




積分: 7447

發表於 09-1-2 17:47 |只看該作者
Happy New Year
# 52 大快活


積分: 7447

發表於 09-1-2 17:48 |只看該作者
# 52 大快活


積分: 7447

發表於 09-1-2 17:54 |只看該作者
# 52 大快活


積分: 13367

發表於 09-1-2 18:45 |只看該作者
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積分: 5793


發表於 09-1-2 19:09 |只看該作者
i will be here

happy new year


積分: 15999

發表於 09-1-2 20:02 |只看該作者
Happy New Year and hope everyone earn more!

Today gained $500, hehe, using 30k investment principle 3 days ago. Again, my hubby said I am silly 'playing stock' this way, return is so small.

I am going to spend this $500 tonight in Toys'r'us buying toys for my NB BB. Toys'r'us is doing 'buy 3 get 1 free' promotion just today!


積分: 5793


發表於 09-1-2 20:07 |只看該作者
haha, I gain $500 too as I sold 268:>
Hope can buy back soon.
Your got a NB baby, take you a lot of time to take care, still have time to play stock ka, super.

原帖由 c-wong 於 09-1-2 20:02 發表
Happy New Year and hope everyone earn more!

Today gained $500, hehe, using 30k investment principle 3 days ago. Again, my hubby said I am silly 'playing stock' this way, return is so small.

I am go ...


積分: 15999

發表於 09-1-2 22:12 |只看該作者
hey, u should earn more than $500 if you sold at 0.83-0.85. I also sold 10000 268 at $0.85, earned $330 after less charges, sold 2000 762 (one of my fav stocks) and gained $230. Haha....

I am a lazy mummy, I only take care of my baby 1 hour out of the 24 hours, I just leave her to my super maid.

I will also buy 268 again if it drops to 0.78, I think it's easy to stir fry as it's stock price these days are always in between 0.77-0.83 in a day.

原帖由 0906 於 09-1-2 20:07 發表
haha, I gain $500 too as I sold 268:>
Hope can buy back soon.
Your got a NB baby, take you a lot of time to take care, still have time to play stock ka, super.

[ 本帖最後由 c-wong 於 09-1-2 22:14 編輯 ]


積分: 15999

發表於 09-1-2 22:29 |只看該作者
just read an email written by an analyst from CLSA abt Kingdee 268 (NOT GOOD NEWS). I have underlined the major points:

Event: Change of CEO
- Kingdee announced that Mr. Brett Ho has stepped down as the CEO effective from 31 December 2008. But he will act as a non-executive director and Chief Strategy Consultant of the company.
- Mr. Ho played the CEO role in the past two years. Previously he has abundant working experience in various global software companies such as Sybase, Oracle and Siebel. He also served as the CEO of UFIDA (Kingdee’s main competitor) in 2002-04.
- The official reason of his resignation is “personal health and family reasons”. But I think Mr. Ho's performance may not meet the target. Not he is the most expensive professional manager in China's software industry.
- Kingdee's 2H08 performance, especially the peak season sales (i.e. Nov-Dec), would be lower than market expectation due to economics slowdown and potential VAT policy change in China (which cause customers to delay purchase to 2009). Please refer to the attached report for our earnings forecast revision.
- Mr. Robert Xu, the founder and chairman of Kingdee, will take over the CEO position. Mr. Xu was the CEO from 1991 to 2006. He led the company to achieve 27% revenue cagr and 28% earnings cagr over 2001-06. Mr. Xu is also the key man of Kingdee’s ERP software product due to his strong technical background. He will remain as the chief software architect of the company.
- We don’t expect Mr. Ho’s resignation would have significant impact on Kingdee’s product and sales strategy due to the strong leadership and track record of Mr. Xu. But this news could create share price volatility in the near term.
- The stock now trades at 6.4x 09 PE, the low end of its eight-year trading history. This implies a 57% discount to its domestic competitor UFIDA and a 43% discount to its global peers. Its forecast 18% earnings cagr over 2008-10, strong balance sheet and cash generation ability would also be the cushion for share price. Maintain O-PF rating and DCF-based TP HK$1.08 (equivalent to 8.3x 09 PE).
______________________________________c-wong's personal opinion:
Kingdee is trading at 6.?x PE, other HSI big stocks are trading at 8x PE. Prefer other HSI big stocks than Kingdee if the PE does not differ much. Anyway, will keep on looking at this stock, but will not invest too much since volatility may be high. My hubby is looking at below $0.7


積分: 5793


發表於 09-1-2 23:01 |只看該作者
no la, this morning I set at 0.82 and sold it, after sold it keep up law.
I buy and sell 2 time for it la, 0.78 buy and 0.82 sell, both time also, so 2 time profit is just over 1000:>
Thanks :>
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-1-2 22:12 發表
hey, u should earn more than $500 if you sold at 0.83-0.85. I also sold 10000 268 at $0.85, earned $330 after less charges, sold 2000 762 (one of my fav stocks) and gained $230. Haha....

I am a laz ...


積分: 15999

發表於 09-1-2 23:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 0906 於 09-1-2 23:01 發表
no la, this morning I set at 0.82 and sold it, after sold it keep up law.
I buy and sell 2 time for it la, 0.78 buy and 0.82 sell, both time also, so 2 time profit is just over 1000:>
Thanks :>

Congrats of earning 1k in such a short time!


積分: 3472

發表於 09-1-3 09:39 |只看該作者
死人bk, 我3日都上唔倒黎, 點呀你哋新年第1日, 有無賺錢? 我放咗隻#2342 賺咗$1700 , 最衰早咗放, 賺少$1000 呀, 唔緊要啦, 日日都有賺錢機會, 祝大家今年賺多d, 個個有工做, 身體健康


積分: 716

發表於 09-1-3 10:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 建男媽咪 於 09-1-3 09:39 發表
死人bk, 我3日都上唔倒黎, 點呀你哋新年第1日, 有無賺錢? 我放咗隻#2342 賺咗$1700 , 最衰早咗放, 賺少$1000 呀, 唔緊要啦, 日日都有賺錢機會, 祝大家今年賺多d, 個個有工做, 身體健康 ...

建男媽, 你係咪換左張相呀, 果個係咪你公子呢?


積分: 3472

發表於 09-1-3 10:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 車.人. 於 09-1-3 10:07 發表

建男媽, 你係咪換左張相呀, 果個係咪你公子呢?

係呀, 呢個我仔仔, 我以前本來用呢張相, 不過唔知bk成日shot shot 哋, 無端端又唔見咗, 所以我咪唔再整囉, 不過今次我無整, 佢哋update 緊bk, 張相無端端又出現番喎, 係呢, 有無賺錢? 祝你賺多d呀


積分: 716

發表於 09-1-3 11:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 建男媽咪 於 09-1-3 10:17 發表

係呀, 呢個我仔仔, 我以前本來用呢張相, 不過唔知bk成日shot shot 哋, 無端端又唔見咗, 所以我咪唔再整囉, 不過今次我無整, 佢哋update 緊bk, 張相無端端又出現番喎, 係呢, 有無賺錢? 祝你賺多d呀 ...

我 77.5入左#5, 希望升番個law, 尋日8.44入左#2823, 就係咁多, 你有無入#1088呀?


積分: 3472

發表於 09-1-3 11:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 車.人. 於 09-1-3 11:04 發表

我 77.5入左#5, 希望升番個law, 尋日8.44入左#2823, 就係咁多, 你有無入#1088呀?

無呀, 我吼緊下個星期可唔可以入


積分: 7200

發表於 09-1-3 19:54 |只看該作者
原來搬左黎呢喥呀.唉...我都無入到市呀.因為DD(DADDY)今日放假去左BBQ.所以無入到呀 .

點解次次都無我份喎. 仲要升到咁高.


積分: 159857

發表於 09-1-4 14:08 |只看該作者
Happy new year to everyone!!

我自己2008年年結成績慘不忍睹 , 希望09年可收復失地

年尾個日最後競價時段入咗2823 (@8.36), 但1月2日升得比起其他股份差很多, 內地a股都好似升唔起 , 唉!第一日就唔係好老(黎)


積分: 3732

發表於 09-1-4 17:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 木土土 於 09-1-4 14:08 發表

年尾個日最後競價時段入咗2823 (@8.36), 但1月2日升得比起其他股份差很多, 內地a股都好似升唔起 , 唉!第一 ...


[ 本帖最後由 CBBCBB 於 09-1-4 17:56 編輯 ]


積分: 13367

發表於 09-1-5 09:39 |只看該作者
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