少少,因為遲d 有地鐵, 所以都唔知真係搏唔搏好。
佢知會到2014年通車時一定會升, 不過2008至2014年就想搏下會唔會跌多一次, 唔駛好似sars 咁, 跌返去06年既水位已ok。


積分: 6289

發表於 08-1-25 17:21 |只看該作者
我嗰度都好好景觀架,無敵海景,前見一定唔會再起任何建築物,對住個大公園。當啱啱簽咗臨時賣買合約時,都有啲唔捨得。但一諗到我毎個月供緊16k幾,有差不多有5k幾係息,就覺得好吃力。 家陣租咗村屋都係10k都唔洗。慳咗好多。

原文章由 YnnMa 於 08-1-25 16:58 發表
CC Ho,

我個朋友個度係海怡半島, over 700呎已420幾萬, 佢好景觀, 所以仲貴少少,因為遲d 有地鐵, 所以都唔知真係搏唔搏好。
佢知會到2014年通車時一定會升, 不過2008至2014年就想搏下會唔會跌多一次, 唔駛好似sars ...


積分: 593

發表於 08-1-25 17:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 C.C.Ho. 於 08-1-25 17:21 發表
... 毎個月供緊16k幾,有差不多有5k幾係息,就覺得好吃力。 家陣租咗村屋都係10k都唔洗。慳咗好多。...

I sincerely hope that the reference to 5k being interest is a typo.


積分: 6289

發表於 08-1-25 17:46 |只看該作者
冇錯呀! 剛剛拿咗statement嚟睇 interest 的而且確係 $5085喎!!

原文章由 iamfine 於 08-1-25 17:30 發表

I sincerely hope that the reference to 5k being interest is a typo.


積分: 593

發表於 08-1-25 17:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 C.C.Ho. 於 08-1-25 17:46 發表
冇錯呀! 剛剛拿咗statement嚟睇 interest 的而且確係 $5085喎!!

I like guessing game. Let me guess - You purchased the property about 7 or 8 years ago for about $3.7 million and you sold it last year for a small profit. Am I right?


積分: 6289

發表於 08-1-25 18:32 |只看該作者
:lolmost nearest!! I bought it in year 2002 and the amount is $3.2M. I earn more than $1M. As per my property over market price to sold it.
聽日就要搬啦!! 有小小唔捨得。 唔知聽日突然由住開成千尺的變得7百尺會點呢!!個天台就一定唔担心,一定係兒童樂園

原文章由 iamfine 於 08-1-25 17:57 發表

I like guessing game. Let me guess - You purchased the property about 7 or 8 years ago for about $3.7 million and you sold it last year for a small profit. Am I right?


積分: 593

發表於 08-1-25 18:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 C.C.Ho. 於 08-1-25 18:32 發表
:lolmost nearest!! I bought it in year 2002 and the amount is $3.2M. I earn more than $1M. As per my property over market price to sold it.
聽日就要搬啦!! 有小小唔捨得。 唔知聽日突然 ...

Good to see so many smiling faces in your post. I can feel your joy.

Sai Kung is a good place to live. Lovely.


積分: 7228

發表於 08-1-25 23:31 |只看該作者
我都吾知放吾放樓好, 等左成10年層樓先到價, 點睇.


