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發表於 07-7-6 23:48 |只看該作者
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積分: 3715

發表於 07-7-7 11:29 |只看該作者

i remember once you mentioned the magazines called stroy box from bayard?

is it good and have CD?

how much per issues?

i want to have a look of Adventure box, did you subscribe it? for age 7-9?

any back issues for story box you want to sell?


積分: 3715

發表於 07-7-7 11:36 |只看該作者

so you only go to Puket and i only go to BKK. HAHA.

i think i will not go to Puket as i am little bit afraid.


Did you receive the issue #13 of the reading kids, is it good and i think this can develop their reading habit as they need to read everyday. But for the first issue, i forgot to ask my son to read and when i remembered, it is Wednesday already, so he read from Monday to Wednesday....., but it is still a few pages and he said it is easy. HAHA.


積分: 12635

發表於 07-7-7 14:18 |只看該作者

Big Pig choose not to go anywhere.
You shouldn't waste your pity on big pig.
Pls pity me with a whining piglet !!
For 2x days !!
Every day he reads his Lego catalogue, and points to this and that set of Lego and asks me to buy buy buy everything for him.
I am waiting for him to poo then take his bath.


積分: 2282

發表於 07-7-7 14:28 |只看該作者

will go and take a look of the chair before making decision...they have a warehouse at Laichikok, let you have my comment later la!


Regarding the story box, it is quite expensive HK$40 and I have a source to buy from one buyer ccy_line (Ms Chan) at Yahoo HK bidding forum, she sold the back issue (new) at only HK$25 each, if more than 10 can have extra 5% off. Try to seach it at Yahoo orelse I can pm you her email address if needed.

As for the reading kids, we finally order as a group at 20% discount. I have recevied issue 13, it is good for the kid to learn the vocabulary except the comprehension passage which refelcts that the editor should be Chinese.


Will piglet attend any summer camps at SF / LA? When is the exact date that you will be flying back to HK ?

[ 本文章最後由 Ramomo 於 07-7-7 14:31 編輯 ]


積分: 12635

發表於 07-7-7 14:34 |只看該作者

No, no SF / LA summer camps for piglet.
Just D-land and L-land, and shopping.

原文章由 Ramomo 於 07-7-7 14:28 發表

will go and take a look of the chair before making decision...they have a warehouse at Laichikok, let you have my comment later la!


Regarding the story box, it is quite exp ...


積分: 3715

發表於 07-7-7 21:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 Bluestar 於 07-7-7 14:34 發表

No, no SF / LA summer camps for piglet.
Just D-land and L-land, and shopping.


YI, if it is $25 for the story box, it is very worth bor. pls pm me the e-mail add. of the seller. tks. i think i will also pay attention and wait for the bookfair. They will also sell the back issue and has discount when subscribe it.

How is your comment of the story box and adventure box?

Re the books at qzy, did you pick it up, i think some of the books may be at TTM's side as they are confuse when seperate the parcel. as i remember, may be it is the spelling skills g. 1 and one oxford book. pls wait when TTM come back to HK. she is gone to KK this week as i remember.

i agreed with you that some of the passage at the reading kids is quite Chinese's style.

Is that desk and chair you are talking about is good, if their warehouse is at LAICHIKOK is very near me bor. pls give me the add. so that i can go and have a look.


good shopping la.

[ 本文章最後由 lamsuetwai 於 07-7-7 22:08 編輯 ]


積分: 2282

發表於 07-7-8 09:51 |只看該作者

yeah HK$25 is really worth since the price of the back issue which is available at bookfair is higher than this price ! check pm for the email address. I have ordered 10 pcs of STORY BOX only, good !

As for the table & chair, they have a website www.smartable.com.hk you can take a brief look over this website and I'll let you have the address next week.

QZY books : TTM is so kind to call me at the airport before departure to KK and advise me the books are with her. Thanks for reminding me.


積分: 12635

發表於 07-7-8 16:36 |只看該作者
LSW and buddies,

VVV good shopping indeed !
Am buying size 12 husky / size 14 regular shorts and trousers for piglte Fat waist. Shorts in Polo Kids (outlet) is only ~US$15@, wouldn't dream of buyingin HK., short-sleeve T-shirts ~US$10. Also bought ~US$200 bed sheets, also Polo, 3 sets for my mum and 1 set for piglet. Wouldn't even dare to check px in HK.
And I bought up to size 16 trousers / size XL kids t-shirts. Hopefully enough to last 2 - 4 yrs this time. Definitely not going to US for a looooong looooong time.
Still need to go to the warehouse(Cosco), and Target supermarket, for undies / socks / glucosamine sulphate tablets. Spent US$800 so far, besides fooood. Better situtaion (finan) than 2y ago. Can restrain myself better this time. Crabtree n Evelyn handcream only ~US$14@ and buy 2 get 1 free

Only candy and food tax free here, everything else sales tax 8.25% (or is it 8.5% ? not sure)

[ 本文章最後由 Bluestar 於 07-7-8 16:38 編輯 ]


積分: 3608

發表於 07-7-8 22:28 |只看該作者

I am sure that your big pig is happier than you. He is so free without any disturbance.. But you need to take care of piglet by yourself only...Poor you...

But I think you still have a wonderful trip, right ! Enjoy your trip and holiday la..


積分: 6817

發表於 07-7-8 23:31 |只看該作者
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積分: 10461

發表於 07-7-9 14:46 |只看該作者
gc, 你開左新版, 我都黎下先.... 你地幾時ladies night / ladies lunch.


積分: 7880

發表於 07-7-9 16:37 |只看該作者
envy you too, wow, holiday, wow, shopping, wow...


積分: 12635

發表於 07-7-9 18:02 |只看該作者
che, Adrianmama, Carly,.......

Shopping is my relief ah ma !

Today (I mean in the day time) was a bad day,
with my cousin over piglet (usually naughty but this time it was not his fault but got scolded by my SF cousin severely ). So may need to find hotel for rest of my stay, my mum can stay with my aunt but B and I had better move out I think.

If any one of you has any idea of cheap lodgings from afternoon of 17 July till night of 25 July pls let me know. Alternatively piglet and I can take another trip somewhere but it would be stupid to fly back to LA.

Big pig told me to sleep it out and maybe things will clear tomorrow morning, but its actually a case of us disturbing the peace and quiet of my aunt and cousin plus spinster's menopause !!!

Piglet wanted to play with some Lego we bought so asked my aunt whether it was time for dinner / dinner was ready (sik dak faan mei) (cos he wanted to play on the dinner table after we finished dinner and cleared the table) and my aunt told him to eat shit Then piglet (V thin-skinned ga ja) came to me and cried and said why she said that to him, then my cousin came in and asked B whether he was saying / complaining that her mum said that to him, B said yes and repeated, and she yelled at him and said even if a senior (jeung bui) scolded wrongly he cannot say so (????? ?-( ) and she has been teaching for over 30y (??? what has that got to do with what her mum said and B's reaction).......
Those who know me should know that I never believe that I should shut up if wrongly scolded even by a senoir of family. I only believe in handling piglet's naughtiness case by case. So I said to piglet that I will look for hotel tonight.

Severe case of seung kin ho, tung ju naan !
And why take out all the sun sau gau hun on piglet !!
So now we are v miserable in the house.

Even if we disturbed their normal peaceful and quiet life why take it out on piglet !!

:-( :cry: :tongue:


積分: 2282

發表於 07-7-9 19:00 |只看該作者

It's really sorry to hear about this .....
but I support you ......
"I never believe that I should shut up if wrongly scolded
even by a senoir of family"


積分: 1438

發表於 07-7-9 19:16 |只看該作者
Hi Buddies,

I'm back from hoilday for few days :-( !
The weather were fantasitc in K.K., no raining at all. There were hot but more breeze than Hong Kong. All of us got sun tan, except my hus !!
Started from day 1 to the last day, my hus got sick seriously. He just stayed at hotel and slept from daytime to nighttime. He ate the medicines day to day, but he still felt
weakless of his body. So he called the doctor to see him in the hotel finally !
Today, both of us had to see the doctor too ! We sent our son to his granny for insulated !


積分: 1438

發表於 07-7-9 19:19 |只看該作者

I bought the ice bars and the tiger pawns, they were tasty.
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


積分: 1438

發表於 07-7-9 19:23 |只看該作者
I am absolutely agreed "seung kin ho, tung ju naan" !
Maybe there have some apartments can be rent for weekly.
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


積分: 1438

發表於 07-7-9 19:26 |只看該作者
I hate the new BK system.
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


積分: 1438

發表於 07-7-9 19:32 |只看該作者

What a pity ! 破財擋災攞 law!
Last time n years ago, my hus lost his wallet by
pickpocket at Garden street. Money was not a big deal,
the 10+pcs credit cards .
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


