



積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 04-11-25 03:38 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

Hey doggie - yeah, you are right, money keep pouring out of the pocket, no matter those things can eat or not, you keep buying & buying. Boys are really terrible, holes on the pants, the coat zipper got stuck, the runners are all w/ mud & dirt & worn out only a few months, you keep on buying & buying cos he really grows up fast. He now weigh 65lbs, last year the size of his indoor soccer shoes was 2, this year we bought a size 4 for him, but the old one still look very new!!

I usually didn't leave message but just browse, and this week - no cooking dinner ma. This morning I went to buy 3 boxes of rice box, with soya chicken, roast duck, bbq pork, it was special only $2.99 each w/ only 1 meat, & that's for the lunch & dinner for the 3 of us. Lazy lazy. Hee!

This Sat we will be going to Banff Christmas Party with my hubby's company, stay for 1 night & return on Sunday. Hope it will not snow although it's only 1 &1/2 hr drive, the whole family is going. We did had snow on Monday morning & the roads are really slippery, but from news Toronto has 8 degrees, right. But it's OK you don't drive, I have to drive w/ 2 noisy monsters sitting at the back, and i have to tell time not to disturb me because i have to pay more attention because of the road condition.

Take care


積分: 7158

發表於 04-11-25 05:43 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

Calgary - I totally understand your situation, as my godsons do the same - pants with holes, shoes that bought few months ago not fitted anymore - can you image - a teenage boy (age 14) wear size 11, but still saying "too tight".

my husband just called saying we have snow in our living area, but in mid town, only raining. temp drop to 1C now. so guess tonight will have black ice and freezing rain.

wow, so good - to have x;mas party in Banff - that early? people in our areas just start decorating their house (porch) with the santa, x'mas light etc.

x'mas is coming - a time to Spend lots of $$$$, wish I were in HK - so will have the extra month salary to cover such huge expenses. :-P


積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 04-11-26 05:00 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

doggie - we have freezing rain this morning when i drove my son to school & then go to work, but it's sunny outside now, but the car is really dirty, but will wash it till we come back from Banff.

Yes, Christmas in HK is really good, in office, we have lots of chocolates & gifts from the sales, and can leave early on Christmas eve, w/ party paid by the managers, & of course, the 13th month pay in CNY. But now, every money you earn were spent, nothing you can save, in HK, what you earn can save as well as spend a lot. May be at that time, I was still single, but now, most of my money were spend on the kids, not even thinking of buying things for myself!!!

What is the minimum pay in Toronto, in Alberta is only $5 something, I forgot the exact amount, it's so little, & i think Mcdonald pay this rate.

Planning to go to Boston Pizza with the kids, because they said boring at home, & tonight is my son's teacher-parent interview, no school tomorrow. The weather is OK so driving is not a problem.

Talk to you later.


積分: 900

發表於 04-11-27 09:53 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?


They applied the skilled worker class.
They are both working in banking industry. My girl friend is holding a diploma and her husband is holding MBA. They are very surprised.

winnieyiu 寫道:



積分: 900

發表於 04-11-27 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?


thank you for your information again. I knew so many operations support or back-up team got laid off to India. In HK, so many support team got laid off to India and China also.


積分: 765

發表於 04-11-28 18:49 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

Reading your messages made me miss Canada so much, I came back to HK about a year ago. To my surprise, my sons love HK and they have no adjustment issues, it seems I am the one who wants to go back there.


積分: 7158

發表於 04-11-30 03:57 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

Calgary - I totally agree with you.. back in HK - normally my 13th month bonus will be for my income tax.. and I could spend the rest 12 months salary on my own choice. Here.. 1/3 of my income gone.. and no 13th month bonus :-( Worse of all, people need to spend a lots for x'mas.

yesterday - doing the crazy shopping to fulfill my godchildren's birthday wish.
1. a school bag for my goddaughter
2. the war hammer for my elder god son

both of them were born in Dec. now they are still thinking what they want for the x'mas

my goddaughter will hold a "pool" birthday party in the community center on the coming Sunday.. busy in helping her for the loop bags, snacks, decoration things.

are all the boys loved boston pizza.. that's our boy suggest to go last night too....

my godchildren will have their PA day on the coming Friday (i.e. Dec 3).

our minimum pay seems to me is $7.5 in toronto.. better than nothing.


積分: 15064

畀面勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 04-11-30 05:14 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

doggie - yes, true, my son loves Boston Pizza, last Thur we went there & he finished his dish (kids meal) and even the dessert (monster cookie), may be because they have more choice than Pizza Hut. Do you find that actually prices of most things are not that different from HK, so... if I can have the salary I got in HK to spend here, it's really good, right!!! My first job in HK is w/ a bank and at that time, we had 14 months salary, wow, remembering those days and looking at my bank account here, it's really a big big different.

Three more weeks of school days ,then winter break, then year 2004 is gone, 2005 is around the corner. Haven't still Christmas shopping yet, I was thinking of just buying gift cards from either Bay or Costco.


積分: 334

發表於 04-12-2 07:05 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

請問你地有無返church, 我想比仔入天主教, 有無邊間church會有暮道斑for kid,thanks.


積分: 7335

發表於 04-12-15 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?


I am now living in HK and just have approval on immigration into Cananda with my husband and kid. I am still puzzle whether it is a wise decision though I like Vancouver. We have no friends or relatives there.

My husband and I have stable jobs here but he really feel disappointed with the HK Govnt. If we move to Canada, we must give up everything (incl stable jobs) here and start all in Canada. For future, it is good for our kid. Could any Canada (esp. Vancouver) mom please share your experience how did you make your decision? Do you feel regret? Can you tell more about Canada life such as economic envir, education..... Is it easy to find job there? We planned to land Vancouver next summer holidays.


積分: 7158

發表於 04-12-16 04:49 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有無住在加拿大既媽咪?

even thou' I am not living in Vancouver but I could share my thought to you (as I am new here too).

1. how did you make your decision?
I am sick of working overtime, no personal life, heavy workload and stress.. and wish to have a quiet, easy going life.. so decide to move here.

2.Do you feel regret?
actually I am quite happy now. even thou' my salary here is hardly compared to what I am making back in HK, but straightly 5 days work, from 8:30- 5:00pm. no overtime. have plenty of spare time to enjoy life (while we were still afford to do so)

3. Is it easy to find job there?
depends on what type of job you're looking for. like me, I don't mind to start from strach.. so back to accounting clerk, making minimum money to support the family. But for my husband, still idle at home for the past 2 years, but he did enjoy the early retirement life - being the houseman. so we simply shiftly our role. Here no one will questioned why the "man" does not work...


