



積分: 39

發表於 07-6-2 09:42 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

Nillie_Mami 寫道:
green card requirement 係要出世紙.. 但唔會關你家姐邊喥出世架! HK citizen 同 mainlander makes no different!

冇green card 而合法留喺US, 而又可 free 出入境,+上等緊green card 出, 只得2個可能..
1. 政治庇護
2. 勞工紙 ( e.g 厨房佬)

我老公話.. 大叔呃硬你家姐.. 小心係 自由行落香港, 扮金山中坑大叔, 呃你家姐註冊攞香港3粒星咋!

老實講, 俾你哋挖晒大叔啲衰嘢出嚟又點, 佢已經絕望喇, 你家姐已經當個大叔係救生筏.. 你家姐都嫁硬, 做咁多嘢只係抓爛佢嘅瘡巴之後再喺上面洒鹽咋...
老公話想你家姐唔嫁佢, 只有短期內揾過個好男人俾佢呢.. poor girl..
我老公 remarks 你.. 叫你要醒喇, 唔係你家姐要醒呀! too much on this issue..

1) you can working or re-entry at usa if you have working visa H1 or L1
2) apply green card is base on where you born not base on which country's citizenship, I am also living at hk from 1 year old, but i born in china, so I still need to waiting at the china's line.


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-2 13:11 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-2 13:19 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 39

發表於 07-6-2 13:27 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

babesiu 寫道:
Hi g_chan
I was born in Hong Kong gar. My friend has been living in the States since 11-year old, so he really gets used to the life their. That's why I won't push him to come back. He always says, it's my choice if I would like to go to the States or not, that is!
g_chan 寫道:
to be honest, if you don't have any chance move to usa (偷渡往香港 and without 出生証明 for apply the green card), do you think that your bf will go back hk and marry with you? What 适應唔到 or 香港節奏太快? just the excuse, I only know working at usa more comfortable than hk, that's my five years working experience at hk and another five years experience at usa

if you don't want to go to usa and your bf don't like back to hk, is that mean you may break up with him?
Because it is not so easy to make the decision.


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-2 13:44 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 39

發表於 07-6-2 13:48 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

babesiu 寫道:
I don't want to use the term 'break-up'. Even though if we really could not get together, we will be friends forever. I still care about him, you know? If he could finally marry someone in the States one day who can take care of him, I will be happy for him. 我總不能霸住矛厠不XX咖嘛,哈哈

:lol: you are funny person, anyway, be careful of waste each other time


積分: 253

發表於 07-6-2 14:47 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

如果你能夠o係呢度咁詳細解釋﹐ 相信你亦能夠do a good job同你GF家人解釋。 唔好以為結婚係你地兩個人既事﹐ 人地生個女出來﹐ 養到咁大﹐ 兄弟姐妹又相處咁多年﹐ 依家
咁快識左你﹐ 話咁快又話要結婚﹐ 仲話山長水遠去到外國﹐ 點會唔擔心? 你實在應該﹐ 亦有責任好好同人地解釋清楚﹐ 等人地可以放心將個女交俾你。 你都希望佢家人對你地兩個送上祝福﹐ 而唔係擔心或埋怨﹐ 對嗎?


積分: 1013

發表於 07-6-2 17:54 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

I am agree with Babyrnc here.. 實在應該﹐ 亦有責任好好同人地解釋清楚﹐ 等人地可以放心將個女交俾你。 你都希望佢家人對你地兩個送上祝福﹐ 而唔係擔心或埋怨﹐ 對嗎?

好多年前我住過Tempe, Arizona已經係叫做比較多Asian既地區。其實同香港生活真係差天共地﹐係兩個完完全全唔同既地方。D地方大部份8點/10點就CLOSE﹐CHRISTMAS/ NEW YRS DAY連麥記都唔開﹐唐餐無咩好食... 不過﹐生活指數真係唔高同埋無咩地方使錢...
9 年後既而家﹐我唔知果邊D種族歧視係咪仲噤西利﹐可能而家多左Asian住﹐種族歧視少左都唔出奇...
果陣我黎左美國住左CA 8年﹐Then住係AZ半年﹐但一D都唔慣﹐所以先搬返去Cali..
路﹐係自己既.. 先唔好講屋企人所用既方法/語氣係咪正確﹐但出發點都係唔想家姐唔好﹐其實家人擔心都係正常..

Take care


積分: 3787


發表於 07-6-3 03:45 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

其實你地兩個感情係點樣, 得你地先知, 不過小香香真好擔心自己個家姐有咩事, 先會post出黎問下人, 又有邊個想自已屋企野楊晒出黎比人知呀, 我諗你地都要明白下你家人既心情.
好似話見過一次面又話結婚啦, 得~~但都要清楚d同家人講好麻, 乜都唔知咁, 你做咩又唔知, 住邊又唔知, 夠唔夠錢養人地個女又唔知, 仲要話見到你爸爸同sis都唔多like香香個家姐, 咁叫人點放心交個女比你呀? 真係佢家姐出到去仲番唔番到黎都唔知呀, 如果有咩事, 同police講, 真係比人鬧都鬧死啦..叫人點搵呀??
greencard既野, 真係唔洗咁急, 都急唔黎既, 至緊要係你地諗清楚係唔係真係可以一齊, 見得一次, 講過下tel, 跟本就唔知對方為人係點, chan先生, 你打左咁多野, 我其實就覺你都冇咩同你女友著想過既, 佢夠要quit job,又要離開家人, 又要去拱遠既地方, 又唔識英文, 又冇朋友, 仲要你家人唔like佢, 佢又冇錢, 又冇學歷, 咁如你一個唔該, 唔理佢. 咁你叫佢點好呀???真係講講下, 我都覺得好擔心呀. 不過我係一個外人, 係一段婚姻, 係要有好多既support, including families, friends, money, and ..........the most important .IS.the time u know each other.


積分: 39

發表於 07-6-3 09:16 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

BabyRnC 寫道:
如果你能夠o係呢度咁詳細解釋﹐ 相信你亦能夠do a good job同你GF家人解釋。 唔好以為結婚係你地兩個人既事﹐ 人地生個女出來﹐ 養到咁大﹐ 兄弟姐妹又相處咁多年﹐ 依家
咁快識左你﹐ 話咁快又話要結婚﹐ 仲話山長水遠去到外國﹐ 點會唔擔心? 你實在應該﹐ 亦有責任好好同人地解釋清楚﹐ 等人地可以放心將個女交俾你。 你都希望佢家人對你地兩個送上祝福﹐ 而唔係擔心或埋怨﹐ 對嗎?

To be honest, i plan to see her family when I back to hk at the end of june, and my gf also know this planning a month ago. Of course, I cannot just talking with them through the phone only. So, I hope you guys/gals are really know about the fact before you make so many comments.


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-3 11:56 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 39

發表於 07-6-3 13:04 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

babesiu 寫道:
而家你gf無出生証明,可能攪唔到過美國故喎.咁你會唔會因為唔想”waste each other time”而同佢break up咖?

Quote :
g_chan 寫道:
to be honest, if you don't have any chance move to usa (偷渡往香港 and without 出生証明 for apply the green card), do you think that your bf will go back hk and marry with you?

That's I said that before, we are try to working on it. and I plan go to china's 公証處 when I am back at the end of june. In worse case, may be I need to go back to work. But I am already explain her my field with high probabilty stay or sometime working at china. However, she don't like it


積分: 10230

發表於 07-6-3 22:25 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

if that guy really line up for green card , the
most important things is : he won't regristed for any things.because he losses his chance for green card. once , he gets the green card , he can marry and get legal jobs.i think , this guys could
be cheating for girls.
is he handsome?


積分: 11847

發表於 07-6-3 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 12931

發表於 07-6-4 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 12931

發表於 07-6-4 16:51 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 12931

發表於 07-6-4 17:09 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 12931

發表於 07-6-29 14:05 |只看該作者

Re: 美國媽媽求命呀...想知係咪真

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積分: 11847

發表於 07-7-5 18:06 |只看該作者
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積分: 352

發表於 07-7-8 04:58 |只看該作者
I think that guy is 騙財騙色.. !

BTW, there are a lot of poor guy or people with mental
problem here(US) cannot find woman because local
woman knows that they are bad. They look for woman
overseas because those woman cannot check/find out
how bad they are here. They might be even criminals
(Wipe woman before or domestic violence, etc.)性罪案底的男子.

Unless that guy can have document prove what he said otherwise he is a liar.

If he can get green card in 2 months, then first he should already have receipt of green card application and that
receipt will contain a number that anyone can use that
number to go to US INS dept web site to find out the status of the application.

He has to attend an interview in order to get a greencard. After the interview, he might need to wait few weeks to couple of months to receive the green card in mail. ? He
should have paper work like copy of green card application, receipt of application, receipt of payment, letter of confirmation that the INS receive his application, Tax document, work permit, bank statment with a US address, medical, insurance paper, especially driving licence (US people us this as an ID) Resident Card of California (If he live in California), etc. TO SHOW what he said is not lies.

Becareful, there are to many liars in US. I am from HK and living here 10 years now. I heard too much news on this kind of cheating.

Hope it helps

[ 本文章最後由 ckf 於 07-7-8 05:47 編輯 ]


