



積分: 25364

發表於 10-7-26 08:52 |只看該作者
I guess you can get 5 points for investment.

also, you can see if you can get the state government sponsor, if yes, then the pass point is 100.

原帖由 皇后駕到 於 10-7-22 19:14 發表
I'm also planning to migrate to Australia, however we have no relatives and friends there. Except skilled migrants, is there any migration by investment? Or is it better to make it through agent? Th ...
Birth 15/3: W:4.2kg  L:52cm HC:37.5cm
Day 09: W:4.37kg  L:55.5cm HC:37cm
Day 46: W:7kg L:62m HC40.5cm
Day 82: W:~9.2kg L:~66cm
Day 112: W:~10.4kg


積分: 121

發表於 10-7-27 12:58 |只看該作者
migrating is now a lot harder than it used to be. I'm still waiting for my application reply~~
Good luck everyone!!


積分: 1507

發表於 10-7-27 23:44 |只看該作者

Just want to remind all of you who are interested in off-shored skilled/ province-sponsored migration, it's now more and more difficult to get passing points compared to few years ago. And just all of a sudden, the gov't set lot of "new" policies in the last year to block new immigrants, e.g. year ago you only need IELTS 6.5, but now IELTS 7.0. Year ago you expected to wait for <1yr, but now <3yrs. And just in the past 6 months, much occupations were eliminated from MODL.

For us, we applied the skilled migration (I forget the type no.) in Nov 2008, but till now we are still waiting the PR.

So, those who are interested in Oz, maybe better to keep check the migration news up to date. Migration to OZ is not the same case compared to years before. And agents may provide update news and better advices.

原帖由 zilizala 於 10-7-27 12:58 發表
migrating is now a lot harder than it used to be. I'm still waiting for my application reply~~
Good luck everyone!!

[ 本帖最後由 puib 於 10-7-27 23:48 編輯 ]


積分: 3038

發表於 10-12-10 17:14 |只看該作者
I submitted the on-line application over 1 year, there is no any progress for my application. Some of you stated that the application should got the officer number, however, anything shown in my application.

Does the immigration department contact me when they have queries?

Thanks all your advice.


積分: 3920

發表於 10-12-10 17:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 chechema 於 10-12-10 17:14 發表
I submitted the on-line application over 1 year, there is no any progress for my application. Some of you stated that the application should got the officer number, however, anything shown in my appli ...

我相信佢地會係差不多要批, 才會聯絡你, 那時才會有個case no.
個officer聯絡我地時, 主要係叫我地辦良民證和驗身, 跟住2個月左右就批了.
我有位親人最近係澳洲呢邊申請, 佢話驗咗身後, 都要等成半年先批. 好似話多咗好多人交表, 所以工作量增加, 進度慢咗喎.


積分: 55

發表於 10-12-12 06:45 |只看該作者
1. agree that migration to aust is harder than before and I believe it will getting harder in the future.

2. for those who apply before july 2010, take a look the skill that you nominated in yr application. if yr skill is not on the new skill list, it will be classified as group 4, which the immigration dept estimated the processing time is 3 years plus.

3. from july 2010, general skill migration is classified into 4 groups, group 1 (the highest priority) are those with employer sponsor. group 2 are those with state sponsor. group 3 are those with skill on the new job list (who can only lodge the application after 1 july 2010). group 4 are those on the old job list. the immigration dept will only process the lower priority group when they finsih the higher prioirty group, which means that group 4 applicant will have to wait until immigration dept finish group 1 to 3.
4. those who are planning to apply must take action soon. the minister announce the new point test and plan to implement in july 2011 (waiting for the bill to be passed). it will be harder to get the pass mark (personal opinion). moreover, for those consider to apply class 176 (relative sponsor), under the new point test system, there will be no permanent residence if sponsored by a relative.
5. just want to state that i am not a migation agent. all the above info is available from the immi's website


