




積分: 64

發表於 07-8-16 15:40 |只看該作者
Hi :lol:

I am bf mum too! My son just 1.8 mth and his weight growth very well. I feed him all by bf only ca. I want to keep go on at least for a year. however, I want to loss weight too! Since born bb till now still 40 pounds over weight. Now I want to join the loss weight prog. via a consultant, they said only need to take the milk power and some supplement no need to excercise then can loss weight in few mths. ?-( Wat do you think? anyone tried it before? I want to know the effect and any charmful to the bb??-( ?-( ?-(


積分: 34716

發表於 07-8-16 16:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-16 15:40 發表
Hi :lol:

I am bf mum too! My son just 1.8 mth and his weight growth very well. I feed him all by bf only ca. I want to keep go on at least for a year. however, I want to loss weight too! Sinc ...

better not to go on diet so early, you should be able to lose some weights naturally a few months later. if you really insist to do so, I would suggest you to try to eat less rice, but keep the amount of meat/veggies, instead of taking that milk powder, cuz you dont really know what ingredients are in the powder! Also, it is harmful to loss weights more than 2 lbs per week, cuz otherwise there will be a toxin released in your body which may pollute your breastmilk.


積分: 1006

發表於 07-8-16 17:16 |只看該作者
I have joined MSL to lose weight. I gained 35lbs before labour. Now only 9 lbs over weight. the consultant suggests not to lose more than 1 lbs in a week in order to keep the milk in good quality. I have no need to eat less but shuld avoid oil, salt and sugar. I was suggested to take only at most 6 tea-spoon oil a day.

so, it means no sausage, ham, meat balls, egg tark, pies,peanut butter, nuts, ...etc. ==> no junk food at all.

moreover, I shuld do 30 mins exercise 3 times a week.

to be honest, it is hard for me to find time in doing exercise. so i tried to walk more and avoid using stairs or any escalator.

I struggling to lose weight and retain my "fantastic" figure. I believe you can do it, too.

add oil
原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-16 15:40 發表
Hi :lol::" />

I am bf mum too! My son just 1.8 mth and his weight growth very well. I feed him all by bf only ca. I want to keep go on at least for a year. however, I want to loss weight too! Sinc ...

[ 本文章最後由 fatjaimama 於 07-8-16 17:18 編輯 ]


積分: 64

發表於 07-8-16 17:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 ^O^ 於 07-8-16 16:50 發表

better not to go on diet so early, you should be able to lose some weights naturally a few months later. if you really insist to do so, I would suggest you to try to eat less rice, but keep ...

i c, the milk power supplyment for two meals a day plus consulant chg $2k per mth (everyday have three meals in total so u can have one free meal choose your own food)

saying that 6mth can loss 30-40pounds law.... but the most important think is my baby. I care his health so much, but was struggle of finding job, fit in to the shuit...ah!!!! and loss confident to myself.... u know i now over 190 pounds ..... seldom to look at the mirror...... head always down while I go out .... :-(


積分: 64

發表於 07-8-16 21:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 fatjaimama 於 07-8-16 17:16 發表
I have joined MSL to lose weight. I gained 35lbs before labour. Now only 9 lbs over weight. the consultant suggests not to lose more than 1 lbs in a week in order to keep the milk in good qual ...

So fatjaimama, how long you spent to loss such weight?


積分: 18

發表於 07-8-16 21:31 |只看該作者

diet-not a good idea

bf mom should not go on diet so early. I bf and substituted some baby formula for 5 months to my son. I didnt go on special diet but I lost all my pregnancy weight now, i gained 28 lbs during pregnancy (he is 8.5 month now) Bf also help you burn calories so no diet needed. In fact, your baby need all the nutrients from you. It take 9 months for you to gain that weight so it will take at least 9 months to lose it. If you really want to get back to a decent shape, you can try exercise if u have the energy. your baby is only 1.8 month so please dont go on diet for his/her sake. If you have spare money to spend on diet products, why dont u save it for later when u really cant lost the weight but until your baby is older.

make sure you drink plenty of water during bf. 8 glasses water is recommended just like people whose not bf.

原文章由 ^O^ 於 07-8-16 02:50 發表

better not to go on diet so early, you should be able to lose some weights naturally a few months later. if you really insist to do so, I would suggest you to try to eat less rice, but keep ...


積分: 1006

發表於 07-8-16 21:31 |只看該作者
I have tried the weight loss program for 2.5 month. since i like to eat and don't have enough exercise (you know i am very busy with my bb), I lost only 5 pounds. around 0.5 pounds per week.

原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-16 21:01 發表

So fatjaimama, how long you spent to loss such weight?


積分: 33813

2024年龍年勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-8-16 22:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-16 15:40 發表
Hi :lol:

I am bf mum too! My son just 1.8 mth and his weight growth very well. I feed him all by bf only ca. I want to keep go on at least for a year. however, I want to loss weight too! Sinc ...


積分: 5736

發表於 07-8-16 23:55 |只看該作者
持續餵奶係會自然瘦的, 唔駛擔心
之後就極速瘦啦, 第7個月去返110磅, 著得返哂之前d衫褲
7個月後仲繼續瘦, 連面都瘦埋
依家停餵左, 係自己想谷返肥d自己先又去返110磅je


積分: 1810

發表於 07-8-17 02:02 |只看該作者
i have bf for 1 year, but i can't see this happen on me. why?

ppl said bf can help mom to lose weight without any effort, but i think it doesn't apply to everyone. It depends.

I don't eat too much, usually half bowl of rice every meal. Or my body doesn't know how to transit my fat to milk for my baby?


積分: 10385

發表於 07-8-17 09:25 |只看該作者


積分: 2982

發表於 07-8-17 10:55 |只看該作者
No need to pay money for losing weight for BF moms. I gained 25 LBS during pregnancy and returned to original weight 110 LBS after 2 months' BF. Did nothing but BF only. Of course, hv not over eaten. I just drink soya milk to help keep the Breast milk supply - plenty of milk supply for my BB.


積分: 5736

發表於 07-8-17 10:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 htidemama 於 07-8-17 02:02 發表
i have bf for 1 year, but i can't see this happen on me. why?

ppl said bf can help mom to lose weight without any effort, but i think it doesn't apply to everyone. It depends.

I don't eat t ...

諗諗下可能係因為食得少, 所以身體唔夠energy 造奶同burn fat
我o個時餐餐碗幾2碗飯, 食到飽哂先停


積分: 3937

發表於 07-8-17 11:05 |只看該作者
Same here . Save the money for other things la. My weight bounced back after 3-4 months even I ate a lot (2 bowls of rice vs half bowl of rice before pregnant). BF burns 500 calories/day!! Now, I'm thinking of getting a few pounds cos now I'm too thin, 10 lbs lesser than before pregnancy.

原文章由 Jojolaw99 於 07-8-17 10:55 發表
No need to pay money for losing weight for BF moms. I gained 25 LBS during pregnancy and returned to original weight 110 LBS after 2 months' BF. Did nothing but BF only. Of course, hv not over ...


積分: 6171


發表於 07-8-17 11:58 |只看該作者
餵人奶係要食得健康, 食得飽, 如果想自然瘦, 當然唔可以食咁多junk food, 唔係餵幾耐人奶都唔會瘦..... (這時我上堂學返黎, 但又幾有道理)

可能你要諗下一日食D乜, junk food要tick out.

我以前都好肥 (未結婚前), 結婚後返而瘦左, 因為我只食3餐, 戒零食, 好間唔中做下運動, 咁就瘦左, 連生完仔之後都無肥返, 所以零食係致肥原凶!

原文章由 htidemama 於 07-8-17 02:02 發表
i have bf for 1 year, but i can't see this happen on me. why?

ppl said bf can help mom to lose weight without any effort, but i think it doesn't apply to everyone. It depends.

I don't eat t ...


積分: 64

發表於 07-8-17 17:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 peaceaa1122 於 07-8-16 22:26 發表

Thks for all may be I was too concern the weight and eat less..... (two meals a day, morning only drink two big cup of milk with potien power) ....so the milk with less nutrition...therefore my weight do not move la. I will see one more mth of my progress.

Ah! Some more think to share:
I just learn that bb need to drink more water then the body cell can growth faster to absort the mama milk! I was so stupid that i dun no why my bb (7weeks old) still cant sleep at nite, he always awake and keep me feeding him at nite (non-stop) until 7 or 8 in the morning.... :-( (I was complaining and feel so hard for me before) then
today someone told me that it was becos my milk dose not have enough nutrition for bb and bb did not have water to drink. if I keep at least (2-8oz water/per day) to bb, plus I should it more nutrition food, then bb can cut the nite milk and sleep well easy. my bb gain three-four pounds at1st mth so I through everything is ok..... actually its not ok ca......


積分: 159

發表於 07-8-17 18:27 |只看該作者
Do you mean mama needs to give water to baby by milk bottle? Some said that bf babys need not drink water. They absorb enough water from the milk.

原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-17 17:17 發表

Thks for all may be I was too concern the weight and eat less..... (two meals a day, morning only drink two big cup of milk with potien power) ....so the milk with less nutrition...theref ...


積分: 64

發表於 07-8-17 18:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 cactusk 於 07-8-17 18:27 發表
Do you mean mama needs to give water to baby by milk bottle? Some said that bf babys need not drink water. They absorb enough water from the milk.

Do you know, my Chinese assistance (pui yuet) also said that no need ca.... and that moment I also feel troublesom abt holding the milk bottle for bb (cos he will not like the bottle la... he just rekon my breast ca ma):mrgreen: so I didnt give him water..... until now...

Actually there are 50/50 ppl advice bb need to drink water/ need not! I think you need to observe your bb condition 1st. My bb is fire, (gold, wood, water, fire, earth five elements)and his skin is tended to be little red, so I believe drink water is no harm to him and also can help him.

Also water is always gd! It was depend on your workload I think....

If you want to try successfully, u can give him water while he is very hungry...then he will suck it , then little later give him milk. (my bb works this way, today he have finished 2oz water (not in one go, u need patient ca)


積分: 64

發表於 07-8-17 19:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-17 18:59 發表

Do you know, my Chinese assistance (pui yuet) also said that no need ca.... and that moment I also feel troublesom abt holding the milk bottle for bb (cos he will not like the bottle la.. ...

By the way, if mummy have enough water intake also ok ca! Bf mum at least 1.5 - 22 L pure water/ day!


積分: 5736

發表於 07-8-17 23:50 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mime_mum 於 07-8-17 19:02 發表

By the way, if mummy have enough water intake also ok ca! Bf mum at least 1.5 - 22 L pure water/ day!

臭b直到5個半月我準備6個月比佢食固體先飲水, 之前如果係hiccup我會比幾啖水佢啜下, 但唔會成安成安咁比, 因為我怕佢飲水太多頂住個肚反而食奶少左, 而佢亦冇因為冇飲水而搞到夜晚訓唔到或者唔長肉之類



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