



積分: 7423

發表於 07-8-11 01:42 |只看該作者

Thanks for your advice, I adjusted to the power to a higher level and the milk comes faster! mine is also an electric pump, I'm very afraid of pain so only keeps it in a relatively low level... but still can't complete in 15 mins, needs 25 mins in average.

By the way, when will your new baby be born? can you handle two young babies at the same time?


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-11 23:23 |只看該作者
as now you know better, if the breast pump doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or kinda hurt, it doesn't work really well.
Did you still have your Medela mini pump, you should try on it again. adjust the level from lower to highest in about a week time. it hurts but the outcome is good.
Once Andrea starts teething and bite your nipple.. I guess you may choose to give up breast feeding if you afraid of pain.
Gabriel bites me sometime, it really hurt.. but that is reality, they have teeth, and they might bite.
When you pump every 3-4 hours, you use double pump and pump 2 side together. adjust the suction level to highest, you will get used to it very soon.
let down shouldcome within 15 min if you set the setting at maximum level.. ^o^

原文章由 elmolly 於 07-8-10 12:42 PM 發表

Thanks for your advice, I adjusted to the power to a higher level and the milk comes faster! mine is also an electric pump, I'm very afraid of pain so only keeps it in a relatively l ...


積分: 18

發表於 07-8-12 01:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-11 23:23 發表
as now you know better, if the breast pump doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or kinda hurt, it doesn't work really well.
Did you still have your Medela mini pump, you should try on i ...

Hi! All BF moms, thanks so much for the sharing. Finally, I can catch up all the articles. They help me a lot too. For what elmolly has encountered, I am facing it too. I can say I am on the same boat as well.

I am not a sucessful BF mom cos I let my daughter, Monique to drink formular whenever she needs. She is like BF + Formular 50% + 50% or even 40% + 60%. Since I went back to work already, the ratio would be 30% + 70% soon. I really want to increase my milk flow as well. But I am not putting the same level of effort as you gals. It is so difficult to wake up in the middle of the night to pump the milk. I know I am bad. haha :lol: I just pump my last milk at round 11pm and feed Monique in the early morning before I go to work. As I need to work out of the office, I cannot store my milk in the office. What I do is to squeese my milk out and throw it into the toilet bowl. I am glad that I did not feel bad to waste the milk. You know our milk is very expensive. I always talk to myself that I can reproduce it, don't worry. And what I am doing is to maintain the milk production. Then I feel better that way.

Monique is now 3.5 month now. I am thinking whether I can keep it till she is 6months or even 9 months. It is hard for me. I just trying to give me as much bf as I can. I know she really needs it. Now I had changed my diet again to eat more food. I just skepped rice at night time as my chinese doctor recommend me not to eat rice at night. rice at lunch is Ok. My other problem is that I always forget to drink water when I go back to work. What should I do?

Elmolly, don't feel bad that not typing chinese. I don't either. I had tried to type, but all my friend know English. So why bother to learn. But I am thinking the Mandarine's Chinese Typing. They use the "9 strokes" or something. I think you know what I mean.

And I got the same experience from the breastfeed hotline in HK. The hotline is answered by the registered nurse in HK. But they just tell you the standard answer which we can look it up from the books. They don't even give you comfort. Never think they would examine our diet or our difficulties. They just like a robot. I can answer the phone call too. :lol:lol

Glad to talk to you all here. Your discussion helps me a lot eh.

Oh! Elmolly, my daughter reject the bottle as well. ( I almost have all the same problems like you). But my maid has a lot of care that she feed my daughter with bottle for 40 mins or sometimes an hour. After a month of struggling, my daughter has slight improvement. Whenever she is very hungry she can drink fast. I know you are very tired. Next time when you feed her the bottle, just be patience. Hope you can get good result soon.


積分: 7423

發表於 07-8-12 02:36 |只看該作者

The Medela mini is from my friend, she lended it to me to have a try before buying it, so I returned it to her after the trial and bought Ameda instead. so you think I should get the mini one?

If it takes me over 15 mins for the pumping now, should I stop right at 15 mins or keep pumping until it's emptied? pump 3 hours even at the night time? If it takes me 25-30 mins for the pumping now, then the next pump should be from the time I started for the last pump or I end the last pump? I keep pumping 3-4 hours now from evening for 3 days, still can get only 2-3oz each time... Is the bite from Gabriel now worse then those bites from new born?

by the way, can I ask you about the Andrea's sleeping problem and her attachment to me here too?


hihi, so are you also in HK like me or in the states now? Welcome! I thought I was the only one 餵咁耐都仲有咁多問題,new born都話姐. Welcome here

you forgot to drink water at work? how about set the alarm clock from your cell, so then you'll know it's time for water when it rings? I think it's good that your thinking is very positive, you know, if you are happy, your milk quality will be good too, so don't worry about the dumping milk. how about drink it yourself like Nillie_Mami?

I was learning 速成 when Andrea was like 2 months old, then she becomes more attached and I can only write with mouse again. too tired now, I deleted this reply 3 times myself and re-typed again and again... nice to meet you here.


積分: 172285

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-8-12 05:17 |只看該作者
My new baby will arrive anytime according to my ob because my belly has dropped very low already. I can imagine that is's hard to handle 2 babies but my mom is going to help me. So, I just try my best and hope that my son won't be jealous to the newborn.

Well, I would say if you have 1 let down or when you feel that there's no more milk coming, you can stop. I did not need to set a specific time for pumping because I will feel engored every 3-4 hours. When I was at work and started to feel full, I will go pumping without considering the time. Otherwise, the breasts would leak milk and I did not like the feeling. At night time, I woke up automatically just like having a clock inside my body. If it's the time to feed Spencer, I might wait a little bit. Otherwise, I would pump out the milk and store it in refrigerator. Usually, I fed formula to Spencer at night time because formula is more filling. We would like Spencer to sleep longer at night time so that my husband can sleep better (he needs good sleep for working outside in the field).

I know that it's hard in HK to pump milk at work. Most of my friends wean bf before going back to work. In USA, many of the states have laws to protect breastfeeding moms. Company has to offer a room for pumping in the office. I just store the milk in storage bag or collection bottle and put it in the refrigerator. My co-workers know about it. It's good to give your baby breast milk at least until 6 months, the longer the best but it depends on the feasibility. If you feel okay and you can maintain your milk flow, you can breastfeed as long as you can. Many of the moms stop when the babies start teething and bit their nipples. A formula mom is also a good mom because of her love to the baby so you don't need to feel that you are bad.


積分: 2122

發表於 07-8-12 13:38 |只看該作者
我今日12日終於到開始人奶啦. 但每次2邊都只係PUMP得2OZ出黎. 請問點樣可以PUMP多D呀.

因有1邊比BB啜損左, 所以減少D比佢啜的時間, 今晚發現呢邊好似無咩奶出, 咁我係咪應該忍痛咁左比BB啜返耐D時間呀.


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-12 22:25 |只看該作者
我如果知嗰日冇得雪奶, 我會自己飲番晒.. 因為人奶有營養過所有食物..

頭一個月都係得2-4oz 一餐架咋.. milk flow 係你日日skin to skin, or pump every 2-3 hours, stimulate 個breast 而increase production嘅, 一懶就會前功盡費..
once 損嗰邊好番就要offer, or buy the nipple shield 照餵, 咪會大細胸
之前有message 教elmolly, 一日diet intake, 你review 之前 message 會揾到!

我mostly 唔會計住15 min, 因為你會坐喺喥無了期pump, so 我至set 個time limit 俾你.
every 3-4 hours..
example: 3am pumped, next will be 6-7am to pump
我係等第一個let down finish, almost clear 就停.. as 我set suction 喺 maximum, so let down 最遲2分鐘就嚟.. therefore, every time I pump, will finish within 15 min
but if 冇let down, 我就會 stop at 15 min time, 遲啲等engore 至pump 過
New Born 嗰啲都唔係咬.. Gabriel 而家係用牙咬.. 好尖.. 佢一咬我就打佢, 打到佢喊, 等佢記住唔可以咬我.. edison 嘅 psychological theory 係咁教..
我trained Gabriel 用bottle almost 1.5 months.. 簡直係night mare.

我Gabriel 唔同你哋嘅BB, 佢有medical problem, 唔可以feed formula, 咪只要一次suffocate, 佢就會冇命, so 我唔可以lazy.. 我生得佢就要犧牲我自己..

今胎你有哂experience, 要好好enjoy.. ^o^

原文章由 3cats 於 07-8-12 12:38 AM 發表
我今日12日終於到開始人奶啦. 但每次2邊都只係PUMP得2OZ出黎. 請問點樣可以PUMP多D呀.

因有1邊比BB啜損左, 所以減少D比佢啜的時間, 今晚發現呢邊好似無咩奶出, 咁我係咪應該忍痛咁左比BB啜返耐D時間呀.

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-12 09:29 編輯 ]


積分: 2122

發表於 07-8-13 07:55 |只看該作者

我依家見奶夠比BB食, 所以日抖每餐都係SKIN TO SKIN, 但佢每次食完一邊就瞓唔食另一邊, 我本來想PUMP出黎, 但亞媽唔駛PUMP留返下次食. 所以依家多數都只係食一邊.


另外, 我9月中就返工, 咁我幾時要開始STORE MILK?


積分: 172285

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-8-13 12:41 |只看該作者
I also have tried my own breast milk before to find out the taste difference of breast milk and formula. I even asked my hubby to try it and he said that I was crazy.

Yes, I have experience and hope that I can do better this time.


積分: 172285

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-8-13 12:42 |只看該作者
Why you have to go back to work in mid-Sep? I thought that you have just given bornt to you baby not long ago. How many weeks of maternity leave and childcare leave you can have?


積分: 2122

發表於 07-8-13 22:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-8-13 12:42 發表
Why you have to go back to work in mid-Sep? I thought that you have just given bornt to you baby not long ago. How many weeks of maternity leave and childcare leave you can have?

我只係有10WEEKS 產假, 因我攞前3後7, 再者BB遲左出世, 所以就大概9月中就返工啦.


積分: 7423

發表於 07-8-14 01:28 |只看該作者

wow, anytime, we'll wait for your good news here. I also give formula to Andrea at night hoping that she can have a better sleep like Spencer.


I'm now only skin to skin 2 times a day in average then pump out at other time. I'm now getting 3-4 oz each time, will I gradually get more milk during each pump? I count it in these 2 days that it takes me 25 mins in total to pump, after the 1st let down if I wait 5 more mins, then there will be a 2nd one, can get 0.5-1oz more, should I wait for it?

If I feel there's let down, is there any time limit to pump out the milk or should I go pump immediately?

I've read about Gabriel's problem from 0701, I know that breast milk is more waterly so that's the only way for Gabriel right? I agree with you that "生得佢就要犧牲我自己", Gabriel is so lucky to have you as his mom.

Today Andrea is asking for milk in every 2 hours, I'm feeding her 7oz each time, but no matter breast milk or formula, she's hungry again in 2 hours, is she in the growth spurt?


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-14 02:14 |只看該作者
if Andrea only gets fussy at evening to night time, you need to bring her back to pediatrician's office, I suppect her that she has colic. 百日哭 that the gas in stomach can't release to anywhere else and that cause the pain and discomfort.

Also, Andrea is in 猛長期, just feed as demand.

I'm having big problem to make Andrea sleeps at night, she'll start to get fussy at around 8 until at least 12, only keep crying hardly. even though she's hungry, she chooses to cry instead of drinking and must be fed by me. 就算飲都飲飲下又停低喊,支奶通常飲唔晒. 佢晚晚都扭到顛,唔用顛黎形容都唔得.淨係出盡力咁起到喊同叫,對眼都腫晒. 明明攰到眼皮都跌落黎但都死唔肯瞓,一定要扭到我抱佢為止,到我抱住佢,佢又起到食我件衫或者食手,結果都係要老公抱番佢再喪喊一餐先瞓.因為佢已經痴身得好緊要,所以我盡量都叫老公頂硬上,真係喊到發晒神經我先出手,結果一個禮拜老公就殘晒(my mom used to help to make her sleep but with same pattern, only handled by my mom),抱住佢係咁起到扭同起耳仔邊到喊足幾個鐘真係好辛苦,又唔知阿媽幾時出院,又唔敢比佢啜...全家都好辛苦.我諗阿女扭到咁佢自己都唔會好過得去邊. I know that she's actually very sleepy cause she sleeps less than an hour during the whole afternoon. every night this cycle repeats until 12 or even 1 am, God, this is really killing us, what can we do, how can we do??? please help. I really don't know how to handle her crying that I can only cry with her together, 唉...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-14 02:24 |只看該作者

I'm now only skin to skin 2 times a day in average then pump out at other time. I'm now getting 3-4 oz each time, will I gradually get more milk during each pump? I count it in these 2 days that it takes me 25 mins in total to pump, after the 1st let down if I wait 5 more mins, then there will be a 2nd one, can get 0.5-1oz more, should I wait for it?

If I feel there's let down, is there any time limit to pump out the milk or should I go pump immediately?
Do not need to wait for that, only 0.5 oz, you better save the time. Once your let down finish, you stop.
when you return to work, although you have the right to pump milk by federal law in USA. but if you pump every 3-4 hours, and every time takes half hour to do it.. you bet.. what will your colleagues think and how will your boss treat you? plus you live in hk, they don't have the law to protect you.
engorement normally occur depends when your baby needs, if Andrea is fed every 3-4 hours, then you normally feel engore about 4-5 hours.
I normally pump when necessary(當然等待手頭工作做完), as my job is fexible. my manager allows me to pump 3 times in a shift (I work 12.5 hours shift), but I know able to pump 2 times, as I don't have time... I can't pump every 3-4 hours, I have to pump every 5-6 hours.. and I get used to it.
However, certainly, if I am in a code blue 急救 or in emergency, I bet you will not be silly to go and pump milk just because of engorement.


積分: 7423

發表於 07-8-14 02:25 |只看該作者

but I touched her tummy, it's warm, my mom told me it should be cold if she's not feeling well... a pedi can help with problem like this? 百日哭 but she's already 4.5 months

feed on demand with bottle or skin to skin during the growth spurt?

[ 本文章最後由 elmolly 於 07-8-14 02:28 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-14 02:33 |只看該作者
如果你而家咁做, 就會跌落 elmolly 同一個陷井..
Gabriel 出世頭4個月, 我係每餐之後pump清2邊, 不分日夜去儲奶, plus maintain maximum capacity for my breast, 因為每餐pump 清, 個breast 就會stimulate 個腦, release 更多hormones 做奶.. so.. really depend on your effort!
我會叫你而家好stock 奶..
記住你情願有奶剩.. 多到好似我咁, 等"福氣奶"expired 就掉, 好過到時至心靈掙扎..因為唔夠奶
我milk supply都drop 呀! 而家beside pump 奶, 仲要用福氣奶..
原文章由 3cats 於 07-8-12 06:55 PM 發表

我依家見奶夠比BB食, 所以日抖每餐都係SKIN TO SKIN, 但佢每次食完一邊就瞓唔食另一邊, 我本來想PUMP出黎, 但亞媽唔駛PUMP留返下次食. 所以依家多數都只係食一邊.

咁其實需唔需要PUMP出黎 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 07-8-14 02:37 |只看該作者
colic will stop after 6 months, Andrea is only 4.5 months. they may ask you to burp Andrea very well before you lay her down, or for US.. we will get he gas drop to release the colic pain.
old fold sometimes is right, but you better believe in medical advance.
for 猛長期, feed her with the way you normally do.
you feed her with bottle at day, then feed her with bottle.. if you feed her skin to skin, then do that..
be fexible, to take care of baby is not a maths formular.
there is no "1+1=2"
you need to try by your own some time, and remember, I am not standing next to you, I can only give you advice.
you need to trust your 6th sense to take care of Andrea.
原文章由 elmolly 於 07-8-13 01:25 PM 發表

but I touched her tummy, it's warm, my mom told me it should be cold if she's not feeling well... a pedi can help with problem like this? 百日哭 but she's already 4.5 months


積分: 18

發表於 07-8-14 21:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 elmolly 於 07-8-12 02:36 發表

The Medela mini is from my friend, she lended it to me to have a try before buying it, so I returned it to her after the trial and bought Ameda instead. so you think I should get ...


Your baby can' t take the formular. I am really a blessing mom cos I have choice. What I have tried over the weekend is to feed Monique more frequently during the weekend and to pump more when I am home. The milk supply is coming back a little bit more. I hope I can maintain at least 12 to 15 oz of bf every day la.


I am living in HK. It is true that it is quite difficult to pump milk in the office. I am trying my cousin's way. I try to pump milk about every 6-7 hours. I feed my daughter once / pump once in the morning. Then I pump (squeeze) my milk once in the office. And then I will feed my daughter in the evening. And then I pump one time before I sleep. I believe that our body (human) is very smart. Our body will adjust as time changes. Just sit back and relax. I am fine with breast milk + formular pattern to my daughter.

For the electric pump, Medela "swing" is much better than Medela "mini" the one that you can buy from the drug store, Manning. If you are fine with the one you bought, then you don't need to buy another one. I knew some mothers can pump > 6 oz milk with a hand pump. So, just use the one you feel comfortable with. I am using Medela Swing.


積分: 2122

發表於 07-8-14 23:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-8-14 02:33 發表
如果你而家咁做, 就會跌落 elmolly 同一個陷井..
Gabriel 出世頭4個月, 我係每餐之後pump清2邊, 不分日夜去儲奶, plus maintain maximum capacity for my breast, 因為每餐pump 清, 個breast 就會sti ...


其實我一夕都有睇你的POST, 我知道要PUMP清D奶的好處, 但之前我咁做我MAMI就話我點解要PUMP出黎雪奶, 唔留返佢SKIN TO SKIN咁咪仲新鮮, 佢話雪過無咁有益.

但剛剛我話左比佢知你的意見後, 佢就叫我PUMP黎, 但都係叫我唔好雪, 咁我只係室溫吓只可以放6-8 HRS, 咁我想問如果6-8HRS前都比唔到BB食, 咁可唔可以係within呢段時間前立刻放入freezer?


積分: 7423

發表於 07-8-16 15:08 |只看該作者

Thank you very much for your help I brought Andrea to pediatrician immediately after reading your message. He confirmed that Andrea has night colic, he gave her Infacol, 益生菌 and formula with no lactose. These 2 nights she's more calm, still fussy but not as fussy as before and not crying 歇斯底理, really thank you for your help. I should have brought her to the pedi earlier but we only thought that she was 扭計同認人 then the pedi told us that hug from mother makes her feel better, I guess this explains why did she look for me badly, although she also 認人 . She could suffer less if we have brought her to the pedi earlier :-(

I really want to thank you for all your help to me Nillie_Mami (from Andrea)

I know there's no formula to raise a child but I really don't know what to do with her, I don't know what she needs and how to make her feel better usually... my mom can't really help when she's losing control and hubby is not listening to my 6th sense...

ok, I think I'll stick in 15 mins for the pumping at work, may wait for the 2nd let down if there's time at home. I want to know if I need to make freezed milk, should I freeze it right after I pump it out or 將雪櫃d奶飲唔晒先放入freezer? Although I only have 3 oz in average, I start to got extra milk in the fridge now.


I'm using Ameda's dual pump, so takes shorter time for both sides. I'm giving breast milk to my girl during the day, will give her formula usually after 8-9 pm so in case she sleeps early she'll be more filling. If you want to give more breast milk to Monique, try Nillie's way, pump every 3 hours, maybe pump and dump when you are in office. It works, I start to have surplus to make freezed milk now finally

[ 本文章最後由 elmolly 於 07-8-16 15:11 編輯 ]


