




積分: 79

發表於 07-10-23 13:19 |只看該作者
我想生多個等佢地成長有伴, 呢的就順其自然.
rose-mag, 你hubby唔搬都無計, 不過sf生活指數高, 校網競爭大, daycare又貴, 的錢洗得唔抵. 你個abc hubby真特別, 好少abc咁 stick to parents....
見到個肥仔1日1日長大, 很感動... 我都無expect阿仔聽我講, 總知佢健康快樂, 的野合情理, 讀書叻唔叻??我會儘量協助, 成龍成虫就睇佢自己la....


積分: 92753

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-23 14:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 MonMonBB 於 07-10-22 10:09 發表
Mamas of 1969,
Hihi, glad to see this thread accidentailly.
Whammm, you all have the children of kindergarden age! I have a daughter of 10 months old. Seems that I am rather late!!
I am ...


nice to meet you,your baby girl is very cuite,so pretty,
make me to miss my daughter in her baby age:mrgreen:


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-23 23:37 |只看該作者
Hi all mom,

I think it is good to live closed to the parents. Just like me, I live with my mother-in-law because she helps me to take the kids to school and pick them back home after school. She prepares the dinner for us. I don't need to worry. My hubby and I go to work, she is the only one who can help us. In Hong Kong, we can hire a maid to do it but not here.

It is very expensive to own a home right now. I don't plan to buy one. SF has lot of good schools. If the kids are older, I want to rent a house in Milbrae. My co-workers always say that Milbrae has good high schools. If they can't enter the good school in SF, they will move to Milbrae and enter a good high school. We only move to live closed to the high school that you want. We don't need to have lots of competition. They are home-based, like Daly City. According to the place you live, the designated school is arranged for you kids. That's why the rent in Milbrae is much higher. My co-worker plans to move to there because her son is 12 years old.



原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-23 13:19 發表
我想生多個等佢地成長有伴, 呢的就順其自然.
rose-mag, 你hubby唔搬都無計, 不過sf生活指數高, 校網競爭大, daycare又貴, 的錢洗得唔抵. 你個abc hubby真特別, 好少abc咁 stick to parents....
見到個肥仔1日1日 ...


積分: 171814

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-10-24 01:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-23 13:19 發表
我想生多個等佢地成長有伴, 呢的就順其自然.
rose-mag, 你hubby唔搬都無計, 不過sf生活指數高, 校網競爭大, daycare又貴, 的錢洗得唔抵. 你個abc hubby真特別, 好少abc咁 stick to parents....
見到個肥仔1日1日 ...

I always agree to have at least 2 kids so that they can support each other in the future. My hubby does not want to move out from SF because both our parents are old. His are over and mine are close to 70. Also, my mom is helping me to take care of my kids now. Well, my abc hubby is really special so as his family!!!! If we don't go to visit his parents for a while, my 99 will tell the other relatives that we refuse to let her see the grandkids. She will never come to see them except on their birthdays but she will fly all the way to the East to visit her daughter and her grandsons. Her other daughter lives in San Mateo and seldom take her son back to her home but she's okay. She only picks on us. Honestly speaking, I don't want to take my kids to her home which is not childproof. The only thing my PIW has is a gate that blocks the staircases. Plus, she will offer all kinds of snacks to my son just to bribe him. She gave him pizza when he's only 1 years old.



積分: 428

發表於 07-10-24 02:01 |只看該作者

My situation is totally different from yours. My mother-in-law is really young. She is only 58 years-old. She likes to take care my kids. Of course, she always buys candies and snacks for my kids. They have some secrets and don't let me know sometimes. Luckily, my son doesn't keep the secret for long time. He always told me that grandma gave him candies.... She doesn't want them to get sick. She likes to make soup for them.

How about you little baby? Does she cry at night now? Take care and take rest.


原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-10-24 01:12 發表

I always agree to have at least 2 kids so that they can support each other in the future. My hubby does not want to move out from SF because both our parents are old. His are over and ...


積分: 533

發表於 07-10-24 12:17 |只看該作者
Thanks for your admiration!
Yes, I also missed her baby look when I first to see her aftr delivery. She was very small and light-weighted(2.5kg). I plan to send my daughter to foreign countries for study(e.g.England, US and Canada) becoz I want her to speak English well.
After reading your posts and other mami lived in sf, the livings seem not as fun as HK. However, the children could have better education. Am I right?

原文章由 acbeans 於 07-10-23 14:30 發表


nice to meet you,your baby girl is very cuite,so pretty,
make me to miss my daughter in her baby age:mrgreen:


積分: 533

發表於 07-10-24 12:22 |只看該作者
I also wish my girl will come to eight years old soon. I can talk with her as she can understand what I say. Aprt from taking care of them, do you have to work?

原文章由 suecheung 於 07-10-22 23:17 發表
Hi MonMonBB,

It is happy to hear that you have a baby girl. Though my kids are older, they are eight and six, I still miss the days when they were still little baby. In fact, I feel more easy to take ...


積分: 533

發表於 07-10-24 12:34 |只看該作者
Hello, good to hear that your son is 4-months old!
If you want to retain your body figure, I have a piece of advise for you. You have to take on the tummy-belt in order to firm up the tummy. I got allergic to the rubber belt, so I don't take the belt after delivery. As a result, I got ervey parts back to slim except the tummy.:-( I figure out it probably my age, not as young as other mami of below 35.

原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-20 01:12 發表
參埋我la, 我都係69

見到你地都o的子女路已開始哂或行到中間, 我個仔才4個月, 真係漫漫長路.

sue n rose-mag, 加油la.... 我係sf住了5年, 久不久都有回去, 都明你地在他鄉的感受.  rose-mag, sf屋咁貴, 搬去so ...


積分: 79

發表於 07-10-24 13:22 |只看該作者
MonMonbb, 多謝你的心得, 我重有的肚覽, 但背肌厚了很多, 鬆泡泡, 番左工2個月, 瘦了5lbs, 還有最後5lbs.


積分: 79

發表於 07-10-24 13:41 |只看該作者
suecheung, 咁你就幸福la, 有mother-in-law幫手, 我亞媽係街精, 老豆年紀大, 佢唔駛我地照顧都已經好好, parents-in-law 只識玩bb, 不會教或湊, 為免仲壞, 自己頂住lor....

rose-mag, 做人新袍什艱難, 99永遠係1國2制對女對新袍, 要個女掌握屋企大權($$), 但叫個仔唔好放權比老婆($$$), 我初初番工, 我99話過黎睇住工人(I live in Kln n she lives in HK), 我老工叫佢自己上黎, 工人要湊bb, 唔帶佢上黎, 但佢唔識, 跟住同的人講話我地唔淮佢上黎, 真係啤啤聲, 好似我蝦佢咁!!:tongue:


積分: 79

發表於 07-10-24 13:51 |只看該作者
MonMonbb, 我都想送亞仔去us讀書, 起碼讀完P.6 or F.3先, us education system is much better than HK. US education encourages students how to think, NOT to memorize. The problem-solving skill is much better. 的學生要自己搵書睇, 同埋有多的唔同學科, 真係有得"簡"去fit自己的長處. 咁又要儲一大筆錢, 唉!


積分: 79

發表於 07-10-24 14:00 |只看該作者
rose-mag, yr hubby is yr 99's only son, that's no wonder la.... you kidnapped her son, so she wants to revenge to kidnap yr kids....

My life is also over when bb is born, everyday, I will return to home immediately after work. NO shopping, rare going to gym n dinner with friends n TV n movies. facial - once a while. In addditon, all my shopping now are for bb. ALL Holidays, belongs to BB......... I am not I am la......


積分: 533

發表於 07-10-24 14:31 |只看該作者
Hi starpiglet,
I also spent all the time on the baby and family from the baby born. But days after days, maybe 6 to 7 months later, you would be exhausted for such boring and busy days. From my experience, I was frustrated. I feel like crying for such life. Luckily, I shared my feelings to my hubby and he suggested me to have some private hours regularly. So, sometimes after work on weekdays, I will go out to have dinner with my friends or go shopping (though I will buy baby things). And then I am happy to come back home and hug my daughter.
Wish you also are a happy mom!

原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-24 14:00 發表
rose-mag, yr hubby is yr 99's only son, that's no wonder la.... you kidnapped her son, so she wants to revenge to kidnap yr kids....

My life is also over when bb is born, everyday, I will return to ...


積分: 92753

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-24 16:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-24 14:00 發表
rose-mag, yr hubby is yr 99's only son, that's no wonder la.... you kidnapped her son, so she wants to revenge to kidnap yr kids....

My life is also over when bb is born, everyday, I will return to ...




積分: 428

發表於 07-10-24 23:49 |只看該作者
Hi all mom, MonMonBB

How are you?

I am a working mom. I work in San Francisco. I think it is a quite good job. I have an alternative working schedule. I only go to work 9 days in two weeks. It is not easy to take care the kids in US because we don't have a maid to help you finish all the house work. ME is the maid at home. We always say that the working moms have two jobs. After leaving the office, we start our second jobs. That's the reason I always feel tired.

My son and his cousin in HK both are six years old boys. His cousin is more clever, knowledgeable. My son only knows how to play and eat. In fact, my son learns less in the school. His cousin knows lots of mathe, english and chinese. The only good thing is my son who likes to stay in the school. He said he had a lot of fun in the school.

At the beginning of the US life, I had lots of hard time. Thanks God, my kids were so nice that made me easier to overcome all the difficulties.

原文章由 MonMonBB 於 07-10-24 12:22 發表
I also wish my girl will come to eight years old soon. I can talk with her as she can understand what I say. Aprt from taking care of them, do you have to work?


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-25 00:17 |只看該作者
Hi starpiglet,

My mother-in-law wants to live with her son, the eldest son, my husband. She wants her grand kids to grow up with her and stick to her. She doesn't feel alone when she plays with my kids. And she doesn't want us to move out and she can't see my kids and her son all the time. Meanwhile, she said she had a really really hard time with her mother-in-law when she was eighteen (she married my father-in-law when she was eighteen). Maybe I told her that her bad experience won't happen on me. If I were she, I would move out and try to avoid visiting this unreasonable mother-in-law. She said she doesn't want me to have those bad experience and she said she knows my generation won't accept those "oldies". She respects our lives and she knows how to "attract" us to stay with her. In fact she is a good mom, she loves my kids so much and she is willing to take care of them with her heart.

She is more happy when we came to US to live with her. She has a good feeling that she is a very important person (she never has this feeling before) when she lives with us. That's why she tries to bribe us.

原文章由 starpiglet 於 07-10-24 13:41 發表
suecheung, 咁你就幸福la, 有mother-in-law幫手, 我亞媽係街精, 老豆年紀大, 佢唔駛我地照顧都已經好好, parents-in-law 只識玩bb, 不會教或湊, 為免仲壞, 自己頂住lor....

rose-mag, 做人新袍什艱難, 99永遠係1 ...


積分: 171814

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-10-25 03:50 |只看該作者
My hubby is not my 99's only son, actually not her son. She's his stepmother and my hubby has a younger brother but not married yet. The only kid she gave born to is the sister who lives in the East of US. What my 99 did is just to bad-mouth us in front of the other relatives. She always plays angel in front of the relatives and bad-mouth every person in the family, particularly my 62. Therefore, a lot of my hubby's relatives think that my 99 is very good and my 62 is a devil. The truth is that they are both no good and they have a very unhappy marriage.

Now, my 99 wants to play a powerful and influential person in the family but we don't buy it. My hubby knows that she's evil and we really don't want to care about what she did but it's just so irritating that she has done so much to hurt us. My hubby's relatives or his sister will call us and lecture us on how bad we did to her mom and why we did not appreciate her work. She gave my hubby a check for my daughter and my hubby forgot to cash in for maybe 2 months. She told her daughter that my hubby did not like her gift to the grand-daughter and not respectful to her. Actually, we were too busy to go to bank. Why can't she just ask us directly but made her unreasonable comments? She always has hinden agenda on what she do and talk. So, I would minimize the chance to talk to and to see her.

Sue, you are so lucky that your 99 is so considerate and she's so wise to not to repeat what her 99 had done. My 99 also complained that her 99 was so mean to her but what she has done made me think that she deserves it and I'll not act chicken.


積分: 428

發表於 07-10-25 04:31 |只看該作者
Hi Rose,

My story is quite funny. Before we came, my 99 lives with my's youngest brother. After he got married, he moved out. 99 always went out to play mahjong, went shopping all the time. My 62 doesn't like to go out with my 99. (Their interest is totally different) I think my 99 was so lonely. She said she seldom stayed at home in the past. After we came to USA, my 99 was so active to do everything for us. A year ago, I woke up at 6:00am to make lunch box for my daughter. This year, my 99 said my daughter didn't like my lunch box. She likes what my 99 made for her. My 99 became an important person at home now. Now she went back to HK and China for a month. Before she left, she said if we can't take care everything, remember to call her, she could cancel the trip and come back earlier. She becomes the boss and she is so happy to incharge everything at home.

She said she doesn't want to be lonely old woman in the future. My husband said she can get reward from what she did. The most valuable prize is that my younger son likes her so much because she cooks food for him.

原文章由 rose-mag 於 07-10-25 03:50 發表
My hubby is not my 99's only son, actually not her son. She's his stepmother and my hubby has a younger brother but not married yet. The only kid she gave born to is the sister who lives ...


積分: 92753

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 07-10-25 12:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 suecheung 於 07-10-25 04:31 發表
Hi Rose,

My story is quite funny. Before we came, my 99 lives with my's youngest brother. After he got married, he moved out. 99 always went out to play mahjong, went shopping all the time. My 62 doe ...




積分: 79

發表於 07-10-25 13:37 |只看該作者
Yeah, the probability of having a good 99 is 1/1,000,000,000.....

我亞嫂都頂唔順我亞媽, 我自己有時都頂唔順自己媽媽啦, 不過, 我可以話番佢... 亞媽話女可以話佢, 新袍唔可以好似女咁話佢, 老豆都話亞女惡的鬧佢係得既, 新袍唔得.

我都係好少同99講野, 廢是講錯說話比佢抽稱. 我老公打少一日電話比佢都喊苦喊忽, 出trip都要天天打比佢, 真係"痴錢"... 我62都拍左佢, 長期番鄉下避左佢

我亞媽有時都會過US幫家姊湊kids, 好似suecheung mother-in-law一樣, kids極度刷婆婆shoes, 唔淮我家姊鬧婆婆in all situation, 因我亞媽會煮好野比kids, 我亞媽有好大成就感及be respectful


